Created: 4/15/1945

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SUBJECT: Critique of AKZIO Intelligence. TO : Hr Henry fl. Hyde, Station

to the front inoure [roi STOTTOAST going way of TUBIIWK. BOTHQfBLEO, HOfiB. JSHILEHSTATT, KWGTitAL.BACH.

oure ha saw nothing deiinitely worthy oflections that he saw disorganised groups going la directionsays that this is true for all aoveaents la toe area. Bo taw alaosthowever. noatieaB that heoloans0 prisoners in all. lieosition fteingof STUTTGART, thla positive info en STUTTGART le of course knowsfact we are bumping Into the positions. Agent oaye he haa travelledln the recien of STOTTCART and never ouw arncred troops or a

a. It is possible of course that^^aeoamTlnade this entire tripnothing worthy of aote. There la an latanglole lack of detailinformstiea on palate which would be latereatlog,which la abut is not necessarily susceptible of planing down fora period ofperiod which may haveoveats. It can be definitely aald, however, tbit there Is no

tBe amlarlml which he gave ua far intelligence or operations

got their teeth into. .

the monthalf which aammnmT1*'OI* and STui*rOARx, Arthur roports aai'y thatbjjo bad "never seen SSthrough ulh Id any quantity." Be will aol/plnaed Cowa as tohas net personally aeen, he sayB, before the 6th of April any offortathe line of the Danube that passes through DIM. (Tb^^oee not accord

what which eeen likely end hacby pril

te>Ai1 who says thatpr h* saw flakrourd the Danube. Again

c coaclualve about the aemewhal econty information available froei,ebuttal.. The great pelat Is that thero le so little detail


a redoubt he says that be bar. never heard any talka move.

skoc concerning depots, factories, barr..ckB full oftc, he had no information to give, saying that all dumps had been aoved frem the region kanf before ho laft reached the ULH region.




only cne poaltlva Installation which hey belag at yet unbcEbea. Thleoabination school, radioeon lonetry center to the HE of ESSLI1CCTni78. Thetories nigh and theref thea In all. Thocovert an area^jtL-abeutre Deters. howed greatthis reportne th* following: "To the east of the

factory and lorvidlately joining thereto la the corner of tho road lo larUia eamp." " la front of tho caap vhlch elves tha nuatteiTeflcS not rememberV Ee dees not know how the buildings of tho Installation are

i.e. Jf .the most westerly arfeonio. or factory, or school, etc. More-

over, prisoners are working In the factory. Moreover, in the factory there areertainrenchf^^BPpeints out that in this region GO toof factory labor loviM not know ho* many people are employed in the factory, nor am has ha vloltod the interior. Bo knows that prisoners work there but has no Idea how aany.

onfess that the presentation of this Information made aa extremely eaeplclsua. The objections to theoro presented as soonad shown an Intorost^and they were presented in a

tollc bg

to tho number of the prison caap also gives so haute.

7, In short, there ie nothing vhleh^BBBBaT^hash thothe tainted report on the factorV)vMch ie obviouslyone cannot reconcile Iton Intelligentand with the net of chtins which be aalntaiasouring Intelligencehas not been able to clve nort concrete ailitary inforaatlon. OneCfcte/garlc&lly that it is laposolble te have seen and remembered asJaanaaajhaK seen accordingly, would ray that far

o ee,ot giving nil of Intern*tion to knows.

*- ould rocowend that he bo de-erlefod at great length concerning reports allegedly flooding hin froa his sources some of which he auot have real and lteae of which aust still stick in his aeaory. Ditto for what bo has himself oboervad. With this added materiel one couldelanccOitimate of

^aaaaw value and trustworthynosii from on Intelligence vlevpolnt. Thuefar no rates aoro onboth counts.

Original document.

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