Created: 8/5/1953

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

Enclosures: mo as describe







lot to .an extentts

le. tna sa-'eicy was to is*

V^et^ inountryset

,.gna ciiu uisai specific non-corxllancca should* be reported to headquarters. This >sas done by MB'emorahcrum Keithcrieldor tiic cable of 'Ai February ncknowledsoc in cn;-v. ay our recorsnendation that laterale authorised other than routine circumstances.





r.alcin: of

in a;

cut that itquarters was not'iiweasr.uslcatlone to am:s tat ions.:l Inrestated on-i ,ce should hive lateralnieationr uncerutaltnccs. tiktcV Ciicfc li* ouratioj tis-fc netto.

It cart ro seen

inrlic ;the.a t

tve not had anour dispatch. ;ie iVlt tiiat we had'lye truenecdcuart*r' s

cable of.nd Jieetlquarcers instated that it Ml believed'."situation hat1 beenowever if further viol'- Mono occurred,teelr-cd to ie notified.

2. OnprilHtkd^usrttri directo;-a; ^jils


is" stated

%OBX 1. i.vnny npticiesacked u* 'on would clii ,or ditto and send then Theresas no specific direction in


Icr;-er the delay the less useful tic

it 1

decided that it should be rcr.t'b;-


iatf r* tncc

r.rl such .material should bo. sent viaci.

i'natdone. Our actions apparently resulted.o' tof -

fith refer*

eeXersvi ta,r. rieland rfH ?ield, datedad been rescinded.

ence tofuly

hey hv lives lleai

tnssuepropriate instructs to all fj.old stations that:

eedqi'arterr be aiviref* ai zo our currentlnjnd iaqulriflj asetiwr ;ve i'solrestrictions sr.oulQ ornow be eli.-ii.fc.teu, ve notrie ^recedins revien of the situation quarters ojr position with regard to conn.unicu-ions.

promptlysUy- its, raceir.t. to '*

. instruction ccrjatr.od in r

3-is fall?lB.tcd t

tiiis station. ;ranKlyfUu9 stations*to lis stution,?icl(:i

andn o"evTqus coils of

in ot



Jin Eost iHi

P 1

of the ex-


of transmia


cirectlc.'. ward tof^

uin Veto'. civ-Dl' via -ocjqu rtc-rsts usefulness woult bo behe uaterial ch.

.liflss, reiterate tne

or .r- -ir.Ie .oticc it-il'2.

)o- see

ann frtt eithor, batsed the acts of i- forwarding of lateral convrsuii-ts were not inliance with ifa "foot in the Cuor,"

tjte loChl Ci.icf Of L

ica^Tons^ m'ov/ our :ositicr.s iclicyi^>e, wc rre'C-s5

auerloa* cne.rjiel of corxruni-es. The uso of ooet KTOttiell natarialj and costs

Materiel, if usable fc.'printaa itlir-vi"oa sived in tiffit. -Joi' ire only troorth*.

HI 'in' IK

countries. It ^ould no Ion vr be

y. men ii ;vc* thewu Ir. thaeUUwi In e naterlrl to an

, tjutlic t* kJtory, f? *following sould be q or

1. ation


citfco sens oallyr i'j thf- n- . -n

er-lcicc at tr. byjerc:

e^oa . terc bein2 received Ul thewthod wouU svold attracting the attention ofn postal thoritles to rhc identlt"ctual

tr, not, : "uctor-

l jit be possible toor sub- '

ut-out*. Theto^bloh

all tiw stationf such ntturothul the alert forn

-nose racers relatingarticular subject oroulo also furnish "fill-in" rate rial able* would no coutv ta,ee tne articles sore in teres tin.-,

s^ stfeTii has been tried to

:'r: to

3- eriod or tirce, when tn

determine its praotlosUts. *t

Liarlo. MfctUFiaT In tnosT-paners? of o ; which could bebasis forthe line the -overrent. u ( 1'

oney, tl:te and efiort.

p is iir^ed the*obtain the views of t- T ucm: advise this si..-

CTtern3 whetherlan BOuld bo

"titlcs t0i" the stations. If it

instr^'irw as,+totation, Headc.unt ters' could tV.enstrjetieno for itsndentation.


