Created: 1/31/1954

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Attan: Jake Esterllne

copy of Congressional Record

Wiley's speech on Guatemalaf the attached copy of Cocereaalonal Hecord.

ordering tvo copies in accordance withweequest froa Chi if, RQM/ciS for ehe wishes to see tonorrov roml-g. Vieecond copy, vhlch wa will sent* rafter he has seen it.




of foreirn countries,ould ue* inmulutudr at up In the aiadom of thoseMl commjltre. charged with the rat otlity itn ought thatision would no*w* by way an amendment, but should be

prod l

a separate mcuutf. The Senator from Kansaseparate meaiuro. It was lelerrcd to the Committeegriculture andI nm sure that the Senator from loujsiana, lo follow! no theseate isost ImportantState and ha* crest capacity to luce agricultural commodities,hat that measure pivd the Sen-Tbe meaiure0 mil-worth of our agricultural surpluses to be used tn foreign trade by the variousdepartments The dlffl-eulty haa been that the foreign nations did not have the American dollars with which to buy Um producU. Thisbridged that nap.

I intend lo have placed In the Rxcoaoart Ot my rr murks the opening statement which the Senator frommade at Ihe time when the measure to which reference liai been made waa Introduced. It aaa passed by the Senate, and now rests In the House ofwhich will consider tt tt andit ecu lo Ithink les-bsaUori Is neededIl co as farake care of the situation about which the Senator from Louisiana may have some miKlvlnga We want lo set rtd of our agricultural surpluses, since the taxpayers' dollars are tied up In them,aimer which will enable the American people to receive value foe the surplus products, and at the same Um* relieve our domes'.le economyurden

Mr President.the PcneUx frecti Kansas yield fo[therf

HTn. I yield to the Senator from Louisiana.

Mr. LONG. It seems to uie that the Senator from Kansas hasery line suggestion, provided there arcsafeguards to assure the people of the'Bolted stales thai there willareful accounting, and that anWill PC iitvrn lo Members of

Congress, and all otheis who may desire to inquire Into the matter, to knowwhat Is bnne done with theproducts. The only thins some of ushat perhaps sosne of themight be disposed of loosely. Gome Of us would want adequateln order to protect the public Interest, and see to It that our people received for .the commodities their money's worth.

Mr. SCHOKPPtX. The remarks the. Senator from Louisiana are prlate; such an opportunity should afforded. The activity ahouldher safeguarded toenl and adequate information and should be made. laced In the measure pasted quired reports to the Cong res. proper departments of tteverajhent who are handling these mnvcuy:hing, is an excellent provufoo.


Mr. LONG, will the Senator Iron Kansas again yield?

Mr.m clad to yield to Ihe Senator from Louisiana.

Mr. LONG.atter of fact, there la an advantage in the sale of thesecommodities, the receipt ot which pay for overseas bases, instead ofhem in dollars. In many Instances overseas* tend to hoard American and to get the very nest cur-tbey can. There is an old axiom inVsnkine and currency that bad money Rood money out oferson bas good money heo peddle off the money that Is no&cood, which losesalue, anda long period the money knows will be more valuable, and theof the surpluses In tbe man-would prevent boardinc of money paid for defense overseas.

I appreciate the made by the Senator from

Louisiana. "

Mr. BUTlftR of Maryland. Mr.will the Senator from Kansas yield?

Mr SCHOEPfcEL ield.

Mr. BUTLERMaryland/ To what extent are the tocXj surpluses used by the Armed Forces?

r. SCHOECPEV In Uie nine ment that was placed in the Mutual tense Act,ecall, utilised to the extent

Mr. BuTLER ot Maryland. Wjff the Senator state, if he for thai limitation?

referred to have the lamer, more In lineS; thefrom Kansas had adyftdfed in the measure heas thought that the sum ft SSQOI million wouldasisrianon the part of. let us suy. thf Mutual

with the

Department and Uffcot Defense, lo see to jyhat extent the pluses could be

Quiter.a not requested this matter frofi those departments,xpect to ddfso.

