Created: 2/8/1954

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(GENERAL Operational Procedures, PBSUCCESS SUBJECT(

(SPECIFIC Psychological Intelligence(PI) A- General:

In consonance with existing specific KUFIRE tasks, all PBSUCCESS Stations will henceforth concentrate on Psychological Intelligence(PI) ir order to meet the special requirements of PBSUCCESS.

Upon receipt of this directive, the Psychological Barometer Reports prepared heretofore will be discontinued. LINCOLN will undertake to prepare for Headquarters and the field, based on overall information, current estlmalos of the situation.

The procedures defined an this Directive will be implerentcd upon receipt.

Political action requires political intelligence. Military operations require military intelligence. Psychological operations require PI. PI furnishes the information on which psychological operations are based-Pi furnishes the information by which psychological operations are evaluated.

of PI:

ascertain enemy psychological strengths and vulnerabilities.

ascertain specific means of attacking the eneiw by psychological

3.. To ascertain friendly psychological strengths and vulnerabilities.

To ascertain th* effectiveness, or lack thereof, of PBSUCCESS KUGOWN activities.

To ascertain tho psychological readiness of friendly and enemy forces for the inplomentation of the successive stages of PBSUCCESS.

D. Definition: 1.

atter of "feel" solidly supported by facts. PIorderly examination of the attitudes in and toward aof both friendly and hostile individuals and social groups. analyses tho mind and mood of specific individuals andin specific sub-areas of the target. Out of thesa specificPI at regular intervalseneral appraisal of thearea's attitudes.

encompasses much that may appear to bo re re operationalthe one hand, and mere overt information on the other. In orderthe value of such materials, Ute analyst shouldrasowhich takes into consideration:

The general and basic conditions,

The habits prevailing in tho target area,

The special vulnerabilities, and

(U) Tha traditional receptivity of tho people to certain sets of ideas or moans of communication. If the targetovernment or its anted forces, for example, tho collector must be alerted to watch for all information, fact and runor, wnich may be directed against the target and against the main elements of its support, so as to create an atmosphtre of doubt, confusion, and final loss of confidence in which the target, shorn of sajor elements of Its required support, must retreat, resign its efforts, or disintegrate.

2. Specific a. Areas

PI for FBSUCCESS will concentrate on nine specific population centers in the target country, and will ittempl to provide as completo coverage as possible of tho prevailing attitudes ln each.

The nine population centers uill bo identified by the following symbols:

True'identities will be forwarded by cable.

b. Arenas

in this instance apply to the special sphere ofcertain selected groups, cliques, or social levels, for example,arena, tho military arena, etc. and are limited to theabove. The arenas of specific PI interest pertainingare categorized as follows*

- Officers

- Pro-government

Anti-go vermiEnt

Professional, Business, Landowners

rbantpro and anti-Communist)

Rural (pro and anti-Comrawist) White collar, including government employees (pro and anti-CoBnunist)

- Religious groups

Tribal groups

Student groups(pro and anti-Communist) Women(pro and 3nti-Communist)

tho specific areas, PI effort will be targetedarenas indicated above, in order to develop studiesareas and provide material for overall studies ofmentioned above.


Reporting Stations

I reports(nogativo reports not required) will be madeilCOLH on.the areas and arenas described above.



Sinco dally PI is principally overt or soai-ovurt, or capable of being represented as such, it should not be classified. It will, however, be treated aa though it wore classified COKFIDEKTIAL.

3. PouchJnft_ Procedures

Five copies of daily PI reports from reporting stations will be sent daily to LINCOLN and to Washington by diplomatic air nail.

U. ronaat

Raporting stations will study the format of the "Daily Press Digest" prepared and dispatched by the respective Embassies in which they are located. Daily PI reports will be prepared and adacogrsphedimilar Banner, aa follows:

The daily PI reports will be entitled "Miscellaneous News Digest." The city of origin and date will bo indicated directly below this title.

Sufficient relevant detail will be given to identify the source of the information. Including, unless unknown, tho name and dateewspaper or periodical; the name of station and time of broadcastadio report; and the identity of the speaker or writer,onversation or letter.

