IIJTWCTIQRS: Officer designations mould be uted In the "lo' coluan. Under each coolantI Im moulddrawinuaeeree'te> correspondn lha nwaear In tha "To'colwBn. Faeh officernliial tChecl aarh Intufefere further routing. This Racoid and Routing Shaat insulareturned to Heglitr).
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continue its backing. epeat my request that this be delivered to the field as an instruction and that it be so regarded and acted upon within this headquarters. o not wish to create the impressionm in any way opposed to the continuation of the operation, provided it can be sanitized and handledreater degree ofand technical export-case than has characterized our performance up to date. o not wish to be associated with any repetition of what we have seen thus far.
P,S. Since dictating theave just learned from General Kagruder that he showed our report on this Congress to Secretary Johnson, together with his own very complimentary appraisal of the operation. Secretary Johnson was so favorably impressed with this report and Goneral Magrudcr's coamont that ho took the papers over and showed them to the President, who expressed himself as being very pell pleased. an only hope that the very rourjh edges which have recently appeared are not brought too sharply toflie attention of these lofty officials. In any case this development underscores in red everythingave said about the necessity for tidying up this operation and eliminating all of the "Irish pennants".
Original document.
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