Created: 2/22/1945

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

WEEKLY liKPORT (Februarync.)


Area headquarters is atill at Mongai Major Sherman.Joost,a area comrander/but is currently with the 1ste flew Into ita strip at Jdlfflan ont.

ittjor Joost will coordinate the operations of the 1st, 2nd and 6th Battalions in the campaign around Las hlo. Slmllllarly Major Newell Brown will go to the 5th Strips at3 and coordinate Its activities with the 3rd Battalion, He will leave ond,

At the first of ihe weekttfor Joost went todiscussed the plana for the attack on Lashio by the aJoarioan He conferred with General Cannon who disuaded hiaooby the.

General Cannon explained that the AKR hadrilliant record to date and that such an attack by the Ka chins might be disastrous and result in many unnecessary casualties. He also pointed out0 Chinese soldiers would be ready to attack Lashio within three weeks. However, he informed liajor Joost that if the opportunity presented itself that it was all right for the AKR to launch an all out attack. Harrassing of the Japs ln the area was still the major assignment for the chins at present. Gen. Cannon .explained.

comraunication has nowestablished so that the battalions can contaot each other without delay and' coordinate their activities. Every member of the AKR has had one goal since enlisting and that is to tike Lashio. This will be done if Kajor Joost feelsinimum amount of lives will be lost. The Kachlna have all been promised discharges



after Laahlo haa fallen, ery few only -xri expected to remain in the service


for ths push southt

During the absence of "ajora Joost and frown, affsira at Mongwl will be handled by tiajor John Raise and 1st Lt, P. Sort R, Hodenborg, 2nd Lt Arohle L, I'onham will be in charge of the radio net at iiaadquartera.

The drop situation has not shown ouch latprovenant during the week. Required aaounts of rloe ware hot received by nost battalions. Drops also failed to aooe through on schedule, (See individual 3attallons) Captain Bogdan, Dinjan supply of Hoar is scheduled to comeongwit ia hoped that solution will be worked out once and for all as the supplying of the battalions at thia critical Juncture in the cam aign Is most Imperative,

Thereix-up in mall on thsh when letters written toStates by men ln the 1st, 2nd and 5th Battalions were returnedfrom Bhamo. There were also letters addressed to bnaedepartraents. Fortunately the letters ware sent out by lightsame afternoon, Cpl.ritis- enlisted man of the 1stthat his mail to England mas ^oing astray aa his family hadfrom him in ever three.

Itr. Zao Lawn, who has ben in charge of AKR affairs In Slnlumkaba since thr moving of eadquarters to Uongwi, arrived her* onh. He brought withortable prinitlng press and willinature newspaper for thedle re and their families. He left onh with tfajor Jotat for the 1st Battalion and will visit the 5th before returning here.

As yet no salt has beeno Slnlumkaba sinceotal0onth t. the Inhabitants of the area had been previously arranged, Arrangem*mta are ourrently underway to drop0 pounds by the end of the wroth as onlyere dropped during January,

During the week tha Air Corps announced that it would bum all tha underbrush on both sides of the road in order to facilitate the movements of tanks toward Lashio. The battalions were warned .hen the news waa received and in Corned to give ample notice in case they intend to set night ambushes along the road. Theill be continued during the period of the bright moon.

Onajor Joostase to have the new Civil Affairs Servioe officer at Slnlumkaba to turn over all funds thus far collected from the sale of salt in tbe area, un his arrival there around thef theMr. Zao Lawn turned all proceeds over to hla. Major Jo at intends the money to be used for the erJf it of the people in the area. Pereonr.el Changes' and Arrivals and Departures During the weak the following oaise from basei

Lt. Col, Jaok T. Shannon, 1st Lt. Charlesutter,fo. Itudolphc, Albert fiagner, Pfo. George Tomeselbourne Raokett (from sick leave) arrived from base. Lt. Daniel tfudrlniohgt. Shigeto Uezawu arrived fron th 1st and 3rd battalions respectively. Vt. Zao Lawn also arrived from 3harao.

llajor Joost and sr. Zao Lawn went to the 1st Battalion, "ajor Joost, Lt. Denhan and -ajor I'amra allo Suumo ut the first of the week for conferences and retunred on the' following day. 1st Lt. J,ergei son ETSimaxaaknaPlanes retorned to twee. Li flt Planes

During the week at least one light plane was in each day and sonetinieB three or four. These planes were used to get drops and person el to the various battalions as well as evneuation of wounded. Supplyon wi There have been noj iost3 for this headquarterar .arynd it is doubted ifI'b will be needed for drops here, Li Jit planes can adequately fill most any request. However, there has been no mail drippe- since the tenth, e hassked to send it by light plane.


Major Newell Brown, Area Exec, and Int.o leave for 5th ixi.d.

1st Lt. Sooart Rodenbsrg, Area Supply and Reports Off.

2nd Lt. Archie L. Denham, Area Commo Off.