Mr. BUTLBR ofhink It would borVery interesting to sec what the figure/ show.

Mr.hank mye

resident, surpluses, like burst have to be removed. Wc half to get surpluses out of the market, if g' arc lo restore its health.

sold to the CCC have not marketed; Ihey have only been under the rug. so lo speak, and stored. They have not been cleaned bui nf or away from the market. Tho CCC Isarket. It isarket stabilizer. Its operations make gradual adjustments possible. Farm products have not been marketed until they have ten. fed. or worn and paid for, for agricultural surpluses Is either. In the stomachs or on the bucks of people who need them. Many such people are In foreign countries in whichish to market our products, and these people need Ihem.ave uie capacity to pay. if we will buy and make inlr.lllcent use of what they can otter.

I haveery deep concern over UMf mounting surpluses of fana products. Lastppeared before the Senate rusTlt:ii Relations Committer In support ot an amendment which would have had surplus farm products used to relrJorto-ensr national security program It was^Cbe consensus of that cornralUee that not germane to Mutual* SecuritythenhenUL B. fin. whlejfwai considered by the Committee'rtculture andThe bill snfi amended slightlyommittee and was pasted unanimously by the Senate afil MTa. '

Tbe PRK3VINO nPI'ICER (Mr. POT-td In the onairi. Tne Chair reminds the SenatostTrom Kansas that undergreement he was allottedinutes, which now have ex-Mr.tay bo lo proceed for an additional

PHESIDING OPTlCnt Is therehe Chair hears none, and the Senator from Kansas may proceed.

Mr. SCHORl'PEL. Mr President, Ito ask unanimous consent lo have incorporated In the Recoae at this point,art of mylatcrorol made by me on Julyn page 1WJ7 of the Cowcisassoa-ai Rccoao.

There being no objection, thewas ordered to be printed tnas_

CaaAoxnirui comtoon (in musk*or vxa!die* win ba oMrnnl Irotn lb* rapnrttaiimnsolluvs to atitcm Mclkini of other mearurea rhleb have heretofoia burnIhe ttauatr. The pandlnnill to authcruw Uie Picsldfat to litroummootileq u> liaprovv tbar*lallon> of in* Onltrd Slam, aiul fac otbei purpoiN. Tbe Wml-ml'.ifo on Agrii'ninn- anil Pmwtry.he bill, aa It la apMlflf ally atatedji. leporta Ihe Mil aod locom-Ihil II do paxaowndiaent.a tn* Oommi'Ue on and li'iilif and oth" Rrnatnii

un iun Snow Ihat UM Benaw bad

,it danaf tnita tiumbrr of

is. tvuut>i. lor fai-

e( luipluieota-


Fun organiiaikana5*naWa'joMvd fjaiKiiUli internt

IE IMi profcpula; aad hc**mi SS* waa .

visiViaai Hxwiliy Act1 a* WUo phtM* fee sucb tale Wbin.utan*al dta set ouS lal inu Minn. Main, taaiat tau time, ycur conumllre fetl* thai tbe additionalrovided bf UM oOl la nacraaary If we

atlampt to dia-

cover anathar aala for InertiafontaMa iltuial Undo.


tbaOf tbla

Id atobks owntd Of


of approilmatelyillion.m I* ib" only proposal broughtUit. body ihls session inn-o gripsealistic war with um my urgent

In dealing alto aurpluiucu wer 3abrlok Ihe agricultural plant ot Unato existing market*.we Bave learned tnal lew week*oat un-intUfactory approach potiucali) and larconcmlcally. The other al tantalise latta to develop means tn inrreaieport* aad rtlnfore* the mutual-taeurltyo protect our eslsung mullets and create new onee-IS with an auUiortia-tloo0 million vould aeblevt tbeaoCatter ot utroott urg-tncy uvat this legislation beInline adjournment In cedar to atari work on Use dtapoaal ol surpluses Immediately.

The recently roacud Mutual Security Act oliovitMo to autltoriu the Prealdent to enter Into agntemeota with friendly counults (or iht sole and export ot aurplua agricultural com modi lira andlor them Weal currency (or the account ot th* UulUd Bute* It provide* that In She necoustlso of theh* Praablanl mm IdBJ precaution to safeguard the ciiaiing market*.

