Created: 8/8/1945

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

of the feet until his return to dsrty at this he ado, carters oa 4shleh tloe he banded the undersigned' officer th* FTondard Goldenln tbe nope that lt still could be redeemed through offlolallaoalrlng as to th* proper procedure ln this setter, uadarelgnadadvised by local sources to acuDs applieation totssct

f th* United 3tat*a

Ooranjsaat and wa* unable to* hundred guilder bill et th* designated tlaa because of Injuries Buffered wall* ln th* parforaano* of hla doty. Itespectfully subedited by this be ad Quart era that

^Jbe persisteda bis one oot* et tbi* tlaa.

r-on-ic B. TEX 1st Lt. AOS Cossasodlag

Original document.

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