Created: 1/15/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


- Telephone Conversation

C. KING, Telephone Call


today to'SriSSr'l6aVin6

^. In double talk JC explained that his conversationvery enlightening as it revealed his wholeheartedenthusiasm for the current program. In respect to thenow in Washington, believed to bemembers of PUA; JC informed that ARENAS had returned tothat O'CANA was still in Washington, hoveverT "hssured JCwould bo able to influence O'CANA to refrain kern contacting anyofficials and to stay in line. In fact,r ^statedhad upbraided both of them for getting out of choW-ioandwell as exciting so many government officials which at thisthe wh0<le program. This appeared particularly significantto these two PDA leaders and possibly his

control over toe jutUer political, organization.


3.JC assured that he had made every effort to buildT -af^3 Jin order to insure the fullest L rrived in_ Jis scheduled to depart from arrive Miami

(_ Jto be alerted in order to establish contact upotr arrival.

nf^A' In doubif telk JC was follow up on tho assignment

S!'UOr FI 0fficer for this Project. JC stated he would do so aiwBfl and endeavor to obtain his assignment on loan at the earliest possible date and so inform this Station.

5. In regard to the audio-surveillance ofor


meeting, JC stated that he^had arranged with Sheffield Edwardsarriv? soonL th proper equipment to install the audio-suryeillance here an3 maintain same during tho course of this meeting, LINCOLN to be advised later as to the exact tine of arrival.

Original document.

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