The section lurUier pro.idea that the local currencies received by the United Stale* tot atrleultural products sold are to ba used (al lor providing military auiatanee. such, a* to tbe Noelh Atlantic Treaty OrgiiUsauon and lor Indochina; (bl roe the purchase ol good* or service* needed tn oiher friendlye) for loanster ruingiRcludlng strategic materials; id) for developing new markets foe agriculturalor gran la-tn-aid to lo create producuon; and <fi for atoekplllng ruU-ilals needed, by the United State*.

Section SSO of tbe Mutual Security Act arts Ui* framework within which agricultural market* can be ripanded. iiaim-ingillion, sill give auffment money to give thla new eoncapt of expanding agrl-culturalull iril

Strut* ban la IS. In addition to providing lhe ball billion dollar* to eOectuate arei*onrocedure which will mure that the majority ot tbe salts wul be mad* through private taadam ralbee Wanuie trading boat*.

aNALTfig orbio.

*ais. acatcvLnrau. nine oivnoeiaurr alt i or

dtclarts thatpolicy of th* I* to use rices* agricultural eom-modluea to aipand tbr free world economic* by promoting* and airtngth-aniog Um eeonoeniM of cooprraiinB natiooa.

uthorises tlx Firaldant. Inwith the prorlnons of section SSO of th* Mutual Security Aci. to |a> make ea-eeea cooioiKltties brld by trie Cctnoiodity Ci-dli Corporation available roe sale and <b) direct the Commodity Creditin accordance with adequatetonto dollar* til* etircenry

icctlved by exporters for selling *grlcultural

product* provided that tile lotnl value of

tha CCC Blocks and Ihe doliaia uud lorof local currency doeed SfrOO

Under domestic operation- of CCC onof documrnla that wheat baa braneeled and sealed. CCC paya. tinder ilala provision, upon rccrlpl or documents tbat furttfn currency hat been detxuluid to tha account of the Dinted Slates, purauant lo

all the conditions prescribed by tbe Prol-dent. CCC would pay.

Scot looorta acleuitural oocn-

lltlra ua those dltenulnrd by tbe

tary of Agriculture to be In eicra* ordomcatlc and eapoit talc* plus afor working stocks.

lrecta th* president totrie provUioo* of th* act ao aa lo tspoit the m. ii mum quantllle* of agrlculturat commodities with the innda made *aailsbia lo him for thathla la lotbe uae of the funds for unwarranted proo-eaaing and other espanaet Uut could be

bore* by rectlalng eounlrtaaL

oaigratalonal aolboriaaUou

pra Hon to th* COC to rrlnaMrra* It fee cckDmoditla* Uwnaferrad puauael to

the act aad far run tfa uaed In theof total csauiraSao Use CCC to be

leal ta adiaoet ofout th* purpoat*s* act.

: raqmrta that theurtty AdminUtiBttoa retmburae tha CCC lalor Meal curnnela* uaednt.military aaautanre: aeoond. for loan* So Inoreaae producuon of guud* or Including tUBtagln inaterlali:gr*nta-ln-ald lo tnrrats* production.

to the Congreta with i

tale* that no prmpaoia ahall be tind'riaktn undar thla authority of lor June

irect* lb* Prraldrat to report reapect to the acuvltlca carried on under this act at least one* each

month* and al such other tiroes ta may be appropriate.

That otcMon wasay aay. so that Congress could kttp loformrrl as to whether tbe proposed use ol the agricultural surplus's would appropriately atrva th* Inicictt* of lhe United Slates.

Mr. President, with thai explanation,ay that (lite*umber of pro petals by way of bills before tbe Oenat* and lhe Houae of fitperasnlatin* in an effevt to do what I* provided by thU measure.

I say very frankly to my colMagucaava no pride of authorship in them explaining. Itember of tba Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, togethee with other Senator* who have Joined In eponsorlng lhe bill.