T/Sgt. Robert DeWaeae, Uedio

7/Sgt. John Karaen,

S/Sgt, Robert B. Cete, Crypt. NGO

T/li MelbournePadlo NCO

oger Caapbell, Pigeoneer

Cpl. Lyle Estelle, radio Cper.

erry Ganaw, Radio Oper.

ohn Beaverkov, Radio Oper,

Pfo. Larrabee Johnson, Crypt

Pfo, Raymond Loraski, Crypt


Pfc. Aioert Aagner, Radio Oper.

ohn Conley, Crypt

Nikeadio Oper.

let Lt.utter,od.-:

Major Edward Hanm, feO, on temporary duty here.

Lt. Col. Jack T. Shannon, Observer, to 7th Bn, on 2lith.

Pfc, Rudolph Tate, to 7th Bn. on


Firat Battalion headquarters la stm at Kaunghko9 with drop field at kan-Kang ST. An airstrip that was previously usedoiaian? is now oeing utilized by the battalion. Captain Joseph La sarsky lo battalion ccarander.

The company under It, Mu^irlnioh at i'anhtamU that was ln joint operations with the Fitshug'i company of the 2nd Battalion has been withdrawn together with the other company. The two rad considerable contact with the Japanese during thet of the week and onh were


driven out of the village. Onh both con anyea were withdrawn from

the area. Both companies moved beck intoa few hours after they were driven out. The final withdrawal was because of lack of ammunition.

This battalion conp'ained atrenously about supply drops either

being late or inadequate. Onh Captain "atarsky reported that the

company was completely out of food and that drops received onh

h onlyounds of food which, he pointed cut, was

nut sufficientingle company. Also .azarsky claimed that base

said they had not received previous an-uniticn requests from him but that

bad definitely placed detailed requests threw tlae previously.

Pat (Britiah Captain Pat Quinn) Is still at headquartersBattalion, Kachln Agent Tang and his party reported to Pat on theand will be sent out shortly to establishdlo-dntelligenoe

killed at3 near 'anhtaa. They were identified as aeabers of the medical unit ofh Division.

aps killed at3 In engagement at Manhtaa during which the.oonpanias of the 1st and 2nd battalions were driven out but later returned. (Additional casualties this sklmalsh/ In 2nd Battalionape kllldr ek destroyedapaklnnaps killed at NahoioBltlons oft.

Bn. Hq, at Kaunghko. oys at headquartersoy at Inallong Battalion. Supplys

Drops reoeived,.


Captain Joseph Lazarsky, Battalion Conoander Captain Robert B. C. Franklin, Area Sur eon 'let Lt. Ralph Xaapuko, Nisei Lt, Edgar W. Hartaaan, jr. 2nd It. Kennethgt, Eric Eckhart, Combat let Sgt. William J. Pettigrow,gt, Leander P. Jonee, Crypt Cpl. Bert Reeves, Radio .operator pfc. Robert V. Lewis, Combat Ounner Oliver, Combat

1st Lt. Daniel Uudrinlch left the battalion on the :oth to go on leave. He had been in the field foronths witnout break,



Seoond Battalion he^quartera waa moved to NemtaungU on lat Lt, Philip Qrlmwood ia battalion ocMaaander,

Supplies for thia battalion ImproTad slightly at the end of the weak, Lt. Grlawood wired congratulationsrop raceired ont, Earlier, however, onh, he had complained about receiving one plane of rice and soap with very little else. If' also haa complained abcil the lack ofations.

Lt. Fitshughompany waa ib action with the Japaneseearlier in the week. (See 1ST

Nineteen Japs were killedesult of air action at Loingu onh. This action had previously boon requested by Orimwood. Operationals killed at Manhtam. (The 1stt the sameap killed in attempt to dislodge Japs from well dug-in positiona around Manhtam from1 to the railroad track atap killed near Kongmupak

Battalionebruaryn, Rq, at Uamtaung, oys at Knnkongoy at Kongmupak

Supply Drops

Drops receivedh and1 Personnel

lat Lt, Phillip Orimwood, Battalion Commander

Captain Daniel Barnwell,oy

1st Lt. Norman R. Lara, CO Coy

2nd Lt. Robert Pltzhugh,oy

ruett, Crypt

Sgt. Richardiiei

Sgt. lawrence Gal*

Sgt. Oustave Gerebeak

hristopher Rubio, Hadio Oper.

liana. Radio .per,

Cf- *



Third 3ettallon headquarters ia currently at Naar/iu ST5th Battalion headquartera. 1st it, ThossasChamalee

Tha Third Battalion is now combining operations with tha Fifth and both will coordinate their approach on Laahio.

lhroughaut the week the battalion has bem on the neve and Chanalea had an opportunity to. 'Jriiavood,ritish Captain Quinn) and Captain laxaroky enroute.

One hypenla waa wounded by an accidental nleflre onh, Flans totrip there for his evacuation were made and base was asked to standbyemolitionowever, the soldier died from his wounds.

