Created: 9/10/1953

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de following points were noted at meeting of Messrs. Berry,Tofte, and Colonels3


Hr. Leddy reportedorking group of Defense vaa to have presented to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for their approvaleptember, the agreement with Ilcaragua for military aaslotanco. If this were approved, action may be expected by the first week in October.


Mr. Leddy stated tbat both the Pentagon and the Government of Bl Salvador were delaying re certain specifications of ecnlpaent. ist is in the hands of the Pentagon now and that something might be done at this end to expedite the Salvodoran request. He will find out the exact situation and inform me.


Both the preaent Ambassador, Irwin, and tbe Counselor ofrated unreliable by Leddy. The Embassy building is alsotherehange, and no new Ambassador has been selectedIrwin, Leddy Questions tbe advisability of sending. Army Attache ls considered

the best man In the Bmbasay and bis quarters and office, which are separate, much more secure than the Political Section, p

J "hen neceeeary. Berry will go to Pork Armstrongge* action. m to apeak to the Directorthe needew Ambassador. Leddy explained that thein State at the moment is complex becauao of an effort being mode to save such posts for career officers. Thereattle between career and political appointees.


The critical remarks attributed to Guatemalan Ambassador to the


oriello, and action to be taken regarding tbea, vaareported tbateeting held on the aoralageptemberwhere twenty-three officers were preeent, he waa tbe onlyaction. The other twenty-two voted to do nothing Into "rock tho boat". Their position vac tbat nothing should "bedivert attention from the main issue, which is theFruit Company property. Leddy fools strongly that action by us Berry is willing to speak to General Smith butaction taken by General Smith attributable to Berry wouldadversely.affect Berry's relatione with the ABA side of State.'his poaitlon would be more protected if an approachmade by Mr. Dulles orbnor. Mr. Leddy will prepare andtotatement of the position which he reconiacnds. Alltbat positive action was in order, and this was onto get publicity and begin our PW campaign. m toLeddyopy of an opinion on the Toriello statement Assistant Secretary of State Cabot la away until

Friday, and consequently did not participate ln tho ABA meeting on the Toriello matter.


Original document.

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