Created: 1/6/1953

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St'D-'FCTi Conversation vith Dr. John A. Wheeler

At VTallod Dr. Whaler at Princeton, MU Jerse*to thank hir> for hti interest Inonsultant in tha CTa attack on tho "flyinff. saucar*old hin va rerretted that tho urgercy of his currant work for AS (rATtSW'jr) prerantcd association at thla

Dr. Wheeler stated that ho nltfit not ho ablo to actively assist aTon after larchbacausa of his work on "particle research", Hbve*er, he vcvldsad at any tine to d'.scuss tha natter briefly. He nentlenad tvo foreign nationals who

vera currently OTtstanclne Inields. One vaa Dr.ritish subtest whouthcrit-.oaand Its associatedterlcus sroble-a* of "ion rath" and "cognotlo Dr. O'Dav (Director of Research atMassachusetts USA? 3eseirehlcht be ablost -C. S. rJbltcts in this field. It arrears that tlie At" Force has bean itueMre: upper atnaaahtrle rhenoteea thore vlth considerable Dr.believedt Cer-brldce Qblverslt'.', erl?lard.

vaa Dr. Karnes Alfven,vtstendta< researcher". He has writ tonOxford Ird-'crelty Fresa. Dr. Uhealerrat' of uslM ore or both ef these non rd$ht boa "out out",the nroblen continued forlength of tine ail seiantific attne'x uaa varrantcd.

S'JO-TEETj Telernene Conversation vlth Dr. John A. VhceUr

At 1AJCalled Dr. Khe*ler at Princeton, levJW) toor Ma int-rost In rosslblo affilla-ttononsultant In the CIA attack on tho "flying aauo*r" jrobln. old hinrerrottodhe ur^crcy of hla current work for AiCrereated eascctatlen at thla tl-ae.

Dr. feeler stated that ha rdsht not bo ablo to activelyn after I'archbecauia of hla vork on "particle research". Ke>io*er,dt any tine to discuss tha rjitter brieflv. He -entio-ad tvo foreign nationals vho

vera outstanding In relatfd fi*lda. One VM Dr.ritish subtest vho ia anon tha auroras and its associated "rr-'Sterlcea crcblc_.a" of "ion path" and "oagnetle Dr. P'Dav (Director of Research at Casbrld^a, Massachcsstts USt? Researchnleht bo able to surest -U. S. ataajacts in this field. It arrears that the Air Forco haa beenpnat* atnasiherlothere vith considerable vlror. Dr. Chacan's believed to b* currently atdsengland.

su^-eatloa vas Dr. Paraesvtsterd'n* researcher". He haa writtenOxford lln*"crslty Press. Dr. Wheeler::atv.od or usln* ore or both of these nen risht bea "cutacvrtln* the rroblen cortlraied forlencth of tine and scientific attack vaa varranted.

Original document.

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