Created: 11/21/1990

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

YUGOSLAVIA: Net. Hardline ComnuuUsl Parly

Ideologically orthodox military lexers and hardline civilian! this week launched the league offorew party aimed at preserving Yugoslav unity. The lead speaker at the founding session said vaguely but ominously that the party will lake Yugoslavia's fate into its own hands in alliance with prounity forces throughout the country. Party leaders charge Yugoslavia is becoming an economic and politicalof theclaim Communism is still historically inevitable. The party plans to held candidates in federal elections. ^

the conscript armed forces would split along ethnic lines aretrong deterrent. Regardless of the readiness of ihe generals to act, jittery Croatian and Slovenian leaders arc likely to interpret the partsenace. The party docs not appear connected to Serbian strongman Milosevic, and many senior military officers probably view himajor threat to unity. In the short term, the party will block Prime Minister Markovic's plans to de-Communize the

Original document.

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