Created: 1/30/1945

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


S - MEMO..

to: ymji&L*

Prom 5



Thank you for your Memo. No.he contents of which

I have carefully noted. ave often been in doubt as to how

I should refer to Creep items, in ay weekly telegram, which

do not carry aneference number. Now it is

clear from your fcemo.halleference number/letter

for whateveray creep, either local purchases,

r from our American friends. .


To: fT

Your Memo. No. It is quite correct8 did not2 instructions to proceed to Stockholm. ave them to blm I aw htm on the morning ofh and told him to get busy with the authorities so that he could travel in the evening. He was to come up to oe and report whether everything was set

rigmaroleherefore wired you accordingly as per tel. eft no doubt in his mind that he was tc report to Friggagatan as soon as he could, and they would fix up the appointment with you. This is what you said when you were down here. m afraidelt that it was up to the Danes to cjpe with him,egarded the fact thut you did not react to Far. B. of my wire,igneed not worry any more about nim. Sorry, slicker service next time 1

2. Your, A. resume that no comment is expected from meo not know anything about the contents of your Tel.o H. Q.

Original document.

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