Created: 7/15/1952

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FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Western Hemisphere Division

Dullesalk this noon with T. hia that, the proa and cons having been weighed,with favorhange of management. Wc toldwe thought his clients, however, should pay the bill

as the clients' interests wore Materially involved. We stated that we could not be of any help in providing eitheror manpower because we did not have the people available, but we thought we could be helpful in pointing out where tho principals might buy the goods they needed. We further stated that if time were of the essence, wo had friends who had inventory which wc could induce them to turn over on the assurance of hia clients that it would be repaid in noney or in kind when the business becaae established. lie raised tho question of money and indicated several legal impedimenta which made it very difficult for his clients to put up any money in advanoo. He asked whether wc would advance the noney upon the assurance of his clients that it would be repaid. We told hia we would not cross that bridge until it was the only one left, and pointed out that there were other possible clients who might goyndicate with his clients. He said he knew of one such group which already had enough noney to provide the cash working capital if tho inventory could be acquired on credit as above and asked whether we wereosition to bring this syndicate together with his clients. We told bin we thought his clients woroetter position to do this.

iir. Dullesearned that tho headin question will be in Mow York Wednesday andto bring his clients to New Tork to aee ifcould be joined.


Stuart Hedden

Original document.

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