Created: 11/2/1953

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USSR (Uthuenisn SSR)

Partisan snd Anti"Partl*an'Activity in Lithuania




NO, O"



in Amuxu Ofwr*nvi. convmi)




recant information Indicates thst partisan activity in Lithuania has been effectively curtailed by tho Soviets, thia report is suhnittad for xhater ar historical interest it may hava.

Partisan Activity

iasoiplina among tha Lithuanian partisans ass vary strict, Tha avsrage partisan waeoaara ef age. Toung people ware attracted to the partisan ranks because it ue they who faced being drafted Into th* Soviet Anny and who would have bad to serve two yesrs' military service-.

The main center of Lithuanian partisan waa in th* area

aroundspecially in tne vicinity or the village of There werereat many partisans in ths

area around.

The partisans in the Upynas areamall newspaper called KJakinla. The paper was mimeographed and was ln booklet form, about seven by rdn* inohes, in sise. It was not issued regularly, but came out at one toonth intervals. The paper contained names of local persons who had perished or who had bean arrested or deported, pseudonyms of slainocal news of the area, regulations .of the government and how to avoid them, regulations oonoerning new-taxes, and world news derived from the BBC, whose foreign broadcasts are the most easily heard in Lithuania.

^The last larg* raid by partisans in ths Kaltinenai-Pagrybia area ooourred in the. On this ooossion the partisans Killed seven members of two farm families for having betrayed the partisan*. Thia event occurred In the vicinity of 0 the partisans in this arsa wore uniforms of the former Lithuanian Army. 1 there were no indications of large partisan raids. Individual persons were killed by the partisans, but whole families were no longer attacked.



IiMMIm tnAotod ly ruU Dtrrib*U-

5.partisan group ahich

WAS locatedraft. About IBPU taiOMlSrs from UaJa .liaih* partiaan camp consisted of array tents andwell-equipped, even having typewriters. There were aboutan in this partisan unit, and they ware divided into groups of aboutoersons. These partisans wore uniforms of ths Soviet, German: snd Lithuanian armies, as wall as civilian clothes. The leaders of the Damiliai group often want to7 to receive orders, from partisan headquarters. When leaving for Siaulial, the chief of staff would always say,m going to see the general"

there were connections between the Damiliai partisans and other groups.

ha Damiliai partisans often attacked the Soviets. Uost oftook place in the wooded area which extendsadius of aboutaround Damiliai and which includes the village of Joniskis. Oneactions of the Damiliai partisan group7 was the robberyanks village aboutilometers from7 onto Klaipeda. articipated in tha raidplace between0 one afternoon. Six partisans entered0 rubles. All the partisans who participated in tha robberyarmy uniforms. end-lease American truck, which ths partisansduring one of thair fights with thsas used in the bank robbory.

to souros, Lithuanian partisans no longer like or trust thshs partisans wars oa very good tsrms with thatho latter war* also Doing psrsooutsd by tho militia. Tho partiesmfood to tho Garaan*. Konsvsr, many Ooruns later woritod ai agtnti forand botraysd tho partisans In tho area around Upynao.

8* In Damiliai itself there warssry fsw WI) nan. Ths bulk of thoforces wsro In Zagare wherethereando

Tho ptrtlsopa wsro inforasd by farmers In the araa that Soviet loisos

during this period wore three times as largo as partisan lossoo. Tho MVD usually uood abouten in thslr attAoks on tho partisans. However, whsn they sort combing an area for partiaana, thsy wouldull company ofan* Thoy also used dogs on such occasions. In7 aomsona batr&yod th* Damiliai partisan grcup and it was foroed to flea. During ths escape, thras partisans wars killsd. Ths ramairdng partisans retumsd later and sotew camp nsar their former ono.

9. Ths town of Upynas 7 Is known toary largo number of

militiamen and iatrebiteJJ,.PasUs

(not looatsd) also has a


10. There are ususlly about five adlitlaman In Th* ,

chief and his deputy srs of Russian nationality. Th* other two or threeLithuanians. As ofhere wareaabars of tha iatrebltali Their activation for being iatrebitell was varied)erahad formerly bean cooparetivsly wealthy and who feared deportation forsoma vara young parsons who wanted toatter living) aomeeach latrsfed^sl wore tho Coaaunist Party

badge (sic). Rot all of then wsrs bad, aad source even knew of lnstanoaalatrebltel. supposedly inadvertently during conversations with farm*ra,which farmhouse* ware to ba checked and tha tin* of th* ohaoklng. vary important, tine* farmers often had partisans staying with thanday. Some lstrebltell. however, ware badtb* worst


n tht Kaltinanai area was Gaguesoung Communist who denounced many inhabitanta and aauaad than to ba arreetad and deported.

iatrebltali in tha Kaltinanai araa reoelved all thair ordara froa Varniel

Also, nhan reinforeanantB were neosasary,aa froa Varnlai. Tha laat large-soalt action by the Kaltinanai latrabltell took plaea lataatrebltali aurroundtd tha whole looal area and aaarohad it carefully, using doga to aid thair afforte. Iha partisans suffered heavy loaaaa. Ivsryona waa certain that aonaona had betrayed tha partiaana.


forests in tha araa around, Xwere oonbad byIn lata About six to seven truckloada of MVD man froaVSrnlal or Taurage participated in tha aotion.

Original document.

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