Created: 3/31/1953

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Office Ivienioranclumunited status government

C. Strong

Pi 3

C. Durar.t

JUDjtCT. Unidentifiedbjects

l.fjsc* Heefcer^telo;honed yesterdayoldcreaser follo;rfr% reports of U.l file of U. F.ispatches sod von teds to whore to send it.

Dave S

,I^ir.terert in V.s is currantly centered on tevenafnXAIr "ranch/ApcTlel Science Division). Votopped?rlts Cd-rJtCoorhysivision) .LSlcvcaEon J

hasT files idth-eWOipTTon of key decurwnte,jorts, etc. which ere In the Operations Staff office

It would seen vicer toatch oa U. F.erarts in view of possibly greater activity this tunr*r. Theteps are sweated to assignllity and Insure receipt cf intellicerae irfarrailoni

s. Deslrnati Chief, Acnlled Scier.ce Division aa

) (fstever.son

n U.s with the susscatlon tliat ^be tarsi "iction ran"'. Certonculd^requost diviclen $ypcorl t'o ed byltt. Col. F. C. CderTJ



would be uorth sav



unusual reports. Thoccormand be destroyed.

urn files now in custody of (Johnelieve very llttlo materiel as sables of indicative

route ell

l Screening FanelKTacs bMrOzfuture necMgee pertaining Tos toScltnce Diviclen,.

The above netted la believed the slnplost BathedI Cff'-stlvely fcee?*gc taljoaubject. There would bo llttlocaui:ei orJJti.-cn-Ktn'Jpartloaelf up to eV.a. tho eventuture fl*.p, hlc con'.ir.uiry watch should rrovo. valuableritical analysis. Wen tiico to tlse ho nl{:ht rc-art orally ta you or to ne on the status quocrrnl



Sudjict, Unidentified Plying Objects

ocVert)telephoned yesterday and told noonger foUovtZj reports of V.I o. U. P.ispatches end von ted suggestions as to

to send It.

la V.s Is currently centeredSslenco Division). Ho la book-

Division)isl files with ejection of key docurxnts.rts,lch are In the Operations Staff office.

vould seen visef toatch onn view of possiblyactivity this suervr.aps ore sweated to assign responsibility andcfr.for.-ailoni

a. Desirrata Chief, Applied Science DivisionordlEitorrepcrts on U.s with the sug-estlon that

3wid I. StaWMOjjhe aa-rad "action ran". Carbon copy ChiefsDivisiondivision eupcort to ^Stavonsonjbe coordinated ty)u. Col. >'. C. CdcrT)"

eouest OA'" turn files nov in custody offfihntoiStevor.senJor perusal. eltovo very little material be worth sarins txcept as staples of indicative

ur.Msual reports. Thod be destroyed.

e. 1 Screening Panel/fries lovry7)lallcsares pertaining To V.s toScience Dlvisic.n, Attention: CO. 5.

2. The above rwthed Is believed tho slr-olost nothedI effectively keeping tabs coins subject. There vould bo littlere-.ulrcc or^Crv. rrwcn*ji part tocelf upe. Ir tho eventuture flap, Ms continuing vatch should prove valuableritical cnalyoU. Pvon tiiro to tire hec.-art orally ta yea or to re on tbe status quo tut re ic-rasl re; orts oca itvltcitf.J,

Original document.

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