W* to provide bd opportunity and an avenue lorf agricultural comrood-

litm w* -in lo aurplua aupply, by ac nil lag

lb em to co unifies of lbs world that rrlendly to laa. aad whose people ore friendly to us. It Is piopoced that that be done under pro par aaltguarda, aa wt view (bam. and under arrangement* to accept In Ih* eur-aneiea of Ihoa* countries.

and use them In the way outlined In the bin. Thitill to promote trade. In no sense dots Iba bill pro-Idalmway program.

Mr. SCHOKPPEL Mr. President, the Secretary ot Agriculture staled that no additional legislation for the export or farm surpluses was needed at that Ume. The House Agriculture Committee did not act on the bill before adjournment. We now have In5 billion In farm surpluses overhanging the market. This dlftin-guished bodyesponsibility to itsAmericanuse these surpluses constructively.

The news that consldeiatlon Is being given to use surplus foods to pay for bases is the first Indication that Iheis coming to grips with this problem. Yet there is abundantthat large quantities of farmcan be sold abroad for local currencies.

These currencies can be used tothe capacity of our customers to buy more farm products, and thus enable the highest possible level of farmwith the minimum ofcontrol They can be used toour national security, to purchase stockpiles of strategic materials, and for Other constructive purposes whichour national Interest Our farm surplusesapital Investment, of the people of the United States. We are obliged to assure that that capital la managed well In the public Intercut.

That Interest will be serred wctl. In my opinion. If the surpluses are usedapital revolving fund of manytoowerful and souni) economic alliance of free nationsear military Goliath* who stand In an economic Quagmire.

The surpluses must not be given away: they must not be allowed to not be swept under thehey are needed In the world. They can be sold. They sold, and the pio-ceeds must be usedope the news item toave referredecision by the adminUUa-Uootddo just that

Mr. CARLSON. Mr. President, will my coileaeue yield to me?

Mr.m glad to yield to my exile ague.

Mr.ish to Stale that my senior colleague from Kansasember of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, and wc in Kansas are very happy that he is aof that committee. Not only our State .but the Nation Is fortunate in having the benefit of his services.

I appreciate very much the extremely line statement he has made In behalf of agriculture. He continually works In th* Interest* of the farmers of the Nation.

Mr. SOIOEPPEL.hank my


Mr. WIIJJY. Mr.hould like to lake the time of the Senateew moments to commentroblem which has long concerned- me In the field of foreign relations.

I refer to the problem of communism In Guatemala.

atter of fact, the actions of the present leaders of the Government ol Guatemala have been cause for deepen concern to this country and*to otherof tho hemisphere and the ticc world.

Guatemala's present leaders have tt led to throw up numerous smokcrcreriii They have tried to portray the Unltei States* concern as being solely over tin Issue of unfair treatment whichhas Inflicted on American entei-prise doing business there, particulars mal-treatment of the United Fruit Co

Now, ltact that thetates Is concerned about such unl.n: treatment The United Slatesourse continue to protect thets citizens abroad. It will continue it protect the rights of Americanand bondholders and manure; men I, as would any other aovcrei^vi



seek lo protect the rights oto mi Is.

But tills Is not the baalc Issue. This Is not the source of our deepest concern, as regards Guatemala.

the ilmviiiu OMiinjmn

The source of our concern Is that Guatemala haserious beach* head for International communism In this hemisphere.

No smokescreen should divert any other people or ourselres Horn that alarming (act.

The Guatemalan leaders most not be permitted to distort this issue andas If the people of the United States Were against Internal reform measures In foreign lands.

On the contrary, ve are the first to wish the Guatemalan people well intheir standard of living. My country haa demonstrated conclusively for overean, through technicalprograms, our deep interest in Guatemala achieving more of the good things of life for itscity and.toon, better housing, better health. The Inspiring record of the United States stands for all to see in our contributions to p'^'It coals throughout the world.

xo soon-ruorchattiw comnvkdm

hat concerns us in Guatemala is Internationalake no mistake: There is nobut the communism which takes orders from the despots of the Kremlin In Moscow.

