Created: 2/15/1950

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FOR: The Honorable W. Averell Harrican

Western European PoliticalCA Support

mentioned to you I

we are presently working on an over-all project that will geekWestern European political integration with ECAare convinced that if we are to afford your efforts ingenuine and substantial assistance, we must devise anplan that will go into operation in the variousand with the concurrent and full support of ourfield organization. Preparatory to the formulation ofplan we areurvey of the various organizationsnow actively supporting European unity. It is inthathe European

Movement is by far the most effective organ for promoting theunity of Europe,hat you are somewhat skeptical with regard to the European Parliamentary Union and have the impression that the Kalergi group is practically non-existent, is of definite interest to us.

study of the various memoranda on the most recent meeting of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg prepared in the Paris Embassy and forwarded to Washington by Ambassador Bruce withas indicated to us that both the European Movement and the European Parliamentary Union maintained headquarters at Strasbourg during last summer's meeting of the Assembly, that both "have the most concrete plans for the comingnd that they both count "among their followers numerous delegates to the Assembly."

Further, we have noted in these memorandathe Permanent Committee of the Council of Europe set up at the Consultative Assembly meeting last summer includes at least eight members who signed the European Parliamentary Union's INTEHLAiEN PROGRAM whichederal approach to the unity problem and "calls for the electionuropean Constituent Assembly by European Parliaments anduropean Federal Government." We have also noted that Ronald MacKay, who madealuable contribution on behalf of European unity during Last summer's Strasbourg meeting, isigner of the DJTERLAKEN PROGRAM.


ffe have, of course, also road that the European Movement is "less doctrinaire and fax batter equipped to further the work of tbe Council in the next twelveut are, at the same time, aware that this organization is presently dominated for the cost part by those, including some prominent Britains, vtho advocate the functional (slow and sttp-by-step) approach to unity.

In short, we seem to be faced with this dilemma: were we

select the European Vloveoent as the aingla instrument throughsupport unity, would we not run the risk of confirming the

tion of the unityy thoselow approach to Also would we not thereby deny our support to Justand some British who are today among tho most activeworkers on behalf of Just that type of unity we nest

to seeachievad? Furthermore, oughtnot keep in mind the

organizations that favor unity such as the United EuropeEuropean Union of Federalists, the Economic League for-the French Council for United Europe, theInternationales, and the Socialist Movement for UnitedEurope? Admittedly these have all joined the EuropeanCommittee of the Movements for Europeanut


is our Jjipression that this is somethingmarriage ofthat, for our work designed tograss root" supportunity, it might be best to afford these organizationsindividually rather than solelyooixlinatingare well aware that the European Movement is tbe mostof its type today, and probably meritsdother it should be the only instr iiould, therefore, appreciate your views so

we ms7 be better able to formulate an integrated and over-all programonnection with this vital question.

P. G. Wisner

Original document.

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