Created: 7/5/1945

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European.water ofS. ARifi



S'JBJECTi aisoallaneousAffairs

Li. Frank Jex, wiaalon to the Netherlands.

e have rooolvod oomunlotitiona addressed to Louisa and enolooed with your letter ofane and forwarded than to her training area where they will await bar upon her arrival froa Holland, 'a are sorry you ware not inforaod regarding the ultimate results of our atteapte to provide her with the leave she had been told she might expect. The discontinuation of operational plane service to Eindhoven precipitated us into difficultiesi although Dutch have dally planes to Eindhoven, the Dutch Navy waa not prepared to authorise air transport for Louise's trip and refused to honor Aaorioan orders. Partner, her hiring enlisted in the Dutch Bavy eadeit irregular l'or ua to cut orders for her.

A storm brewed and broke in the local teacup, abetted by drafts from the Administrative Offloo, the Director's Offios, and the Adjutant. Jan threw oil on tha troubled waters and Louise's diffident and charming presenae did tha trloki OSS orders and ATC service to Brussels and return. The trip froa Brussels to Xljaager)eturn was to be Louise's responsibility, and Brussels waa to arrange to receive end dispatch. The Dutch Navy relieved ua of resronsihlllty for her personal safety or for her tardiness in returning to her post of duty.

In response to /our wry as to whether themissing Virginia-Georgia funds had been cleared up. Col. Alcornthe end of tho aonthringolution. The factato be presented toof Review and if It ietho loss miat.be, tlu- Ihitoh will be expected toshare of tho leas. It stri^coa Alcorn as mighty peculiar thatmissing are theerioan dollars and

had hoped thatverge's letter would lay to honorable

rest tho corpse of tho bank lcco-uit siatter, but upon receipt of yourontorred with 'V. tinrtog and arrived at the following

lelingat Ir. llsrteg Is uaaMo to open an account for Hleiinga aa thaot In. Mr. Hartog .itili iias tfie money and contemplates ultimate dta^ositior. of tho natterhort while) alnoe be plana to leave soon for Holland, It is possible iierite oai. mach an ogreoa the soil of :jU*w. That foaling, he will -irlte Frits. Prlts isrse nt liberty to accept his pay in ih guilders In Holland.

uyni OwNd his* ownln.

orrnikera! Jan'n lottap ImiM certainly have settled tnlria3 It can bo settled hera pending your You of flours* have registered Alcornrowo are doing thoseubious favorhank accounts. ssure youotavilingi,:oay involved in the nrooeaa but

ratheror tie following considerations i

the stability of Putohil, thernao lo still going strong)

thot thathat foreign-my it any timenounded (foe year* -ten the British willri at ly limited a? t> the nwtnM they nay reiove frosj)

the fact that our oontrol and our capacity forndsoon as the noney isond own "ore we to bo of aorvice the -inyroschin- wnea London will have seemlast of us.

ol. Alcorn is in accord *itn yi'ir desire not to dun the Dutchhare Ir. the adilnlntrative ex tenses of Melante Hase.

Wo urnt Loulse'r oertificate La on ItB way.

As you vv know, os Beau Is now inhe liquidationt affairs *kJ in possession of all agent flieshallased to continue to coo,>ernte with his In the processing of any1 have still to corwlt to his care until the data arrives "hen to- transfer tnFw taat becomes on accomplished foot.

1 hops you received the tiresood order. Put on transport lo not is easy as it -wy ao'anJhe rlohnass of their air sahertulef anlioenoe, one of the <iecesriary fomalltlea, la regarded hereomldable obstao'.e.

1 an> .ifcnr that We file* arrivedre it not

ourt theethat your Qoaple-bod fl en xi as heautlful is otir*.


. paw: ti

Original document.

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