Created: 12/18/1953

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DATE lfi3

General - Operational Intelligence Spocific- Jorgo RTEDEJ. Grosse

RSF: j" .

1. Jorge RXEDEL Grosse, appeared at thie officend purported to havepecial trip from Guateaala to reveal the latest developments of the Partido Unificacion Anti-Conmninists,n organisation RIEDELnowumbers in Guatemala City (secfj.e stated theof tho group are Clcmonte KaRIKXJJIN Rojas, Manuel LISANDRO Berganza, Col. Oazalo YKRTSTA or (YWISTA) aid HTJSDEL, himself. Associated with these four are Colonel Otoedel GANBOAen at Salens; Colonel Ernest RAMIREZen in Puerto Barrios; and Joaquinho will leaden ln Ouateaala City.

Subject asserted the originalas boon changed since the leaders became convinced Guatemala City enould be captured first. The group hopea to0 men and equipment fromt is plannedembers of theould capture tiro airport and pomit troops and oq-pnont from TIL'JTILO to land. (See.0 Dominicans would vide into two units, one of which would attack the National Palace, (targetofhile tho second would attack the military installationUid at 2nd Street and Independence Ave.. PDA troops would seizeand control routes to targets and also function as support units. RJAlould also be deployed to disperse the Comnmcists before thoy could unite asfombat groups.


raEUX inquired the whorcabouts of Alfred C. FEPPARD and asked if he had been able to obtain PBPRIMK approval for the assistance of TKUJILLO. He statedAHD had offered to atteapt securing such approval as well as assistance inan interview with THJJILLO. RTEDEL was told emphatically PBPKIME does not participate in activities involving internal affairs ofother countrlea and could not assist such an effort. However, the circumstances were such lt would be necessary to forwardod his statement to superiors and he would be notified if there was any reply. He gave his address as Callojon Hanchen ffl6 or, under the new numerical system, Callojont was carefully reiterated no intervention could be expected by the ODYOKE in the internal affairs ofor any other country. Subject stated one of their Bombers had talked withn Washingtoneeks ago and was told by TRUJILLO if their group could obtain PBPRIME approval be, TRUJILLO, would be delighted to assist the PUA. RZEDEL could not supply the name of this person but offered to secure it if we were interested. RIfilEL appeared disappointed at the lack of definite coemitroent, but stated he would returnonth or uo to see if there wasany answor. He stated many of the PUA numbers were anxious to put an end to tho Coromioiotsimmediately and desired to start sabotage jjooediately. He was tactfully cautioned "from an old soldier" it would bo most foolish to initiate an uprising

with out pro por arms; supplies and support.

lu RTEDEL stated the reason for Ms visit to the Embassy ho re rather thanwas because the American Embassy in Guatemala was constantly watched and information from it was leaking to the Guatemalan Government. MARROQJ.'IN bad told him of giving information to Ambassador Rudolph SQIOENFELP which, as well as the source, was known to the Guatemalan Government within three days. Rooa CGUNDRKS, Former Chief of the Guatemalan Secret Police who ccewdtted suicide, warned YARROQUIN the Guatemalan Govememant had knowledge of the visit and the information passed thereat. RLRPEI. stated there was another auch incident and assumed the American Embassy was swaro of this matter.lso asserted the Guatemalanas aware of PBP1HME assistance to Guatemalan exiles in San Salvador and had instructed their new Military Attacho to El Salvador, Col. narcoDAS, to watch tho Ano ri can .Embassy hero. VARA GAS has replaced Major Rene VALKNZUELA, who has returned to Guatemala, (aeofj VARGAS told Colonel Qonsalesember of the PUA, the Guatemalanadclose watch on activities of exiled Gauteaalana ln San Salvador. VARGAS said thisaily itinerary of Colonel Tdigoras FUENTES, an anti-Con-nanist exiled in El Salvador. RTEUJ. stated VARGAS was notoawainist and had taken the position because of financial difficulties. RTETS. further asserted his organisation hoped to establish close working arrangements with VARGAS.

S. , made tho following comments regarding Guatemala political activity!

now Guatemalan agents havo been sent to Salvador under guise ofrefugees since tic Salami uprising. This was accomplished bytho agents and then permitting them to escape prison; take refuge inEmbassy; and thus gain entrance to El Salvador. He stated onetook asylum In theEmbassy during the lastays ofbut otherwise he could not provide their names.

