Created: 2/24/1945

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eo 45 .

' JJC/jwdg'

MO : 5

SUBJECT: Military Information,OTrfIGSHiVS0/HASHHSIM fcrea.

See Distribution.

The following information was submitted to the undersigned by anSSS agent who was passed through the German linee at0 hours, He returned to the same location onebrip LUDWIQSHAVEN/ KaNBHSIM. See text for date of information.nless otherwises ettached sketch for itinerary end dates.


Atgent saw fortification beinga west of EIHSIEDUH-m?onsisting of an AT ditch, dragon's teeth.

At the EIHSIEDLERHQF station, agent saw ammo being loadedrain. abbo was broughtocd south of station, eriodour he saw

0 torucko coming out cf station-loaded with ammo. on-com in riarge of loading told him area had been booharded several times, but only tho station was the target, not the onsoump is atccording to the non-con. It ie built into hillside and is Just south of crossroad. .

3: All of the trains on trip were crowded, but passengers were stragglers rejoining their units,ew civilians. Ho Volkoturm were seen on train.


HAlGJHBIrtth Landeaochuetzen Bn is located1st Co in MANNHKIit;o in MAINZd and 4th Cos in Agent was told this by an armorer forth Bn and this info

was confirmed by two other people. The equipment ofth: let Co hasenHO. The CP ofth is located at the Volkschule at the corner of Wasserturm and Rosengarten Strasse. ,

Signals platoon ofnf Regt was in HaMKHSIrt on


Agent saw Signal Co of Luftwaffe at old airport in HAffilHEIli.

At KAISURWLLHELH Barracks in HAffilHELi is the 1st Co ofh Schwere Artillerie BrsaU Abteilung.

Oneb00 agentmmo trains originating in DARMSTADTeaving KANUH3IU for HALLE Tho trains hadoars. roop transport left the same time for the same destination.




Ltr, Ha 7thSS, Keftdub J: "Military ZnforaationArea." (cont'd)

9. The station oaoter at HiHMHBIH said that in transporting troope, units of all types, even companies, are^eplit up and assigned to various trains. Bvery transport guarded by troops and carriesn Flak vierling Just behind the .enginears behindm solo flak. In middle of train there ism #lak vierling. On last car of train is another eolo flak, iha eaxae is true of all trains except regular passenger tralnB. These defensee wero observed by the agent himself, and on several occasions the details wore confirmed by others to whom he spoke.

TheVolksturra in HaHNHBlM is not armed at yet and has been used for digging.

11. In HAHHHBIM no tanks, and no SP guns werem traffic avoids hAHMHSIK and goes through FRI^RECHSFfiU)

traffic oa Rhino *iver in MaNHHSIrt area because river has beenshipping is at present on the Heckar Bivcr and the Rhine barges are being

loaded and goods put on Heckar barges* .

agentump is located betweon ZLBBRSTADT and FKffiHFTMt tne northera Polat of tho triangle formed by RR and thoroad. This dump containe ammo for howitsers and cannon, rifle, MS, pansorfaust, haad grenades, the size of this dump is unknown to agent.

Agent saw no signs of units from GOLKAR pocket in MAHHHSIMiebruary:

A Gorman experiment to discover means of protecting armor from pansey-faost discovered that about 3cm of concreteet ia sufficient protection. .

1?. Trains between LUDUIGSHAVENnd KAlSSRSLAUT3RHere crowded with Volkoturm and troops returning from hospitals.

The only troops observed in HOCHSPJStSRereoS Feldgendarmerie.

2 outarracks located2 on the side of road half way between HOCHSPBYKR and KalSSRSLaUTSRH have been destroyed by bombing. Two Intact barracks aro occupied by Yolketurm and troops coning from hospital.

Between HOCHSPEYBR and KalSERSLaUTiffiH00 hours,w aboutehicles moving in both directions. Ofore


Ltr, Hq 7thSS, Reftdubl: "Kilitarv.^ea."

21. The frontleitstelle In JUlsERSL.iUTJiHK is located at Hildcgarde Kaserne. Cookingono for an avoragoen.

23. There wero no fixed troope observed in JLAlSStLJJTKftK. So motor vohiclce woro scan but agent couritod aboutoorse-drawn vehicles. roops seen were transients. Ho tracked vehicles teen.

23. SSRSLiUTtfRHBRITCKSH, Volkstura has been drafted but not armed.


.igont sav only onetank inark IV concealedridge.

On return trip agont saw no traffic coning from EIBSIEDERKOF dumoin par 2.

26. On road botween KAlSEHSLuUCBRK and SAaHBRUCESN barricades of earth and to? road blocks woro observed everyms.

37. Inl) agent saw no tracked vehicular traffic.

IuJJTSfct to ST lUGBZRThereardin good condition. PromBBauCXM, hard surfaced roadpoor condition.


HKUKKIRCnaHuch traffic Was observed by personnelautomobile. and civilian car. Allere atregglers

numberingen are locatedarracks

n the wood betweeniaiRCwaJ.


)ank repair depotuildings located atn BS eldo of RR crossing from HXUUEXBGimf.

33. ^gent talked to tank aechanic In his ehou. Kan said Baren Tank Div had been expected at LuJDWEILER byeb but had not arrived that date. Theso tanksew King Tiger which belonged to the Baren Div. There werether tanks of vorlouB sizes, mostly (larkand V'a. -igent saw the new King Sl^er. one Hark IV and one Mark V. The mechanic stated he thought tanksaired would be assigned to the Baren Div upon arrival, mechanicea Div would have its CPsWEILSR and would be committed byeb.


SS' *Jef Nodtdeb eubJ: -MlitaryArea,

Home of CG of thla div unknown but ho ie reported to hold the Knights CrossIron


saw flashes and heard sound which ho identifiedmmgoing from areabetwesn bocycle raca-reoOxso SW.of SaARBRUCKSHO,to the PQRBACH xoad. Agent saw no troops and do guns in position.

00 hrs,eb, all troops inKnd ZISOELHOJexceptere moved back to SA^RUCKSN. Agent1 LFHmmo train said to belong toth Bn.

Radio station at SCHOSHECK in tho water tower at There ie an obscrvor in the tower.

viaductao eastern arch heavily mined and guarded.

The rood running parallel to and south of tho Soar and east of BR -rocke is barricaded and blocked by barbed wiretone wall about li ydsandds wide at

n CLdREMTKAL, CPren Eegt was located0 hears. The commanding colonel is located in the same building.


Throughout the trip agent observed no large or integrated troop movements. All traffic observed on road, in trains, and in towns was nado up of casuala, stragglers, and soldiers roturning from hospitals.

On the RR line betweennd LUDl/IGSHAVEN only train traffic is at night, and00 hours in tho morning.

i?1" 9 nece8Barv t0 change at KAIST!SSLaUTERM and HOCHSPfiYKR because the BR line is broken in that soction. TheRR line from HQCKSPSYER to LUDWIGSKoVES ia unbroken. Between LUDWGSHAVEH and MAUUHEIH there is only one RR in It is used to carry workers and military personnel. Ho civilians arc permitted on the train.

For the Commanding Officer:



Int Off

A" plus each div


Original document.

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