Created: 8/13/1953

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routing Xnd record:sQe

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10 iilU^i aTnn



cp cjebtral OTKLLiaaCE

raxector (Plans)

Iahrieflng CO* iAlEtncX SHLEr3 andT. OFFHI re LCTAJDLSO Beooa 4Z.

LAUBEBCX BTIJJTTTB and KQQCCTaptain and Chief Engineer, respectively, of the IQUBBD during Booon r% vara da-briofed by Chlsr, Western flonrfepbero mrlalon and daaignated ve poroonnci on0 fcssential facts preoented verbally end by written report are eursmrited aa follows!

a. Frier to sailing, all repair vork previously planned vaa completed and necessaryand cqudpsent put aboard*

The ZCFABJLE) Bailedt the time of sailing seven of the

8ngines vere in opera-

tion and on average speed8 knots vas mode on the first day's ran. luring tbe naming one engine felledesultroken spline shaft and both bilge pumps became Inoperative through shaft failure. Auxiliary gasoline pumps vere used thereafter.

econd engine gave out duo toreduced tbe average speedT knots. trong HEaaa set in and for the following six days seasickness vas


ulyas reachedartyashorehorough reccmovilssance completed bypictures end stills arc available at headquarters. maintenance, anchor vaa weighed0 andee-'. for Identity 2.

July lt became apparent that engine failuresloss of pover had seriously affected the The shallow draught vessel riding high invas markedly affected by driving wind and sea. sights revealed that the ship had been driven veil toand north of her desired position. Ccsniequently,altered tovard Identityuthird engine vent

outesult of clutch failure. Since the voatber vas grow-in? still beerler, it vas decided to heed for5 ndles to the north. In the hope of completing that


SecurirJ tnformatTcm

ffectingh the lee of the inland, and then reccnaodtcrlngouthbound.

f. Coourth engine developed exceaalTe vibration and vaa kepttandby baala. the effort to reachaa continued untUbut the veaeal no longer bad pover to beat to eastward againat the weather. Un thla bad been definitelyoarse was Mt to the seothverd in the hope of reachingefore the ahlp became ecnpletely uxtmnogeehle.

K. By the turning ofuly the IfTiwTTTJff) hado the ooutherly and had bees blownadles to the vaeterly. winds were at gale force and waves ware up toeet high, ifth engine vent oat and the weasel was no longer under ccctroi. trong possibility existed of being blowneef or the ooast of alcaragua, parsrlssion was ravfassrted by radio to scuttle aad bare the arov rescued by BH seaplane, lnrknees and hserry seas precluded the useB* and other ships la the area vere slarted.

uly0. Bury destroyer Ferris, COalongside snd the executive officer boardedFAB0LBD. to his oos-stlons regnrdlng identity be vas referred toflaval Base. as replaced on the soene by the

, Ocdnord. Engineers fron the aalnard verified thatthe ITFAsuTXD could not be snd* at sea and0 took her Bowevai', the tow line bad been nade fast to thethis broke. It was then decided to scuttle and

transfer the crcv to the Oadjaard bat, vhen an effort vas nade to lover the lifeboat, the davit broke away and fell into ths sea. Since the boat was floating free, bad sone personal luggage aboard, and could not be recovered, lt vas sank by rifle fireecurity skeasure. Orders vere nov received not to scuttle, The Gainard left5 but returned on Savy orders at-

1 August the auxiliary punpa broke down and awas necessarily organised. O the Oalnard hadinine aboard and took the LCFAKILED inthe anginas were nov vibrating dangerously.and threatening tcooasctlng rod, they Under tow by the* the UTFtmrJO) proceeded

i. ugust the salvage tug Recovery, AR3took over the tow.

k. ugust thewas brought in and docked

S*cufjfy Information


1. aring return to port there vas sc IntoxrogatloD by local ot abrral sutaorltloa.

laJLlAtt T. otteh feels that there la rirtuslly bo possibility that sabotage caused the breakdown of tha Tftpiiram,

3* Both iiTTJjnri aad Ci-TKH rrmmifatr em pai fuiiinucs aad esprit to bare bean ofwmllatit despite advene

k. amjqca aad Omar agree that in Mint of oraruii asajfj*jj*ssjla too tar aona torajatlrahla.

Idstribatloc] Orlf>ddraaaee

ooi cwh




Original document.

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