Created: 9/30/1949

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Peace Demonstrations The drive of the major Communist

front organizations to mobilize world public opinion behind Soviet "peace objectives" and against western defense plans will be climaxed bydemonstrations on "International Peace Day" scheduledctober. These simultaneous mass demonstrations are undoubtedly timed to coincide with Soviet ForeignVishlnsfcy's proposal at the UN General Assemblyive-power "peacend will provide the Communists with fresh opportunity to point to the USSR as the soleof peace. Communist determination to give maximum Impetus to the current "peace" drive Is further reflectedlansctober US "National Trade Unionfor the Defense of Peace" at Chicago, to be attended by the Secretary of the Soviet Central Committee of Tradeolish plea for UNESCO support of the peace movement;he scheduling of peace congresses In Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Great Britain.


Atomic Explosion With the announcement of an atomic

explosion In the USSR, Soviet capabilities for fighting the cold war have been increased. No Immediate change In Soviet policy or tactics is expected. In fact, the improvement In the Soviet power position resulting from possession of the atomic bomb makes it less likely that the USSR will relax its intransigence in East-West negotiations. Moreover, the USSR can use the new situation to advantage as additional support for nearly all the major policy lines It has followed since the end of World War II.


In its continuing efforts to check growing Western European economic and military unity, the USSR will now exploit the world-wide fear of an atomic war. hi this respect, the USSR has seriously weakened the psychological advantage until now held by the USesult of monopoly of atomic weapons, particularly since the announcement was made before the US had succeeded latrong political, economic, and military bulwark against Soviet expansion.

Meanwhile, the USSR may find it easier to gain supportN compromise between the US and Soviet positions on control of atomic energy. The Soviet stand, calling for destruction of atomic weapons beforecontrols are imposed, will have greater propaganda effect Inasmuch as Soviet spokesmen can now assert that Soviet atomic weapons will also be destroyed. The USSR will not relax its opposition to effective internationalof atomic energy but, in view of the advantages accruing to the USSR from an international convention outlawing atomic weapons, will probably Increase Its efforts tothe US atomic energy position.

Lastly, Soviet possession of the atomic weapon will greatly strengthen the current Soviet "peacet will enable Communist front organizations to point to the willingness of the USSR to destroy all atomic weapons and to stress the greater urgency for acceptance of the Soviet proposalive-power peace pact.

Original document.

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