Cover and Personnel

Trienown asrovides in) that ourii* operations will be conductedanner carefully designed to avoid "any unfavcratle reflection on OTACJD establishments; (KlaARX)under (OPACIP) cover trill not personally involve themselves in any clandestine operations frcr. an (CDACO) post which rifht reflect unfavor-ebly upon that post cr upon any (OH*CID) estatlishrcnt. The principal OSA.nX2 officer iiavretsed that principle upon metires after ry arrival,ill not be exacf.eri.tlngay that for ttc entire first year of cy assignmentever bedprivate corrversatirn with him in his officeidn'tecture on security*. Frequently' hie lectures lasted as cuch as thirty minutes beyond the tine required to complete the business at hand. Since that tin* he seldom mentions tbe subject cfn fully confident that'itatter ever present in his mind.

Vc frequently discuss the current situation in Guaterralc, and veryave yet toonversation with himufficiently clear idea of what he said to afford ce to feelould accurately dictater*etairanduu cf converge tic-n. He consistently talks in vague generalities and with inuendos and insinuations which leave nen sure the rnjority of his officers) completely confused. Attempts to pin him downe: or no answer shew that this is practically impossible. Soce would say that it is the signood officer. Perhaps so leren the occasion requires, but not so when it inrolvcs guidance to hisoffleers whom he aust trustission.

For woreear he wae insistent in the viewhould not take- into ny confidence the t'iJitary and Air Attaches, but. after inpretsing upon bis:he no rale of those officers was not good,as confident they were not fooled in any way as to oy true Identity and after receiptablefrom Headcuartorshould contact the Air Attachepecific matter involvingid rweal my identity to the Airubsequently so adviied the chief ODACZD officer. Ho expressed his approval of the action taken by oo. hen told himntended to reveal ryto the Arrey Attache unless he objected. He said he did not object: that it was up to ne to do soesired. oldid so desireid.

It is of course recognised by Headquarters that operating in Guatemalaelicate matter. Ve have such to lose by coirprooieo cf any personnel. Thc principal there of the goverrrent is "foreignnd we can be certain that any evidence obtained will be exploited to thobviourly good sources cannot be developed without taking some riieks. )ty ccve* is sufficiently established to afford taking the risk of directly developing


icdigenoui agents,xpect to do soo fully awarechief of OW.CiD would not be in agreement. He has mm- tinesIj^ouldjiotw* 4ftMeave heretofore

Headquarters has any'objection to my taking such risks and assumingtherefor under thoould appreciate being advised.

rith reference to the security aspects of our projects, wc agreespecial op^ratinc security techniques such


fcwaen agents and. eooy adecuate security measures in nakinrwith Hediger (presently) andto his departure; have "loth contacted r* ty phone withesired tc do so cr at prearranged Under suchhave been under instructions never to give their names cnad to ask for me by name. Particular phraseology hasby prearrangenent such as: ere invited togreed, we would sect at one piece- aidasand couldn't nuke it but maybe we could get together lator, he would If heuggested that weamburger, we would meet atplace. Such type of conversation is perfectly innocuous and ininstance would we meetublic restaurant or eating place orcoffeeat-burger.

I hare believed that here it was much safer for everyone concerned tokind of technioue, sow thing normally, done in the locality, than toor other special operating techni-iues.which in fact car.

be more dangerous. o have direct contact with so-called

but these contacts are under circumstances which are ejcpj^lnatue to anyone, government official or other, who might become knowledgeable of the Every effort, however, is made to keep such contactsdJilarua and private without at the same time making an arjooarance of being secretive.