Operational Activities Patrolling and local activity only. No casualtiesr aaceived. Battalioneb.ntire battalion in an around Namyau. Supplys ' Drops received,h.

One plane that attempted to drop ammunition onh to the Battalion was from the ground by Japaneee, This plane then dropped from an altitude0 feet and the supplies were scattered all over the ground and away fron the drop grounds. The supply load contained aocunitlon.

erson; el Roster 1st Lt. Thomas T. Chamalee, Battalion Coarander

f^nm, Vadioal Officar

&)tegixa Sgt. Quentin Enos

Cpl, Robert Laurel

eath Edwards

Pfo. Al Dobbersteir.

Pvt. Ernest toohea

Peter Carotin, ie Cper.

S?Sgt. Shiceto Maaawa returned to base onh.




Fifth Battalion headquartera is still at anghpyet3

with Captain Iaxum Tang coemandlng.

Its operations will be combined with the 3rd at tall on. Major

KewsU 3rown will Join both battalions ond aa coordinator.

Supply has beenlllagere froa the area near

Lashio which is oeing heavily bombed by the Air Corps reported to Battalion


Hq, for shelter and focd. An ad itlonalequested for feeding.

An aire rip is being constructed there for the evacuation of wounded and landing of new personnel. Jy working all night oft the, strip is due to be completed ond. pecial drop of demolitions wae made onh.

Oneh an energenoy bl od plasma drop by light plane was made to th* battalion in an effort to save the lifeounded hypanla. He died later in the day.

Intelligent onh repealedaps dressad inhad cap tu red two villagersoaeguard soldier at h'anplng SThas not been definitely confirmed in itsi

At Panghpyet throughoutith local activityprlyi7's

Drops were received onh, and included supp ios, demolitions, ammunlnltlon and food. Ii planes. Operational Activities

rucks dee troy edehan ST 6uu8.

stimated (but unchecked)oap easualtiea at flanhpai

ypenalounded. Villager alao killed, orewaa wound'd during engagement

ap killed near railway at Others believed killed

or wounded by mortar action.

aps killed at-Hamyao. In action ln surrounding are*

3illagers were killedypenlas wounded.

erson, el Pffiter

Captain lazum Tang, Battalion Convaander Captain Arthur Brunatad

1st Lt. Walter A.

2nd' Lt, John ITillian Brough

Sgt, James VcKinlet,

heichi Kurashi, Nisei Cpl, Floyd Mavea

Pfo. Theodora Chadsey, Radio and Crypt Pfo, Warren Goodenighi


Sixth Battalion headquarters is currently at Var.kwe

Wajor Robert Belaney and Uajor Kyaw Thu are joint commanders.

Tha Sixth Battalion has beer, on the move recently but *ae ordered

to hold up at Uankwe on the loth awaiting further orders from tamta Major

Joost after he arrived at 1st Battalion headquarters/ onh.

Operational Aotivltias

Minor patrol action only.

Battalioneb. 21

Bn. Hq. at Mankwe. Platoons at LoinguenglheU and

' lolship0 to feel out strength of JapH along the road.

GI Personnel

Uajor Robert Delaney, Battalion Co-commander

Major Kyavt Thu, Battalion Co-coraraander

1st Lt. Doulasartin, Coy CO

Snd Lt. Palmer L. Hanson, Coy 00

2nd Lt. Leroy J. Aright, Coy CO

. Pierre D. Head

Sgt. Paul Froberg

Alleyadio and Crypt

supplyVa Dropsh. The Sixth also was short of rice during the drops.

Ii)fit' iOI* %


vv'l I -

sevehtj: battalion

Seventh Battalion heed juartera is currently ot Longtawkno3ithutken as battalion comtaander, mall detail was left to guardairstrip nearosngwe3 (st).

Agent'WnWnx (also known as. reported to Lutken'a heal quarters onh, Me walked to itongwl and was flowno Bhano onh.

The assistant superintendent of Tawngpeng State was taken into custody onh and is being held there pending further questioning. The Namhean Sawbwa who has ben cooperating with Lutken Is also still there. He will be flown out shortly.

edial enlisted man was flown into the 7th Ba. onh. Lt, Col. Jack T. Shannon is scheduled to go In as an observer withinnext few days.

Operationalaps killed, many wounded In Jungle near Inspection Bungalow at Canaan apa killed along trail at0 by ambush party,

rucks damaged or destroyed along road atU withbazookas abd BAR's, ere four trucks, Jap casualties unknown.

AKR losses during these last two actions are 2

Moved during week. Now at Longtawkno3 with outposts in vicinity. Supplyn theupply request that had been requestedaterv'liafi dropped in without notice. This postponed the battalion movement for swveral days.

GI Personnel

ior Peter Lutken, Battalion Commander Hercy linger, Sausen an'- Ernie Carl E.t, Gordon S. Totten

John A. ,

. Wesley Richardson, Pfo. Tfia,urUs Sohults,iclood/

Original document.

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