It is an absolute myth to believe that there ishing as homegrowna so-called native or localThere is no such thing.

Communism docs not toleratewithin Its ranks anywhere la the world. There is every evidence to prove that there baa been no dissent byCommunists from theparty line laid down in

Butant lo proveeries of clear facts the Interlockingi.. between Guatemalan rauntan and Moscow communism.

I shall riteuestion and answer form. This tut could be expandedacta because every day tbo alarming evidence* multiply.

Here, boaever. for ereryone lo see.ew o! Ihe elements of the stark record of the subservience by Ojste-malan communum to Moscow ru union.


nolim mroa


First. Thry occupy key spots in radio, press, agrarian administration and Uie socialsystem.

The Director General of Radio Broad* casting and dire* tor of the GovernmentUUon. TOW. Cartes Alva is doommi-rUat.

Second. The Chlr! of Ihe Pressof Presidenl Arbens' publicity office, Raul Leiva.oiutbunlst.

Third. In lhe National Agrarianwhich administers the Guate-agrarian reform law, the No. 7

official. Waldemar Banios KIce, Chief of un Landsember of the Guatemalan Comnviiiut Party.

The chief clerk of ihe department Is Maria Jcrex dc Fortuny. wife of the head of therty.

Over IS other Agrarian Department officials are publicly avowed members of the Communist Party, including atgrarian Inspectors.

fourth. The Director of the official Guatemalan Government SocialAgency. Alfonso Solomno. Is a

Fifth, The Deputy Inspector Oeneral of Labor. Hugo Barrios Kite. Is aof the Guatemalan Communist Party.

m coanxalan com inns rs rurr or ths

Sixth. The leaders of the Guatemalan Communist Party, including Jose Manuel Por tuny. Victor Manuel Outlcrrcz,Manuel Pellecer, Mario Sltva Jonama, Jose Alberto Cardoza, have visited MOs-

head of the party, last went to Moscow in3 and has Just returnedonths of usual training andIon.

Seventh. Victor Manueleading Communist Party member and labor boss ot Guatemala, after returning In3isit to Moscow ImmediatelyeparateParty he was then leading lnof the organisation still headed by

Eighth.essage to the Soviet Nineteenth Parly Congress held inInhe Guatemalan Communlat Party saluted UieParty of the Soviet Union as itsandeacon for theof the world.

Ninth. The centralormthrough an article published In Its worldwide newspaperasting peaceeople's democracy"penly adopted theCommunist Party under its new name Guatemalan Labor Party.

Tenth. The Cominfonn Journal cited above onulogircd the Guatemalan Communist dailyTrlbuna Popular.

eleventh. Wrltlrurs of Jose Manuel Fortuny. head of the GuatemalanParty, are published In thenewspaperasting Peace and in Uie New York Dally Worker.

Twelfth. Provda onublished an article openlythe Guatemalan Government.

it as nu


Thirteenth. Theheater toaian Comm unlit Party for its first public rally, held onndy the. Minliur of Education and otherovcmment cS-eials.

At this meeting Jose Mar.url Fortuny. secretary tenet al of lhe Guatemalan Communist Party, announced his party vtould seek official recognition In order to participate In future political elections under its own name.

Fourteenth. On. the Government officially ree it tried tha Guatemalan Communist Party, thus granting It full recognition under the electoral laws in disregardonsu-lubonal prohibition against "politicala lion,orrlcn orthai uttMFire il*r- MDHnc Inscribed, the OuaU-malanParty changed Its name toi Party.

nflecntli The Government political parties controlled by President Aibens openly tupporied the OommnnlstJose Manuel Fortuny and Carlo* Manuel Pellecer, In the3 congressional elections.

Sixteenth. On Mayublkly embraced VictorGulierres and Carlos ManuelCommunist leadrrs whoGeneral Labor ,

Government agencies In the Communist dallyTrlbuna Popular, piovldlngIts only visible means of financial support

Eighteenth. The Government's official radio and newspaper have disseminated

prc-COnununtst. mil-Untied States pfOpagand* for year*.