There have been no reports cn surveillances of CtiMBB-Br stationrwl with thefEnd we are not ctrtain.-that aurvci II him are taking place. He has been suspicious on several occasions that such was the case. one occasion he literally chewed and swallowed one of his reports in anorehension of bein? caught with it, but wasieked up, and we are not certain that the person who appeared to be interested in his activities at the time actually was interested or had any authority to "act arainst hip. c beci unconfirmed reports; on occasions that the CTjACH) installation entrancender surveillanceistance, and we consider this ortbably true, but we believe that such surveillances wore primarily for the purpose of deteroininr what indigenous persons were making contacts at the installation. Durinr tines of crisis in the rpveirnstent ruch as that which tonk place on the occasion of the Salem incident onurch


he Ouardia Civil accnts1V

personsthey wraetiiiir them of being




have only on^this ti;x, oately Jpnald

onr time KrylPiil has MC9 eneefed In th" clipping ofaterial and preparation of that material for possible KUGOtfN dissemination with the approval of Headquarters, fc'uch of his material has beenc' to Keacqvarttrs as rrio'^hrSM. of ls;e,ere-M'f of Station, he has been developing- and hen cuing new contacts for the purpose of establishing media for the outlet:of black EUUJUI material and for the makingurvey of the labor filiationice towards itsandeans cf elimination of thc Communist influencehat important field. e feel that at the present time his abilities are being sliced to thearrtsge.

Kith reference to the question of whether the Chief of Station should te given bom other cover, it is believed that to do so would incvitcijyin thc creationecurity hazard which would not be warranted. Under thc circumstances maintalninf files of KVJ7RE and KUGOtfJ naterjaithe PLACID installation would be extremely hazardouo. ch eeterial of necessity has to Ve taken out of the station premises on occasions for reading and direursinc with covert arents, such actionecurity hazard. If we did not do so, however, our accomplishraents weuld be irach less. Although we feel that it is necessary to keep the Chief ef Station in the OXACID installation, we hope and expect to make sntclfic reconmondations with refard to the assignment of personnol withbilities which could possibly result in our more effectivelyinr



C. Opeictioi'jfii rlAr

bs not

thO be

rortt* Ohla to aWt-ldo the joint in ;

public, prlmiipa

is ^incle tion? O* Jw-m: t"

3DiCX9 in-

tCUftvID installation isi rattS'i* cut ita ccterial. caon> illviCIJ installation and isA inclined to feel

ositisr. as Slight ireeatttlOG and reservo on< etmivn fin localre. v rthelcs s, thejoea Lai ccs and is ef-'ectivc niah the rea'-in-ru city (tne sain anti-Sorrnunist strength

waa evi'lenocd by the 'Jon-rtssional OleO-

relet* there is little to be

our -ettin? into that field.ocs

ftpent -iisseninatXdn of anti-SortAinlst to tht, internet imalnistvc-icnc, ifir'^ti, i'ropi an ever-Mil point of vj bv

1 crorurear,is:a. although getting suci exposureapers is on extrerely difficult- task. eelocal independent newstapers which take tne anti-Corrnaanist position aretcut as muche* ft-el thoy can do without running into serious difficulties.withvernment. In that conrection it is su^certeda:Iquartersony ofdatedntitled altticn onnd hauio Activities ino vriaica there Htxt attached

i; - voaMaiiaa in xnie country.t.toe la* was undoubtedly

nnecessarily htrshftl!X? osed that It yculd ba applied -

tl2eot th* law at that-tine Was -tfi*,t

Wtilization frc:c dav, cutclub"o

X!:eCted. fending newspaper or author.


