Created: 3/7/1945

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


Major Tofte Captain Thompson Lt. Parsons


1. Late today the question arose, in conversation with Captain 3oyle, as to the manner in which the material from AMilC (if any) is to be handled, beginning with the problem of transcribing the reel. till laterote from Captain Boyle saying he wanted to see me, buteturned to the office ^uite'late he had already leftear that something may have gone wrong. m unable to reach you at your home, since your telephone appears to be out of order, and George's telephone did not answer. on't believe either of tho above-mentioned questions is very serious. To begin with, it isthat there will be any intelligence from ANZIO, since he has been in the fieldeek. If thore isopy of the complete transcript can be handed to Gold,now will use his discretion where operational matters are concerned.

As for the question of transcribing the reel, it has been my understanding that this is one of the duties to bo performed by Captain Boyle's office. In fact, this is set forth in the draft of the Organizational Order of DI? and no change was made in this so farnow.

3. on't believe, then, that either of the questions brought up by Captain Boyle need cause any unsual concern because of ray absence,ope it is not asking too much to requestynopsis of the contact be cabled to 7th Army and Lyonl

Original document.

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