Created: 12/11/1953

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ck: C r rice

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A detailed discussion of the problems which were brouj-ht up in general terms at the previous meeting) was made.

It was agreed that tho first problem, that of security, was theCIA security of tho various CAA and Weather Bureau personnel whostationed on tho island during the period that the unit wouldthere, hr,volunteered tohone call to hio

r^cnal office in Ft. Worth.

As to the shipment of equipment, it waa decided that lt would ba necessary toavy LST to handle tho volume of equlpm ent involved. It wan agreed that C d C ould make arrangements for this shipment. Kr. C xplained that in the CAA organisation, all planning was handled try regional offices and twt any directives to installations ouch as Santa Fe, all shipments to Installations such as this, would appear abnormal if touched in any way by CAA in Washington. He suggested that tc improve cover and for efficiency,ontact aright be better arranged with the regional CAA official in Ft. Worth and detailed planning be carried out with thia officer. He pointed out that in broad terms, this officer must be *nda aware of th* activity that is to take plao* on Uile installation under hla Jurisdiction. Re further explainedtha actual esplanation to the CAA paracrine! on Santa Fe as to the propaganda unit's work while on th* Island and the general briefing in security to impress CAA personnel, would have to be made by this regional officer. It was realized that thia meant cutting one more official into the operation in broad terms. It would be necessary in either casee make contact with him or workho Washington office. It was agreed to explore thia subject furtherinal decision as to the approach to the regicnal officer was mado.

that he would make here andefinite decision

to postpone tho departure of CAA from Santa Fepril. Hehe would make neceaBary.budgetary adjustments withoutconXided that rfien the conferende hadand was to leave, the office, Hr. Lee had asked him to remain behindminutes. trong plea for Mr.convince

ua of the neceasit/ of cutn in ceoeral terms the father =lureauister service and Jurledlctiems were parallel. Mr.

explained that the Weather Bureau had full control over all their personnel

personnel stationed on the island and that no directives such as the directive on our cover stories, security briefing of personnel involved, etc. ccula not be node by any CAA official without the knowlodge and approval by nis Weather 3ureau counterpart. This was agreed on in principle by nil those attending the masting. It wae pointed out that security, in the long run, would be served by cutting in the leather Bureau counterpart of Hr.Cjand the regional officer, if necessary. This cutting in could be dune in much broader terms than was dons in the case of CAA. It is believed that an approach can be made representing t'rdsepartment of Defense effort. over story will be necessary in any case for the CAA regional officer and the Santa Fe

In general terms,ousing and other facilities wereneither Hr.C nor Kr.C ad suchat tills time. this tdms telephoned his

regional officer at Ft. Worth and asked that he 3end by cable theall CfiA personnel now on oanta Fe. In addition, he requested thatthe names of Weather Bureau personnel andinclude them in thetold his regional nan that the date for wi thdrawal fron

Santa Fe had been delayedpril and for him to make his plans accordingly.

Mr. C ill telephone these names of the Santa Fe personnol 3when obtained. Those names will be turnod over to IS somay initiate security clearances,(ROTEt tate that theyact on security olearance for Messrs. C the

regional officer, if involved and the Weather Bureau counterparts.) ill further explore all the details or logisti-

cal at support of the island, willcontinue the thinking on coverfor the propaganda broadcast unit, etc. and will mot again with Hr.C nd Mr.C Jwhen they so desire.


Original document.

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