Nineteenth. Coonaunlit prcftaganda film* accusing the United Stairs ofn 'bacienologlcal warfare- hava been exhibited in Government buildings^

Twentieth. The Government publicly1jN9 to the SecondConference of therun International Aswletlon ofheld in Uir. Ouatemalata Supreme Court Building last October. The Minister of Interior and theof Guatemala welcomed thoto Ihe confer enco,

Twenty-Ant. Bra. Maria Vuanova do Arbens, wife of lhe Presidentounding member of theCommunist-frunt women's or-gamiaUon. Guatemalan FeminineFemenlna Guatemalteca,

Twenty-second. Be vera] highofficial* and the heads of all four pro-Arberu political partle* participated In an even! atatredovernment school building by the CCenmunlst-fiont National Peace Committee on3 to celebrate the Communist victory over American Imperialism in Korea.oa aura-car-a-

In the light of these and other facts, the development* in Guslrenala aillto be watched with closestnot only by myself but by myon Ihe Senate Foreign Relations Committee and elsewhere in the Cou-

* .

to auftte-ashlngton.

In pnriicular, our American Republicshose expert chairman Is the senior Senator fromr. Hi-KEKioocrnl, will be watchingvery closely, in consultation with the distinguished Assistantof State formAffairs, the Honorable John M. Cabot.

When our ableala. John Puerlfoy visits Washington,




expect to discuss with bus the problem

In greatest detail.

For manyare been In close contact with the State Department on this problem.

I hate supplemented my Information .by first hand reports from those of my colleagues who bare visited Guatemala and from the reporttaff member of the Senate Foreign Relation*Itselfssigned speeJDcslIy on this Issue.

I wish to reemphasize now that It Is not just tbe United Stales alone which views the developments In Guatemala with deepest apprehension. It is the hemisphere ass whole and the free worldhole.

We In Ihe United Stales, however, ha been particularly singled out by the Guatemalan Communists for attack.

voiaoM sruaa fainter tub nam crawa

The bitterest form nf hostility haa been demonstrated by the Guatemala nj Communists In their speeches. In thru) press writings toward us.

I have in my hand an illustration of] the type of evil poster which theaian Communists have published in] trying lo defame and smear the Slates. This poster or cartoon wasby the misnamed Guatemalan LaborIs. the Guatemalan Communists. It hat been spread all over Guatemala. It shows the effort which Is being made to arouse the sentiment of the common peon or peasant against Uncle Sam. It IS an Indication of what the Kremlin Is doing at our own back; door. It purports lo show Uncle Sam. reaching out his ride andwielding hands to controlhise which is even lower thanl the usual level of Red falsehood.

The united states does not seek to exercise dominion over any people. Thcf United Suites believesolicy ofand noninterference. Wa believe in the equality of sovereign} states, large and small. We believe in good nelghborliness and cooperation among alt nations. We believe In the right Of peoples to work out their own destiny in their own way. provided course they do not harm the rights of others.

I conclude. Mr. President, withhope and prayer thatsituation will not deterfuither. thus endangertius notwelt-being of the Guatemalanbut the security of theHemisphere as a

Mr. President, let us not forget thaif this ts not in Europe. This Is not over In Korea. This is right at our own back door. The situation In Guatemala ls truly challenging. Por thatell that it was my duly, as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, bring this subject to the attention of' Ihe Senate.


Mr. WElXEft. Mr. President, the question of American policy with respect to the government of Communist China, and, indeed, American policy low aid Asia

In general, continues toubject of (the most vital concern lo our people, land well It should be.

We haveloody war In Korea kt tremendousar which is today mercifully suspended,ar In which tie and* our allies nevertheless (Tailed to attain our final objectives. These objectives. In case anybodyhem today, were the defeat of unprovoked aggression and tbeof the Nation of Korea.

Each of these objectives hareby the military andof the CommunistChina, which the United Slates andtoday face-rolonged

Viewed realistically, there Is littleto be gained Trom this situation, for the simple reason that we are dealing with one of the most brutal and savage regimes yet to appear on thisovernment toially lacking In principle of any kind, and absolutely devoid of

one single act or deed-can be pointed to which would afford the least Indication that the government of Red China anil alter Its course ot haired for the United Stale* and the free world. Insteadll too evident proof that the slightest show of weakness or concession on our pari will onlytheed" to be all the more extreme and demanding in their attitude

This leads me to the specific subjectave In mind today.