behat the

WW tha si

Issted in

httlentlcned lew covers diaresiin.t coTiraentity of theitc. tie. of sue: c

ohflocal, ca: Ititl in-

v rrlnttn-i*;arc not. villin-

and eesji-

rs to be no doubtore Who arc not in facttic to

l-ecaurc thayfcaat it*irjzr^oto is tcdlffl-cutles for the jjovcrn^tnttvtntualiybout itsBUM very rco.'ie aroancerouscn lots, uitb tue existence of aueh a >

w v:raonal lives, fiuch prees tactics are illegal undertloned lavr. If any localreto undertakeew* notuaranteeo would have to be taken to insure auob ;ecinst^loss. ery doubtful tnat* evenull 3ue.rar.ta0 were givenublisher against loss by reason of such Mctl-vities, even then itbe unlikelye publisher would be willinrr to undertakeo*-ra.Ti because of therasultin- fror. tie jan-ater-liko tactics employede Sovernraent.

are endeavoring to develop outlets; ie ouro feed th* outlet-as e'jc.ocsiblu ofoso-'ftutces can cr. ii" such an outlet is developedill result the kind of effects which Headquarters wold expect under mnerican type -laws relating to libol and slender.

It therefore appears that' vj^.q.

-cs, n tnc currc untfyacticT" .nisan De usea il tho whipping boy to stjCr uyfeeling in ot.'iei*iX-htln countries, ptrticulcrly those ofcriea. Central ^oorl-cans in general by nature are jsalous of Guatenala as all of Latin America is jealous of the United States. Toc;oeo dtvelopr.ents in iuatei-ala and to increase trie problemsso


country In the econes.ic split re 7iU,pinion, eventually arouso sufficient elements the arrry toxtent Uizt they will irovo ts correct the aiiuatlon. Economic wcrfaiu tactics must, of course, te very cautiously und discreatly acnllcd until tho situationoint ivhers it is reasontcly certainBlorhe economic field will beting about the downfall of tho goverrcent.

Vilth the presentf this station as outlined in this rwr.orcncu-1the Tesentersonnel assi/ned, it clears obviousot ffAln substantial .ground in the propa-ouda field nithout tho assignment of additional per-ncr.loyr.ent ofined tactics asLcd in the section of tillsorelating to co^unicttlons. eference to the matter cf aciitionalonnoleoj:ch work on our XJ.lesuan fran then exposureich_can op_ .Cl*bsorTinated in

cc.uVfcrl^'ST th:ltP

Jhavs -rood outlets for in* material ano uiat ife have sufficient ana sole personnel to ;tt the attorial tc those stations and subsequently tc tho outlets. It is impossible for the 'jrcient personnel of this stat.'on tohe nscessary research work. The assignment of additional ptrronnol to this station under ODACID coverobe My not hetoID. It ssty be rcsilblc, homver, to devise oowe BMans of huvingrsonnel spend as much as three months cn occasions in this country net specified!


neighboring _

as threeuchstay in this country and have access to CO/.CJD and our flits an3 do the necessary rese. rch to gather useful material,ecer.ted by that which ire nay be ebli to obtain fron sources to fill in the desired picture, while in thc countries they coulds tc tne possible types cf material t'hlch could be used and identities cf avtllaelend could subsequently prepare their materialanneruitable for the outlet for which the materiel would be intended.

These personshink, be three iner, should bein political and pyecholorical warfare, partlcul-rly in the press field, and should be ,yood research 'ten. It probably woj'i not bo, advisable to have then based in any particular country with their fexiilie3 because of personal yroblems arising in their ijeins auayheirch of the tlae and tne usuel incprivt;nl-encea of living In these countriesemporary basis. If they are not permanently basedrenstallation, they,'of course, could not spend sufficient tiao in the area to have their wives and/or families accompany them. At theime, they sou Id tell plausible stories to tha persons with wfcom they would in contact.


of course, could not have suchsxine files In theinstallation without thcf thohiefand without his approval.. ould appreciateto ay propositiiscuss the natter withoha wouli be agreeable touch u set hod ofwill not ap; rcveroposal

withoot consulting hia.

