Created: 2/9/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible



of Station, Guatemala City Chief Of Project, rBSOOCXSS Cpor atlonal Hatters

ttached herewith arepecific ETCOVH jtasfcllf. roor priority development aa

ho ayabola aaalgnad' of tola project la all oahla er dispatchrarioualy assigned oryptooyaa or proia^aatliaaa. ba used In your aonthly accounting mrmary for thia

9. Tba at--ao bed Id forwarded Ar and operatlooal authority. Furtherro-idtd, taak by task, as the

tmoa Twiioj, fflsrocESs

A. ARUQCUH Oparttiooal' LTKOU. copy to Eee4qxutftsrs, -vblah will^flifljt'd expanded In tho development of aaohhis .report^ to Project Headquarters to determine tha situationeekly baaio. For your information, thisro rids an assessment of operational progress for hlghar^ or aboutebruary It la contemplated that this.aBaanmaant

will ba prepared from tha above weekly reporta aad other daUduring tha period thus relieving the field of further Special reporting at that tlaa.

toL. -

5. It ia contemplated that RAZHARA will soon arrive to replace

SESDCHw Principal Agent for PT/l. although tha former may bato KSSKHCK by tho latter prior to hia departure, whlohit is also desired tbat thia bo laid on between

and RuTUSater data in order to ensure fulleat cooperation oc the part of ES3BKK. Pending aore specific instructions, for your planning purposes lt la desired tbatodeavor to split offop lax now managed entirely by ESS EKE into two or more separate operations withorking more directly with the separate, major groups. In this manner ESSENCE will be freer to concentrate on his

C/S, Guateaala City


major asalgnaents leering tha other groupe too handledireotedaa thla will require farther stud;

and oareful dsrelopnent you will Initially concentrate oa establish. RAEURA before prooeedlng further.

a aelf-ezplaaatory and aatarlal will be provided for thla purpose aa aoon as LTJCQLS laosiUoo to do so.

any operational aotlTityDHOOE nature whioh is not provided for In the attached list or tbat you would recooawnd for approvalpecific task in tha future, ahould be forwarded by

basis. Upon approval by thla Projectpecific syabol would be eealgned for Identification and accounting pnrpcoes.

8. The estimated cost Indicated in tha attached Hat of tasks is for theanuary



nd1 pe) Date Typed. 4

- Guateaala City


Original document.

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