Created: 9/8/1953

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SUBJECT: Coaferenceo with

6eptember meetings were held lc ew fork city, with Q |



there until bioew days ago. Shortly prior to his departure u,

left Cuetemala, a

J Beand dlr<;cted ope ratio no from

were made

^JHe was assuredii hipping, ports and land bases are One bomber was also offered, free.will continue to

remain. C purged subject to get on with

hieoffered clandestine eupport and facilities for

movement of guerrilla forcer f"

Security Iiifoifiiatirtn

a. Organ'.ration is intact except for two Colonels in Jail.

Theao were charged with participation in the Salasu revolt, although actually they did not support It. Hone of subject's organisation elded Carlos Simoons at Salama.

b. There0 antl -Communist Guatemalans organised in cells of three to five men. These in turn are in groups of. Thereembers in then the ouburba, within en hour's radios of the City, tbe remainder throughout tbe interior. Those in the auburbs are rated superior to tbe City people. Part of the interior baa not yet been organised, for two reasons: (l) The number already raised is consideredhen prospects of obtaining outside aid declined

.curily Informalion -U-

quots. One mused the full.


The total to date subscribed All this baa been spent

during the post year In the maintenance of tbe two nets and The treasury is dry and funds lnpoeolble toor until thereeneral revival In the hope oftha movement. Other funds were raised for the Carlosetbit associates, end

orthese two and the

continual postponementayUS, has discouraged all financial support. 5. Capabilities

Subject Is positive that through bis intelligence service be can

obtain Information on each officer of the armed forces in Guatemala

City, andlan for their Individual immobilization during the

critical period is feasible. Subject mentioned that many of the officers

are suspicious of ooe another because of tbe system Installed whereby

each Is required to report on the other. This opens the way to


cxcellent PW operutlonn on our part. The Government ta doing all It can

to keep tbe support and loyalty of the key officers by paying good

salaries and giving snny special privileges. Including the building of

homes. Capture of Guatemala City at the Jniilov^or the movement vill

require the IscaoblllEatlon or assassination of the key civilian members

of the Government as veil as immobilixatloaajority of the officers. Suijeet mentioned by name and locality officers in key positions in tbe interior who have committed themselves to his movement. Pull details are available.

6. Economic measures

dtf stocks are estimated et betweenndays. Delaysfor one or two months prioray would have Since iinportant guontities of oil come inup.!

are shipped by rail, this source would have to be controlled, as well

aa entrance via Guatemalanecond effective measure would be the delay or stoppage of shipping. Tho Government is in rather tight

financial straits and depends heavily on its customs duties for revenue.

f ^Jcould delay their

shippingeriod of several weeks, this would financially emberras*

tbe Guntconlan Government and likewise deny certain essential supplies. While

A falling off In tbe buying of coffee would hurt the Government, it would

have to be doneay not to appear as an economic sanction taken unilaterally by.

7. Political measures

. note replying to Ambassador Toriello's charges ia much in order. Subject Outlined tbe weaknesses In the Toriello statement. Be obowed several newspapers from Guatemala Cityeptember, playing up In front page headlines flue Toriello statements. In his opinion, this Indicates full Government support and approval and probablynent to Toriello. Subject believes that the threat of an CAS Conference where charges would be brought against tbe Guatemalan Government and with the possibility of economicarticularly against coffee, wouldood psychological effect. The date selected for

H , i

Toih>Imor all 'I'-l'i'.i- there are die folLovlnK. nonthly requ Lreaen fee:

a. IVj SHr^c;mtahnnawwulnlnrt Of

h. ^or ia*Ml Iand

operatlODe Inside

c. For PW


IV activities wll) Include tbe printinglandeat.lne

Iodide tbe country. One is cow being publiahe-i


9 nn

a. etailed plan and time table be prepared based on the following

assumptions: mple fundsrms and munltloaa available.

b. hipmentoons of arms be made promptly to BDPOS for

training purposes. Tbeao should come via the channels to be approved

i.wiil,serve,est of hla

Original document.

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