Created: 1/13/1954

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i v

's "n'ormatforf




from : Chief of Station,


Reference -

Enclosed are copies of nine memoranda prepared by DonaldBDTGER and relating to operational developments that have taken place since tho preparation of thn roforence.

as used in these memoranda refers toC J; "HHITE" and "BLACK" correspond tonds outlined in)) of the attachmenti76. "OUTSIDE" refers to anti-communist, anti-government exiled groups in adjoining countries.

Memorandumas as an enclosure one copy of the propaganda item previously discussed in paragraph (g) of

George &

Enclosures t as noteda



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Election Pletform;-

here haa recently appeared In the looalooe announcementsConiraAntloomunista" whloh aetlatform of oondldeteo for mayor of the capltaol and for diputadoa ln tho next elections* Thia was followedejection from our aontrolled group, the "Front* Antloamunlsts Hecloual" (FA*).

ARTER reports that this CPA waa/ls simply another one

of the aany eff-rta of unacrupoulous types to gatherrae of the financial support of the antlcomunlsta a. have taken, otepe and report that this organization (which was no organization at all) has been snuffed out snd its founder controlled agelnet eny resurgence.

HITE/ACTION groups are continuing vigilanoe against th*

many email chlsellers that orop up ln thle woy (see rcent report, and. enolosed photostaticnd feel that the situation has been pretty well cleanedll provincial affiliates have been warned to report any such actions, and ACTZCff is ready to more on them.

m for the preaa release that the CCAlot by the Ooveraaent to undermine snd confuse the Opposition, and was ehtirmlj sponsored by thohis la not true in'this case; this report was released by PAff (WHITE controlled) in order to stir thingsit end toittle mora publicity endnything to put th* tar brush to the Government.



LACK OnOlpi-


Courier System. rvBto-iwlpn rrontlerai-

TER reaort- that BLACK loader haathis ^roup, reslly under the control of OUTSIDE, has now set tip three nepers to chrnnels for passing acterlalu and prcpgtcordo Into Guotemele over the frontiers*

B'.-AJK statoa thst there arepeople regularly eo-ployed In thla, with none hevlnr eny relationship with the others* Three drops have been arranged or, fincea andnear the aouth frontier; couriers pose over frontier end leave nieterlEls there; this Is later received by tho Internal sroup.i, lnoladln? CARTER and they handle Internal distribution.

Ko further detelle are avollohle onARTER hlmoelf refrlans fro-itoo nuch, and vould not ir.ase pass lt on

lna '. : aely cc.ticcted withe amply soye that "nost of the) at* Allltttrj aen, with suae ?inquercs involved".


BLACT laadar, co meoted with CUTS TDK, has pesaed on to CARTER tb* Information that tba OOTBXDK group- ara now foratLfta; large 5roups (opan In some Instances) Inside Snateenla, andabout tba aapltal, in tba lonwe*

So far as BUCK leader knows, thaaa groups ara not aa yet being anted, hut he believes cahaa of arms are near-by ln eaob aaea or are being arranged. So far thera alaply being eeoretly organized, leaders prepared, and agitation oarrled on ln then*

Qreat doe-ontent le expressed by these groups for tba looel regime, and thay claim tbey araforhe lmplicstlon la that they ara not being told much. le? anything, about OOTSIDX but Just being forced up loosely.



. -Hi

ChsO oa Radio, OSOA

ARTERhat WHITS leader haa told Mai ba la

now being asked, by the Quardla Civil* to provide ooplea of tha prograa aarlote of theogmoi (whloh hoo been funotlonlng for aooe weeks) In advance or the prograa. If it'a not deUve&ad to them, they oooe to the Caea de la Llbertad to collect It.

ARTER is not unduly concerned over thia. He sees it olrplylinor harassmentia by the polioe ln order to try and frightene Soee not think lt will develop Into an "action"Bowovo warned Ma to cover hia snd WHITE'S parts ln thia well aa It nty be r. preludee? up "blonder" charge or solaliaro don't want Mm caught in it if lt "braake".



ProppBanaa ln Praper*tlon:-

Wa currently have four iteme of local popagenda la "thahaaaend their statue, oa followe:-

QGTOPOS "Hit-Book" Itemi- The flrat baton woe ready end disbursed to the provinces before Xnias (aee preva CARTER waawhen thle Itet came out, WHITE leader did notcopies for us* The seoond batch waa ready thla week, and ls now being Jlsburaed. CUTER took the top two off obe pile, not noticing that they were "aeconda" (lacking inelde oolor) usedne of these is attached to each copy of thla report, end he will bring propernext contact, Th^la, Item Is paid for.

F0LZO3 AND INTERIMhis material wea 'elayed In preparation by the prlnter'o demanda for Xmas paper ond cards; lt oon-sxata of alx quotation pamphlets end six Interim posters, to appear on alternate weeks. Thla materiel le now "cut" and will be printed thla coming week* An Initial depoeltuet ba paid printer, theupon completion of the printing. CARTER must be provided this dopoi PT this coming. fcedncoday,anuary (station oieao on ccnteot/peyment li lnoluded under eeperalewo ltegwu- payment due.

ftRTER previously reported the donationof two billboards onve 3ur,all of reotsurontSince no aetlon on thlo score bee been forthcomingeve personally designed one -loster and Inslrjcted himthe cost estimate for our next contact; this will go Into-he now osye ho has saterlol ready for tho other board.on Lhla -ill be madewefInislied drafts ond coete

In addlttlon to the foregoing, editionr our WHITE paper. "El Rebelde" io now ln thoue out thin coningnd CARTER has been given the eubeidj for thia (receipts underhis paper eaeac to *toelling "wholesale" atthe vendors-"push* lt etfor the greater profit it allows thenj for example, edition war on the streets ctedition in the capital sold out; equally good In provinces, thoughmaller scale, naturally. Publication0 por editionoet of aof which we. (CETJA has, no far, hoe able to get the balance, but Is herd put to do so,}

The previous "skull" Items were very good In their eye-app and, ^udgirj^ frcn the removal crews etc, were of "cnslderamle bcther to the localhoever draw that lten. Itestttlful design! We were offered, here, some on--aetor-oquore metal alfme, ln luminous paint, but the price wes quite high. The producer provided us with cne, free,n wall of large gasndells,bovoHowever,hree-weeks trial, it's been decided that the luminosity and durability of the eigne are notffset the asking-price. The lten has not been bsur^t.

