Created: 1/1/1945

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rabih, hathin (cont'd)

subject haa contacted jlna mary brodillihi, who agreed to assist the japs in the location of certain chinese guerilla units, operating in the battlement or the french conceaaion. by pretending to supply them with anaunition. subject haa been known to boast that- heormer "chicagoin order to solicit the good gracea of the jap secret service section. bis contacts include rudolph mayer, captain toshinobu kith abar. nishitabei, i. ooftjra,rs. "aoamij subject it also associated withbqi8serib, aid george hoshikoxa. he has been known to try to elala american citizenship, saying that he waa born in bay cits michigan; is known toenerally bad egg, wholly unscrupulous, frequently seen drunk and armed, and defying either french town or settlement to arrest him;pecial *ap passport. other relativesrother-in-law. of mrs.r. gurevitch, who owns and operates the shobur pharmacy, avenue joffrw, shanghai; and b. ivofy, proprietor of regal pharmacy, bubbling well road, shanghai.

lb. chisholm,8 don chisholm) subject is ab^utold, reliably reported to have been born in

baltimore,he sonean atarkopkina university, who died subject's brother. jack chisholm, is known to have lived in baltimore. records reveal that subject was arrested in san franalsco,,ugitive, having been, charged with grand larceny, arrested again in sacramentonroute to hew york for felony, and wanted in hew lorkor larceny. ormer wife, *arlon beatrice keipsfl, has broadcast from berlin for the germans, although, according to her mother, mrs. henry dieckha5n, of *t. eden,her last known addroaa waa madrid; she divorced subject sbbject is now known toewspaperman in shanghai; haseekly scandal-sheet called the "shoppinghich, even before pearl aarbor, fretted the britishwith nasty remarks and implications. subject claimsf all americans in shanghai duplicate his feelings for the british, who are noted for their "arrogance, greedyness, and ill-concealed contempt for americans". subject served in the american *avy in british waters during the last war, and is now looked upon by americans asraitor. prom decembert least untilnd probably much later, he broadcast nightly over station xmha, shanghai, long and short wave, with anti-british sentiment rampant, and pro-jap sympathy apparent.


obert (cont'd)

He was Interned in the Bridge House In the springiven the "silent treatment" by fellow-Americans there, he finally broke down and tried to convince others that the Japs had forced hla to read news from Domei, Transocena, Tass. Havas, Reuters, and Stephanie agencies, and take over Carroll ALCOTT's newscasts; says he gainedto delete all objectionable copy. It is said that he has instructed the Press Bureau to turn overonthly salary to the American Civilian Relief Subsequently released from Internment, an- action which renewed rumors' that hetool-pigeon, heossiblyfall downstairs, with reports at variance as to the extent of his injuries. Some say that his back was fractured, others that several ribs were broken; in any event, he has spent weeks in the cast, possibly thru an agreement with the attending physician, to avoid further contacts with the Japs. s said that he has since applieduppet Chinese citizenship, and may have resumed his broadcasts. Hia current wife is Russian.

For further information, suggest you contact Carroll ALCOTT.

HOT,HOT, Herbert Erasmus)ofhief broadcasteron the German radio stationsince the outbreak Of the war.operated the Evening Postten years ago, subject was employed

a year in the Hew York bureau of United Press. He has renounced his American citizenship, and his comments are powerfully anti-American, anti-British, and pro-Axis, although he has been sAld to speak with sincerity and conviction, claiaing to be sympathetic to the Chinese, and refusing to have any dealings with the Hanking factions. It is believed that the Germans have issued 'safe conduct' papers to hia, in lieu of an actual *azi passport. He writes his own argumentative material, and is given considerable leeway to say what he please aping Goebbels in his writing. Is reported, Ins having formerly written for th* pro-Axis magazine "Shanghaihose editor was Dr. Klaus HEHNKRT; Ibis magazine was issued by the German Far Eastern Radio Station XGRS, and appeared in Hawaii and California. It Is suggested that aubjeot may now be involved in the publication ofap Shanghai propaganda vehicle.

Original document.

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