Grith reference to? ofe realise tnat ve haw not ecn punctual fairly freqiently In coop lyith requestseyiquarters fornfor-Asticn.nsvertheless feel that we have done our besths elrcacotaneei an', within tha lie Its of.our physical abilities, all the personnel of this station areinterested Ir.avsestssume responsibility for any failure on ths part oftation to meetlrunt:>ts of neadquarters.

with reference to the stt.teir.eiit thst neither ODACID nor ths station has any contacts In labor and rely entirely cn tho press for all labor information, you are aivised that one OXACID employeerincipal asrigniuunt of following and reporting tho informationtlie labor aovenent end, of course, his principal source Is the prsas anC localofficials and businessmen who have contacts with or, by reason of theiravewithin labor. Insofar as is known, the mentioned ODACID official has noitc inil^eccus labor luuccrs.

'nave for sonseen Interested and endeavoring touitable operation to gain detailedlon concerning the labor novenent, and ne have,eveloped what wcource who isosition to furnish rolatlvoly accurate information concerning the labor movement, leaders thereof,nd he is in the process of preparing an extensive report on the situation and recommendations as to how it any be separated from the CosiTunist influences. The first portion of his report is soceages in length Rnd is presently bo we have handled the potential development of-this contact on an operational development basis and are as yet not prepared to drawroject in tho matter for approval.

With reference tofS? wherein it Is stated that another agency hed consented thatoverage hes been in-adQcuate ande &ini;su& needed to evaluate this dangerous and situation endore information is needed on the inner workings of BOOYTSY activities and iepcrtent parties end more information is needed on WSBURl'TT activities directed toftard other countries, and that there is insufficient information en> virtually all typoI of clandestine activities, it is desired to state that probably tho viewpoint of that agency is correct, ffe, nevertheless, feel that with thc personnel at ht'-itd and considering

/ "



vthecalrficult operating circumstances we have 'done aa well asanJ*Wcndfal or thc needs ir. those fields, and Inich apparently ?rc supported by Esaciyuartore,will step up cur activities In tie nrfj.RS field, if such is , tbtrfesire/.'eeiquarters. ul^i.tuta,hat - yjr activities in that fieldurEorjnilyfrK activities will necessarily suffer. would like hat ieadqusrtersurvey of the indigenous :orrj identified with cGGYTSl' ani later activities In their respective OQuntmloa too if there is acfin* for suchnts to conehiv country for rosldouceiew to-mrd participating In anderlns infers*tlonLOCHi'Si and labor activities.

Inidentally, in conr-ction olthver-all critique. It Isd to point out thut the cnitf of jZnCIV in this country pi.ces hiitaelf onct tnat his mission is recojpiizediaadquarters as suy lyin^ thc best reports on Matters of interest to CDACT3 oftation in the area, and nt hastssion Is profcshly ths best in all ytin America. 0 views in tnat connection ucre confirmed to Trsonaliy by an OI&CID official who recently passod through the . ountry. hould like to yolnt out to ^eadv'ax te:-s*at* always been of the viewhould work us ftrtnd In cooperation with OXACID officials, ealize at theine the necessity of iettins credit for iCUtfa'uC for that worl; which oe perform. When there Is not tl oe to perforai all functions which would result In our jetting credit for'Information weave nade such information available locally to CD&CTD officials and such information Is included in their reports withouto this station.

Our failure to obtain credit Is based on the attitudee cnIff'officer that no report froa; this post should refer ten ource ofon. On cany occasions information hftrtelfn sup liei bych haso in CO*.CID des->patohes us having been receivedrource without further Identification, mm receivedally fron OXACID officials that we check our files to find. formation, and on raany occasions .tit inferiorities ccntainsd thsreln ' is-not actually set forth in an ODaCID despatch but is used rr.ore or less as ruio&rjce and as cata to ietcrcine whether particularts which nre proposed to be ir.fcdeClh despatches are on the propor line.

I'recognize that we set no credit for this work,ee-J, tnat colas OIACIJ) cover ne iast of necessity cooperate, and that herring the sane over-all interests and purj-oaos of combatting thein this country, it is our soral duty to dot is regrettable that we co.^not'havo sufficient personnel to do everythlngwe rould




Original document.

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