Created: 9/9/1953

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

orWof lheheld In Vienna

JS " Congress will be followedeeting of the vrn- Trade Union International of Agricultural and Forestry workers As most recently accepted affiliate of thearge delegation of VSBPRNT labor leaders will probably be in attendance. Judging from past international Communist labor congresses. Iestimate that approxinatelyoSK1RNT leaders will g0 to Vienna. Among then are sure to be the Host well traveled of tho lot. Y. .Manuel GUTrEREEZ, as Vice President of CTAI and the Chief of the Central American Committee of CTAI will without doubt bo in attendance. Others who wil] probably attend are Verio tm.AlFS- Vielaan of fAMF, Carlos *tanuel FELIFCFR, Quillermo fax GONZALEZ, and Victor A. LEAL. The possibility exists that son high Goanunist officials will attend despite the "labor" nature of the Congress.

- The USUal rout* ofor WBTWT citizens to Vienna ist. from Pabann to Amsterdam snd then on to Vienna.

3. able inquiring as to delegatej> to the Third Worldthe times and means of travel is beinp sent to

Original document.

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