Created: 3/15/1945

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Order of Battle.

a) In making this tour the essential is to form

a careful and calculated estimate of theand equipment of the troops in the town visited. In other owrds, what ie wantedicture of the military forcee in the rear of the front lines, forcee which might be brought into action in the event of aggressive thrusts on our part.Accordingly, negative information ie as valuable as positive information. This time as never before, the agent must attempt to calculate the number of the troops in a

b) The area covered in this itinerary la North of our line and just East of the 3rd Army's XX Corpe. It is quite probable that the unite

which are no* holding the line against XX Corps and which were recently sent to that sector will be forcedesult of 3rd Army's thrust in the North to withdraw and fall back

into regions which might fall into our line of advance. Any evidence that 2nd lltn Div. and 6th SS Utn Div (see sketch of lnalgna) are along Agente route and particularly in the area of St WENDEL will be most interesting.


o) Identificationnits and location of armor are as always important.

d) All details possible on the strngth, location equipment and training of Volkssturm in the back areas.


As many'of the places indicate should be visited.isit will Jeopardize the accomplishment of the Order of Battle Mission or seems to be tooetour on the route, ugent should continue on. The Neunklr-chen situation indicated belowaramdunt importanceust be frtwtUT investigated however.

Preciseepair and supply shop in

Large fuel dumps have been reported between Neunklrchen and Llabaca. This appears to be the great grand daddy of them all and must be investigated with care.

Location of dumps In areu (wooded) south of ITellee Heller, center at

e) Fuel storage reportedds oust of St INGBERT

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Original document.

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