Created: 11/18/1953

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of International Meeting


I do not concur in the suggestlona nor in the advantages indicated in tho attached memorandum. This meeting is sufficiently removed from tho scene of action that any results so obtained would makeipple on the surface. Furthermore, it will be noted that the Ceuago representatives would only be observers and thus be denied the opportunity to be heard during the nesting. Ino not concur in the use of project funds for this purpose.

Unquestionably tho delegates from Guatemala will bo carefully selected by the Communists. ould profer the psychological reaction which would result from having such persons exposed as communists at this meeting, thus evidencing the degree of Communist penetration ln Guatemala. This could be done by requesting Guatemala station to provide the Information asked for in the attached cable. Upon receipt of this information, the proper JTJ3ARX office participating in this conference should bo requested to arrange the expose of these delegates as Communists at an appropriate time, high-lighting the government control ovor student activities which exists in all Coraraunlst countries.




Bubjeot Exploitation of TjiUnv ttenal Heating farns.

rring'International atodent meeting vill ba bald In Istanbul Turkey. Th* rap ras ann at thawill ba partially controlled by KUBARK. In t1 tat Ions for delegatla go aaly to national Stodant Ualoaa. CoaaaquaaUy tha Communist dominated Guatemalan National Stodant Union haa bean invited. Information reaching haadquattara lndlaataa thathavo boon Instructed to attend and attempt to domlnat*af tha Congraaa.

Siao* aoly national Student Unlena may attend thaaa delagatea, arrangesenta are being made far CEUAOE ta attend aanly needy delegatea farea ara being paid te the Beating by the epeneore. Thla will necessitate obeervore to pay their own way.

he advantagaa that may be gained by CEUAOE attendanco at Istanbul follows'

a- CEUAOE could repudiate tha lie that only tbe Coanunlate ara interested ln Oustaaa laa stodant welfare and affairs.

b- CEUAOE oould denounce thaOuatemalan delegation aa government toola and not truly representative of the Ouatemalan atudant movement.

UBARK oould make lt peaalbla for CEUAOE te meet eympatbetio individual* andwere net af totalitarian and neo-fascieta- letter sentsubject)

d- CEUAOE could establish oontaota which would prove of operational value prior to and following PBSXCESS operation, le. outlets la other studant publlcationa, moral aupoort etc.

h- Arrangemanta have bean made for axtanaiva proas awerage preaa oovaraga of the masting and for the filmingews documentary of the meeting highlighta.

t is auggeatedt

a- That CEUAOE be urged to attend tha latanbul meeting upon receiving aforementioned invitlatlen.

b- That funda ba made available for CEUAOE farea and living expeneaa. (Two observora would ba moat appropriate*.

Original document.

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