Created: 1/1/1953

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Dr. Lloyd V. Bcrkner


Associated, Universities, Incorporated,


ifth Aveoue

Rev Yorkev York

Dear Lloydi

You vlll recall loecientific Advisory Panel oa Unidentified Flying Objects vith Drs. II. P* RoVirtsoa es Chaircan, Sa-sjel Coudsalt, Luis W. Alvarez, Cioitoa Pace, tnd> yourself as ceobero* After its deliberation, the Panel reached tvo coeclusioss end nod* tvoadutlo:is vhich vera Included enf tho report. Very recently, the Air Force has repeated, that the conclusions of this report be declassified so that thoy nay bo used In -theopy of tha report is enclosed herewith for your inforcatica.

I havo discussed, this cutter vlth Dr. Fobertaon and. Dr. Coudsalt vho ceres that tho conclusion contained, innd the rocoai-raiatlaa contained in paragraph Ita con be dedans If led. But, thoy, c3 vail ca thla Agency, vlll cot acresleclesstflcatioa of tho conclusion lar the reco^endatloo In paragraph It lo oar feeling that the association of tho Panel vlth this Agency should cob be dleclosedj thatould bo rewritten to elinlnatc this connection; end that the final elx llnco of paragraphan stand ca vritton.

I have Queried tha Air Force aa to vhether the naaes of thovould be used. Tacy have replied that news vould be usedIn official circles end vould not bo given'to tbo>endency ct tines to filter out, it should baif cjarovel is given for usa of tho naa>s, they fcay veil becoaa a

Dr. Lloyd V. Ecrkner President

ivcrsitieo, Incorporated

ifth Avenue

Eev Yorkev York

Dear Lloyd:

You vtll recall Inecientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Plying Objects vith Drs. U. P. PoVirtsoa ca CUairoan, Sequel Com da alt, Luis U. Alvarca, Eiortoa Pace, end, yourself es After its deliberation, tbo Faaal reached tvo conelusiosa end nana tvo recoiceadtitioria vhlch vere Included aaf the report. Very recently, the Air Force baa xcq;:eated that the conclusions of this report be doclosaiflod so thate uaed la theopy of the report ia enclosed here vith for your Information.

I have dlecusced this setter vita Dr. Robertson saA Dr. Coudaol* vho egrca that the conclusion coatelncd in paragrsfhtxA the reco^eniatioa contained la paragraph, ka can be declassified. Eut, they,an cj this Agency, vill not agreeeclassification of tho coacluaioa inr the rocosrendatioa in paragraph, ka. It ia our feeling that tbe association of Vm Peael vita this Agoacy should cot ba disclosed! thetould bo revrittea to clinlnata this connection; end that the final six llnca ofcu etand as vrlttca.

I have queried ths Air Forea aa to vb.etb.or the naoes of thevould be used. Vacy bavo replied that nouos vould be used,la official circles end "vould cot bo givoa'to theendency ce ttsoo to filter out, It shouldif cppra/al is given for usa of the usees, they nay veil




It vould to very cues appreciated If you couldooa ps po3slblo vast your reaction, lo to tie Mr Force ce-clcssif icotion proposal! vaethor you servo vlth Dr. Poertsoo, Dr. Goudoalt end tr/aclf on linitlnc rny ^classification;vbcther you vould approve or dleopprovo tho use of your name, exontod that Agency connection vith the Panel le vithheld.

host recardB.

Original document.

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