Created: 1/1/1953

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Motional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phononena (UICAP)

Appears toairly loose structunlbut rather efficient. Stuartackground in investigative Journalism) is currently Executive Director. He along with John Acuff and Charlesackgrounds unknown) make up the organizations Editorial Review Board which Is responsible -for policy, including the.newsletter, psix press and other media rela"tlons"a3 well aa special xaaxroc reports and xs progress.

This bosrd xalsi rolles heavily onoosely sta structured advisory groupairly well dovolopod and well placed sjt network of investigators. The advisory croup Is made up of expertsany disciplines including physics, nstronoey, anthropology, medicine and psychology. This group also includes some ex-CIA and Defense Intelligence types.who advise on lnvcstlgativo techniques and SIovernment relatione. There does not seem to be any logical or systematic progrsn by which these advlsora are chosen, but rather an the procedure boohs to be to simply offer one's services to the crgonization through either Nixon or the Review Board. Often tho advisorf&siaoly Joinedather easy taskll lt takes*borehlp ilnsa fee)-found something out about the organization and then made theirnown to the Review Board.

The st system of investigatorsood one. Nxon has divided ths country Into regions ond has established "investigators" in each of tho regions. 1IICAP is encouraged to sufcxttxorci by which onoly for this position. The requirements for the position sseaxtaxxfcax age offormal training or experience In sono branch of science, or other specialized background applicable to systematic collocticn of information, the ability to covor an area of ot leastiles In diameter at or ono hour of driving time. Asew months ago sonenvestigators wero located throughout the country, with niCAVin tho procoss of establishing even core. reakdosti of their backgrounds lcoked like thohDs, 2MA9 or 'AS,Atjjr hS, 1AAth colloge trainingegrees. Occupationally theyhysical scientists,oiloge profs,pecialists, including docjor, technician, computer progrcr^er and bU3ir.es3.non. vo of there pilots. *lso KiKjjix utilizedogson" for the investigators are lnvestlg- tor as six assistants. Ml Investigators curry Ihx credentials xx Identifying then as investigators for IJICAP.

toairly loose otructur<|but rather efficient. Stuartackground in Investigative Journalism) Is currently Executive Director. Ho along with John Acuff and Charlesackgrounds unknown) make up tho organizations Editorial Review Board which is responsible for policy, including tha newsletter, pulx press and other media relations/as well ao special xbjixxx roports and xa progress.

Thla board vsTcat rellos hoavlly onoosely six struotured advisory groupairly well developed and well placed sjc notwork of invostlgators. The advisory croup Is nade up of experts in all cany Including physics, astronomy, anthropology, noilclno and psychology. This group also includes aomo ox-CIA and Defense Intelligence typos who advise on Investigative techniques and KrCA? /Govorooont relations. There does not seen to be any logical or systematicy which these advisors are chosen, tut rather cm tho procedure teecs to be to sinply offer ono's services to the organization through either Hlxon or tho Review Board. Often the advlsorj^sisply Joined HIather easy task all it takes"peclfied'comborship tUiasound something out about the orgsnlzation and then mado their qualificatlorjl? known to tho Roview Hoard.

The st system of investigatorsood one. Nxon has divided the country regions and has established/ "investigators" In each of tho regions. of XICAP is encouraged to sukxkbxora by which one can apply for this position. Tho requirements for the position xxexxsaxxiax inlciuri aje offormal training or experience inranch of sclenco, or other speclalizod backgroundto systematic collection of information, the ability to covor on area of at leastlles in disaster ef or ono hour of driving tine. Asew aonths ago sonenvostlgators wero located throughout the country, with HICAvln tho process of establishing even rore. reakdown of their backgrounds lcoked liko theAaAsfr IS, 1AAth college training but no degrees. Occupotionally theyhysical scientists,ollege profs,specialists, including doctor, technician,rogras-ser and businosoman, "lve of there pilots. *lso Bialxx utilisedogaon" for the Investigators areor assls assistants. All investigators carry Ihx credentials xi identifying then as Investigators for HICAP.


HICAP currently oporatosr. budgot enduoa pay Ins membora. Both the nerabershlp and tho budget nay be oxpectod toaubstatlally duo to the recent uTO flap.

. omputer project codonanod "Projoct AosBn" Is currontly in the Kill, offort la beins made to' dovolop sono sort of pattern analysis out ofr do re raw reports reportedly In NICAP's fllea. Thla apparently will take the following fora:

including time, place, terrain, weather

apeed, color, dx shape and


data on oil witnesses

and others involved Inuch as bio data, redlcsl info and paychologlcal aapocU

including evaluation

reports end special notes froc the regional investigator on witness discrepancy in testiony etc.,.

The following la apparently tho ri organisational atrjcture and relationships within HlCiP:

Original document.

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