Within recent days aiatementsto Mr. Arthur H. Dean, ourto Korea and our chiefIn the Panmuniomthe Chinese and Northhare appeared In theof Mr. Deans oncialviews,ave read them, areIEaaaV

nut this Oovemmenl lo policies which do not have the support of the Majority Leader, the distinguished sensor Senator from California (Mr.f Waller Robertson, Asaislanl Secretary Of Stale for Far KAitcrn Affairs; of Adm. Arthur W. Radford. Ohntiman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; or ofWaits"ofo not know where thane vtpas originate,o know that similar views are presently being advocated Ivy certain left-wing columnists in tne daily press.

I regret to say that Mr. Dean.o an Interview published on Januaryn the Providence Journal, callseivew of thr policy of tbe United States with retard to the government of Communist Chine and the government of Chiang Kai-shek on Formosa.

Mr. Dean offera Ihe view which has long been held byed China apolo-fists In the SlAle DepartmentThereossibility thai the Chinese Communists are more interested in de-"oping thcm<el>ci In China than Uiey are in international communism.

I cannot believe anything can befrom the truth.

Mr. Dean raises the possibilityedge between the Chineseand the Soviet Ife does this deepile Ihe fact lint the leaders of CWrununtil China have, by theirand their miliary acAoos.hemselves lo be aceantete toots of li. InternationalQnmmimisicompear)ts plan for world cmquest.

Left-wingre today cellor mure realism In our altitudeom mm list China.imilar vain. Ur Dean now iVmaniai that we reswore cc: rwy glasses and Uy another pair tn ci: own tough, raalisLac acif-lnlerrat.

I am curious as to what tbe pastil:ong-range Implications of his pioporai might be In connection with our ar. iwunced policy toward Red China.

I ask this question because, aett.r: aside the elaborate and flowerysed by Mr.s crystal clear th* what he Is talking about Is nothing l*eed for rereesing theAmerican policy toward Au* andarkingotally different course -action.

Mr. President, my furthery what authority does Mr. Deanpon himself la discuss any sue* proportion attain*?houldsk If he Is speaking with thef the Secretary ea* State or th*ent of the United States. Certainly M: Dean was never confirmed asor by the Senate of the Unitedcannot lay rlsJtD to its approval, should appreciateorreal'-'.r -wrong, but it has been my underatandir that our prraent policy hasppc of this Nation,m unaware t| ar determined insistence by theeople that ft be ensnared.

Mr. Dean and others contend thathould look at Asia with moreant to know is. What ts soabout tbe administration'.', pre: ento dm.u certain apeak for the bulk ot the people ot tr. Stat* of Idaho, tbe refusalffer the slightest eoraressioiis to the I' Chinese is the absolute beutht ol real

Iteal poDey because Itoribe to the slave rulersChina.raisUc policyefuses even to discuss thenited Nations membershiplow aggressor whose pollclea have brouvr. murderous ruin aad destruction to mil Ikons. Itear*tie polseyecognizes the an ilfliaa Id: American aotdarn bare paid onills ol Koiea.

But today individuals such as Mr.Jjeginning to question

this policy, andound-about n'--ner arc chanting ihe siren song of go! laboration with the rulers of Red Cl. -

Chiang Kai-shei. the legal Prta.ii-of China. Is tossed aside as IncRecr'. and unreliable. We are aakra by K: Dean toard, criticalilitary potential;ties, the iewn:.

beingoint to the ! !.

China as tbe leadernt cause Here, as elheer In Mr.aris, the clearly suggested altemii at to turn hopefully to tbe Chinee* Jtc tbe same Reds win have turned traeoi-errat nation of Chinaand ot i< tor and death; the same Reelsroclaimed their lore for people* demo-racy, while es terminatingrom very earth.

Original document.

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