Roberto BARRIOS Pena haa covert contacts with the Guatemalanand was hence not trusted by PUA.

Czeoholovakian Attache in Guatemala is paid ShOO por month forthe Guatemalan Government on matters of interest.

real purpose of the Russian Coram cal Attache's recent trip "toa viait to the Puerto Barrios vicinty toecluded location

to unload Russian sea borne ams.

group ia Informed Carlos PRIO Socoras also has connections with theOuatomalan Government and can bo expected to work closely with it.

group had information TlfllJLLLOo Coneral FUENTES which he



Page 3

can not account for,

are now circulating leaflets in Guatemala instructingand anti-Communist be killed in the event ofstates this is identical with leaflets used by thethe Spanish Civil irjar.

President AREVALO of Guatemalaheck for illto friendly Chilean Communists during his recent visit to Chile.

j. It is believed PIOUERES will support Guatemala at the Caracas Convention. AH&VALO assisted FIGOEReS during the revolution in Costa Rica and,eciprocation, FIGUEEKS will support the Guatemalan Government which in now seeking support from all Latin American countrlos for the Caracas Convention.

6* RXEDSL assertsuatemalaname to San Salvador under the cover of religious pilgrims but were actually here to interfer with the luth of Decembere contended these peoplo were largely responsible for the unruliness of the crowd. He further asserted Communists from Guatemala haveellsembers each in El Salvador, the majority of which are located in Ahuachapan, Sonsanate, and along the Guatemalan border.

Source was queried about allegations of Comminist sympathy against Colonel Jose Alberto KEDRARO, Chief of Salvadoran Detectives. RLSDSL stated MEDHANO asked him to bring to Salvador copies of Guatemalan Communist publication "Octubre". After delivering two bundles, thesupply ceased without notice. This,arning by HARROQQTM not to put too reach trust in MBBBAKO,to be the basis for RTSDEL'S contention KEDRANO is in the pay ofand, hence, the allegation wouldlargely speculation. However, it is noted in his earlier statement,e listed Roca COLIMDRES as the basis for his opinion.

RIEDEL stated he proposed to visit President OSORIO, but being unable to secure an audience on his last visit, he had preferred this time to sec Minister of Defenso Colonel Oscar BOLANOS, However, the recent resignation of BOLAJiOS as Defense Minister had thwarted hie plan.

RIEDEL explained his group was now ready for action and would appreciate PBPRIME making possible tho supply of arms toe repeatedly assured -theof complete cooperation with PBPRIME should his group be successful. Source stated he had spent moref personal monies in re-organizing this antl-Communist group. After being told PBPRTKB could not, and would not, assist revolutionary attempts within Guatemala, Subject still appeared to accept this only as an official position and to assume PBPROfB assistance might actually be forth coming. He said he would returnonth or so to see if assistance could be given his group.


Pago .'.

Qroot care was taken to an sure nowas given Subject and the position assumed that, aa an ODACID Officer, his information must beand forwarded Washington as routine procedure by the undersigned.

Some of the substance above recited could logically constitute material for an InteiUgence <toport. It is, however, the conclusion of theandgreater operational facility is provided tho PBSUCCKSS stall vjthe matter en toto in one dispatch. Advise would be appreciated if this approachesire one.

Attached to the original hereto are copies of marked maps and planning papers which Subject insisted on leaving, without too prohibitive protest fronwEtfa until his next visit



Peter D. HARPOLD and Oliver li. EIGGONY have improvised an efficient "bugging" apparatushone unit. On future occasions we shall be able to record entire conversations verbatim.

to undertake any of the following, ahould Headquarters so desire and instruct ua:

contact with Subject locally through use of an American cut-outj

contact with Subject locally through use of an indigenous cut-out;

direct contact through plea that our superiors dosiru greater

Jacob R. SF-EKFORD of Subject's address so PBKOKiUKr. mechanisefurther.

y. JiilKllftLL


Attach A, Map showing targets.

Attach B, Draft of operation

Attach C, Identity papers Subject

3 PLP/CFH/ond



Original document.

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