The Joint Medical Sciences Intelligence Committee vec established In accordance withna, paragraph 7.
Tha Membership of tha Coaalttee is aa follow*i
AECi Sr. Malcolm Hendareon, ddi
Aln Haj. William Sheeley, Regular Naabar
Lt. Col, Louli B. Arnoldl, Alternate Heober Armyi Dr. Louis F.. aeryi Cart. John M.all, Regular Member Capt. H. H. Montgomery, Alternate Member
The Chairman of the JMSIC baa received onofflclal notice (not yet confirmed offlelally} that Dr. Arthur Turner, Medicalaa been selected aa Regular Member to replace Dr. Louis F. Woodruff who will become the alternate cumber.
(2) The Committee waste the State Department to ba represented. To achieve this, lt rsr iiaasnile that Dr. Louis Will lams, Chief. Divlaloa of International Bealtfc, OSPHS, bapro in tedegular cosher of JMSIC If he lo coaplotely cleared from the security stand point, or as ad hocof JMSIC If cleared up to and including top secret. Dr. Will lace la esUbllehlng liaison between the OSPHS end tbe State Deperteent, which would permit hla to express tbe views of both agencies, particularly lo view of tbe International coverage by Dr. William'a office.
At tha first meeting of tbe JMSIC, held on0ours, tbe objectives of tbe committee were discussed. At thia meeting only three members were available, and one of tbeee was scheduled for aa aselgnasot, which precluded bis continuationember of tbe committee. For these reasons, no firm decisions could be approved.
Difficulties which have hampered productive work of tbe committee have arisen free) change* in assignment of members and security clearance of certain of tbeee member*. Air, Aray, and bevy aaslgaaanta were being changed and tbe Amy change in membership le still not officially announced.
Tbe second meeting of JMSIC was held on00ormal minotee of thle meeting were kept, and minutes will be kept In the future. ynopels of this meeting was submitted for approval to all members of tbe JMSIC In the case of the Air Force aeaber, tbe aynopels was addressed to tbe alternate member who represented that Armed Service at tbepril aaetlne, In the absence of the regular member. Approvol of these minutes was received from all aembara.
At tbe secoDd aeoting, on0 It vaa decided that Capt. Bechulua would prepare some "notes and proposal* for the Chalraan end Members of tbe JMSIC relating to tba state* of current aadleal Intelligence, which would Indicate specific iteme, prlorltlee and offer proposale for study end consideration of the cosaalttee membership. At tha Meting, also, the Chalraan presented lena of Reference" for tbe "committee to etudy, aa well as epeclflo sjedleal roqulreaHnta for clvlllon and allltary medicine.
apt. Becbnlne submitted hla "Botes and Proposale for too Chairmen and Members ofnd these were cent to tbe members for study.
A third meeting waa held on0our*. Taraa of Reference for the JMSIC wara formally approved, tbe problem of the need for the preparation of background manuals was recognised, but shortages in staffa of the egeoclea represented made it difficult to recommend production of such annual* at tha present. Tba Committee reeoaamtndad that it* regular member* ba assigned from individuals who have, or can be granted, complete security clearance.
Commlttae Flans for the future csnnot be properly formulated at this time, since the JMSIC has only begun to function with all members available.
Original document.
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