Created: 2/26/1945

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TOi amilton.

SUBJECT: Wehrpaas of Josef Hoffmann,Operation FEDALA. Dear .Tedi

Herewith the Wehrpaas madeabove name for our moat wot Hint reerult whose realhe ,

Bach Colt ln London. Ho hagtparoto objections to it ta^trHot which hohink we must aak you, to moke him

new ono.Ho li auppoaod to fly the laat night or two of thla soon,o boh. Meanwhile ho ia going tc sco hia wife in Arloa today,and will bo brought bock aa aoon aa hia papers aro ready.So will you look things over and cablo mo what day you oan have thorn filled out.Ho la being photographed before departuro^so you should aond down tht grown* ts, ma chine and necessary stamps, to attach it hero.

Tho principal teak la to add lacking info to the London pass,ppend tho auggostlons as discussed with hlm^nttraberod according to hia own typed list of objections.

2 promote him to Oborgrenadier onnd to Oofroltort was thenpart of thonf.Div. This div waa transferred from South Russia to Franco in tho summer2 end returned to Russia inIt had heavy losses in Taganrog in the summerWP'of KAPONIOmust of oourso have oofroltor

2.He Is. onnd discharged. onShould there not thereforeoten reality holiver trouble,anemia and stomach troublo.Ho auggestaentry like tost5 of ROTH horowlth,whor* don't know tho numbers of his allmtnta.but maybe you do (theythet taken from tho notebook you plokod up at thoofent you,end another copy of which la ln aIntelligence ln my olosetou mayospitalwho could tell you.Thla entry can b* in pen,andooond suchittlewithdo no harm.Below shouldinaltho bottom

one of ROTH's,but4 with stamp of Geneaenden-Koapanie,Qren.5 ofP herewith for mbdfl.The discharging authority7 ahould be tills earn* Geneaonden-Korapanie,with signature and stamp of Hauptmann u. Kompanie-Fuehrer aa onf you think that auoh an authority can grant Entlaaaungen,or whether it ahould bs grantedeereaentlaasungsatelle aa la done ln aomeon't know much. discharges ,but would guesa that tho Komp. lahould put in stamp aa6 of REIVERS' WPsort*.Behandlung erfordlich (omit nicht) ith name of Oen.Koap.Orennstood oftaap as7 of REIKBRS,but with pen entrioo aa follows I

i. 1 7

' 0 XaaxjtBaxg Webmo ldtamt


The laauing unit should of course be



Thla takes oare of his objection ffZ onO add in lnk,ab2 of KAPONTO,33 Kaempfe in Suedruaalend."

4 add in inknheilbarea inneraa Leidenwith stamp ofanotation In different hand from first medical exam Innsaeredbove.nsweredbove.la objection auatalnad.

s7 of KROMBACH's WP herewith,adda Wahrsold stamp8 orentriea on these pages should of course baahraold stamp withor Wahraold and Naturelverpfl.Date of stampssued by Qen.Xomp.Oren Rgt.

1 add atempi aa follows,as1 of KERNER's WP

Anaelduna wahraaldsamt

Ab "



Abmeldung Brealau li oadtted on purpoaa at hla auggastlon,dua to preaant conditions' there.

n apaceignature aaf KRUM-BACH's.

I have no lata books to verify this,but ha says to enter In Ink7 "Komiaiaaarisoh Sachunterauoht-Zuetand unveraendert-Beaserung 1st nloht zo erwarten. Standort-Lazarett Brealau II" with signature

end stamp

aveed EntlaBaungaachaln,and ha is willing to forego lt. Wa must,however,remake tha attached white one made in London,ohanglng Qrenadier to Qefreitar and tha atanp fromtl. toI don't know whether you have any blanka,and am cabing London thla PH to send youThla of course will affeot yourof completion date.

eresa" to "Theresa".

There may ba dupHbatlone,even errora,ln thla letterjit is complicated by my own ignorance of tha subjeot,so sake changes if you think beat.He has baan over lt withm sure you osnot better than London. Tha main thing la to do lt right,together with tha nehrpasa in his own name as par my! saconfl latter herewi th,even if he has to wait

till next moon to take off.


Yours very aincarely,

Oeorga L. Howe/o'

Original document.

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