Radio programs arc now being preperad by WHXTEj there era to bamin broadcasts dclly, six dnye per week; one ln the evening atne at nocnocal material and KVFfRCET eouroes urec forcu aeperote report this date^


Station line authorised the plan, previously suhaittad, for two programs- per month *aohj one to be open propaganda under CEUA, the other toreserve" program for secret signalling and possible conversion to open work Iff the other la cut off.

CARTER vaa not told the funds were authorized, but was asked what arrongeante he could get from local stations (see previouse reported to me, this dete, thnt he had boen offered one half-hour- per month, and one quater-hourar month

on Radiolaes availableRRdesirable tlmee on local schedules. After receiving thia Information regarding th*over previous2 havaim os

0 less thenprograi

a) Actually, we ara reserving twos Ghownour atour at night*

The evening program will ba the currant CEUA A

open propagandaalks, news.

o) The noon show will boof eolld propaganda la beyond these boys without having It "beconedull, and no scripts hav* be on forthcoming from HI The flratinutes will h* an open propaganda show, lik* tl ovenlng program; tho second i5 minutes will be simplyill not sppasr to have any FAS/CEUAhia le oui "reserve" time (as outlined prev reports).

A) Wa thusthrea) programs instead of two, and at lei cost than the initial estimate. With only two short shews, WHITE can manage to make up Its scripts from the KIWORGET material we provide, ai from Its own locel resourcea. CARTER will be given funds to begin on tl next conflictst this time, detailed schedule will be provided Statin


latorabul youth Gong; -

Ab previously reported, tha AE0 received Ita Invitation to Istanbul only orally and Informally; the regular, foraal letter of Invitation wae "lost" in transit* Request for another auch formal Invitation woe made by the VHITE(see prev reports) working in this groupnd was paseed through BLACKto avoid anyooting of the asillo.

The Coamunlst-front FTJD Is attempting to boycott the lata bul meeting, and WHITI needs the formal invitation to present to ASTJ; AETJ being willing to cooperate, but without the Invitation they can't send delegates- So far this lnvltstion (the second one) haa not arrlv* last word was the Informal notloa from Sr. Enriquen Holland the nan In charge for latin Amerloa according to CARTER, that tha Con* grasa could cover expenses of one delegate, possiblenot! you

Another request has been sentxtaxmldklffofotfaaa formal Invl talon; CEUA needs It, even If late. In order to offeett claims of PUD to having successfully boycotted ond blooked thlo affair.

v.eanwhlle, ASU hss definitely selected one delegate (thii will be CarlosAH. Seo Oen'l of the Central American Onlverai-students'nd has two alt em? taa pending. Even If the invitetlon comes late, so longelegate can make even one day of the Coneroae, he'll be sent. Scne local anti-Redove offer financial oldJ for this purpose, nnys CARTER.



M prwvloualy, VB1TX groupci attempting to organise outlyingform new groups, unify existing groups, weed outandndight propaganda maohtsa Inhta organisational work haa baah Ipmperadarge extant by the faat that the neoaaaary trlpa eoat money whloh CEUA (ae WHITE'S front) doesn't hava, end alnoa tha volnnteara fortrlpa muat take tlae from their Jobs and/or aohoallng. Vlth th* University due to reopen shortly, even thia Halted aotlvity will be almost paralysed if continued on ourrant baale-

Station hadnitially, that for organisationalould h*freehat is, that ev*ry nov* need not beo long as polloy waa adhered to end th* funda watohed oloaely. Th*rafora, lnf th* above, ooupled with tha goodof the -purely voluntary activity of VHXTS eub-agenta ln tha past non-aohool months in thia fieldrowing confidence ln CARTKR'e baalo Integrity ln aoateyave authorised bin toa often aa neoaaaary for tha next three or four months) team of two WHITE INSPECTORS. Thea* two will travel from filial to fllell checking On tha ue* of th*t out; they will eliminate waa tag* andhich aom* provincial units hava triad; they will take steps agalnatiler tore will organism formation of local propaganda teams.

Tha coats will runer day,nan, whll* sotuel on tha roado cover food, housing, transportation! no1 to be paid. Inspectors will trnvolSE*8nxr^ssignedback to capital esoh,ai^ow3s'0fla to aback oU tham and to

avoid any possible financial abmae (claiming travel end work days with nothing actuallyhey will visit five to seven peubloe end fines peron acircuit, and willeport eachheir Itinerary will be pre-set for then by WHITE leader underupervision.

hese "inspectors" will be held to two (one men la not

ARTER understands thet this does not represent "employmmnt" of these can, but is merely meeting actual0 oer day per manonservative avereae for transportation endhile they are actually on the road; he further understands that wa msy stop the aotivlty (st leaat cut off the funds) if the sctlvlty le not "paying of cr signs of abuses appear.

he basic project has an ellowsnoe for WHITE travel and

for suoh organizational aotlvltlee.



Kaaa Heating at Tloulont*;-

s previously reported, we have WHITE sub-agents cir-

cuiting through the dcp&rtamentos organizing, giving "pepnd unifying tha locol fllloles.


Original document.

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