Created: 1/1/1991

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Ulrtctoralt nf

International Narcotics Situation Report |

Special0 in Review andead I



eflorii againil Iht drtf.* by ihe Salinas aovernment achieved tome ligalfinmi rojluul Mexico conUnuei to pott ooe of ihe reenaMr carcenc* tartan to ihe Urn tad Slates. Mexl-co lea beta the primary tmaasaajtneai country foe South American cocaiat iranVtert (or ai Itati ihe hut two veais In adcblioa. Muko'i went teof opium poppy ud marijvanahat beenmajor mprabcr of t'eie d'ug* la lat United Suiet 5artwo decade* Wc expect tktt. mail ccr-.ain amr.i. Sttepattd toicnul) ihe Miutn antidrug effort, indvding (tetterwilh Washington tilonc as Utrre arc clear bcnefitt for Mexico.


Our preliminary nnnlysii Indicates IhiiIO melric tons of cocaine may have moved inio Mcxko blended for (he United Slates0ration aiieraft. We estimate TO percent of the Somh American ccoine destined forame via Meilco.f-

of cccaine to Mexico by irar-

nekers his not been without some risk, however. The conflscsUon or costly trafficker ai remfoi -mancc toibooommanOcn and other lainenjinecocainead on increasedpresence in the northern border states forced some traffickers to alter then operating areaslbeit pnhnbly temporarily and wilh.CH bbandotiinc cod toutn and contact*.-

Mtaleon Anttdruf hturtt

Meiko ogaadedrujr.tmxjhe procram *ai ptupchodPinidca; Salinas' st rone leadership baled oa his belief in tbe nailontl iter i- implication* of the drug Irade. its polontiil threat to peCbeai tUbibty ud pabuc health, aad the importance of ctaatlcraaicoflet to Mnej'i rcttttaa-thip with ihe Une.ed Stales.i-fiessne Htt-lit have been achieved (


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On Ihe etomettic from we believe thai ihe Attorney

ominant paayer in Mc*,ro(counteraarcoiies effort,he diatniual in October of Deputy Attorney General "

me tNSfliott qTM pott, and (hetreaifooolt ationil -kvetiaa end mi'iltiy co-internal-cottn eJTorti. apptari la be an effort to faihton closer liujliu athal amoaa) texa tyaa agencies and Improve Ihi nalionil aatlcoctuplioa drive. Tacability of theatan aimed to tba new peat- -retired Amy aYig uucsal in del ci mining ihe course of fuiuie counter Micotica (foils

these dauni-ng nrWrrni Pre luteal> to continue hn tirntt) tar-pot fot nntinareotict program* and lo agree lomort cooperation with Waihie-gion aaa he perceivct Ivfcako as Ikeineabkdy lo point to'i Micoravcs in the drug wii ind lo lite IncrtaMd rctoarcra that hit governeent li apendieg on ibe utuggKm ru inert and to sect adoVionnl concessions from Winking ton

lb IB

Original document.

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