Created: 1/1/1945

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible



Hoontalneinpoint near twofihwiei lp theof Bad-Tola South


of Munich/, Thepinpoint for him haa not definitely been decided but

* where

conversation he baa atatcd that he

he eaaad be dropped nearby. Via dergyoan

a whoa he haa absolute confidencea Swlae doctor ln whoa he


ittle leaa confidencehom he lntenda neoui

he would feel more at home with hiB own Identity rather thanoaplelely falaeof papera. Thooe people who know his phyalcal appearance will be aware of him even though he baa falae papera and goesalea

He haa oneutacher Beleepaeauhrerschela. He would like to have over and above thla, on AuomuBlerungscholn on the grounda of hie physical dlaabllltyhrpaea if this lt necetaexy. Hia aeak phyBlcque would on the face of it make absence from the aehrmochtjjlaualble. Hi* chief desire la tha wayaper la the ao-colled Spear,f which are laaued te prominent englneera ln vari< working for the German ministry of Production of which Speer ie the minister (hence the name). London has Informed ue that they have no samples of the Speer Aueweia. Only two men ore known by Moonohine to have lt ln StraeBburg. both of whom ore interned and have not been


located. lll making every possible effort to locate this. On the

assumption thatave not been able toample of lt, Koeashine

should be given, and his professional competence would Justifyirculation

pass such as Is given to the top englneera in various large lnduattial concerns auch as the Herman Coerlng Werka, WW, Keaserachmltt. Thla document should

provide him with the means of travelling around without having to produce

a Beechelnlgun.

et of documents in him own name, he wouldomplete falae set of papera which wouldennkarte, wehrpneseraoneauaweia leither aa au employeed engineer ln tha Qerman railroad or againig factory, -his document should give bin rank of such importance that be should be able to travel quite easily on the document, again obviating the necessity ofeachelnlngun.

He cannotto the Konlgsee region where he wasear ago becauao

he la well known there and becauaa he waa warned that the Gestapo were aware

of hia


should be given Joan and Eleanor training and uae thlaegular means of communicating with us until andadio tperator can be aent Into him. Over and above Joan and Eleanor training, if it la poaalble to arrange he should berief aolo course ln SI work In Germany. The reason for this is that the man whlla Mlllant haa. aa ha elated, led an abetract life and becauae of hia unworldllneas due to hia sincerity ami honesty la not aware of the little tricks of Intelligence work.

While ln London Moonshine ahould be Introduced to the Target group working

A for the 9th Air Force. He haa great knowledge of the large

manufacturing plants of Southern Germany and electrical power systems on

the basis of which he could contribute up to date and highly pertinent loformatl

Original document.

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