Although PI is to be unclasslfiod, it will be accompanied by tho following codo to guide LINCOLN ln its evaluation and nao

(l) Source Accuracy. For PI purposes, tho accuracy of tho information providedource, rattier than the general reliability of the source, will be rated. To take extremeomaunist newspaper may on occasion state facts correctly,on-Coaaminlst source may bo mistaken. In each instance, the reporting officer must judge the content of the report on tho following scale:

overage. Every report must indicate the coverage of the item reported on, according to the following scalei

1 -

COO people








Sensitivity. Since daily PI reports are intended for use in psychological operations, it is essential that the reporting officer indicate the sensitivity of theaccording to the following scale:

araphrase vary carefully

ome paraphrase required

o paraphrase requiredB

(U) Test Questions.

(a) From tine to tine, LINCOLN will send to the -reporting stations for PI, by cable or pouch, certain test questions to be applied to the geographic areas and social

groups being covered. ample test question might road: "What is the reaction to the military pacts now being negotiated by QDTOKE with KMFLUSH, DTFROQS, and WSHOOFS?"

(b) All replies to specific test questions will' be identified by tbe symbol prefix, plus the serial number of the specific test question

5* Cable Rpporta

the Chief of any reporting Station deems it essential, hedaily PI items by cable, or may comment on pouched items Chiefs of Station are instructed to make the most sparing

use of cables for PI,

items of PI interest, but too sensitive for transmittalpouch, will be cabled.

Weekly Reports:

1- Reporting Stations

Same as for Daily Reports.

Classi fication

BSUCCESS/RYBAT 3o Pouching Procedures

OD/.CID pouch each week, two copies to LINCOLN, two to Format

a. Reporting Stations will submit,housand words or less, in regular dispatch form, their Weekly Evaluated PI Estimates of the PI situation on the areas and arenas described in paragraphsbove.

This Weekly Evaluated PI Estimate will bo divided into two parts:

Estimate of the Enemy Situation.

Estimate of the Friendly Situation.


c. The Weekly Evaluated PI Estimate will give Station Chiefs an opportunity to express their views on information at hand and on the general psychological situation...

Or LINCOLN Uso of Reports:

LINCOLN will utilize the Daily PI reports for short-run KUOOWN guidance and preparation of PW

LINCOLN will collate the Weekly Evaluated >FI Estimates from Reporting Stations, plus FfilS, US Press reports, ODACTD reports,n order to prepare foreekly PBSUCCESS Evaluated PI Estimate which will be furnished to Reporting Stations.

3< To fulfill objectives in,

H. Timeliness:

In all PI reporting, timeliness is of the

Attachments: 2




eb. su





Guatemala City, Guatemala February1

tho owning ofanuary, Colonel Enrique PARRINELLO de Leon, ArmyStaff, ia said to have told another high-ranking Guatemalan Armyhe is not only opposed lo Communism buteep-rooted hatrod ifllNELLO said that even though ho has no use forand hates his Comninlst leanings he refuses to resign his postChief of Staff because ho wants to be on tho scene when ARBENZ1falls to the opposition.


only in COBAN posters putebruary showing Uncle Sam treadingOuateaalan farmers and charging that Tankoo Imperialists areand despoiling them of their gains!


CONDE, owner of Radio Universal, arrested on night of 5program on his station, called Radio Sucesos, has been reportingnews. Gave Senator VILBT's speech full play andPaper evidence might be inaccurate or nwn fabricated* broadcasts and arrost uncertain at this Uno.


ll* On tho ovnning ofriend adviaod ho had boon told by soverai menoors of the Pertido Guatemaltcco del Trabaoo(PGTXommunist) that the Coramunists are anxiously attempting to stir up some form of violence in order that the government authorities will have an excuse to retaliate by publicly announcing that tho government had boon attacked and that in order to insure its future the government is forced to declare tbe country under mrtial law. Friend believes that tho government nay be seeking an excuse to impose restrictions, particularly muzzling press. 5

5. DIAZ, El Espoctador editorial writer, overheard to remark in restaurant that government planning oxpand Whito Paper at OAS Conference by introducing additional ovidencc in support of attack against American intervention in Guatemalan affairs.)

6- Pus driver on discharging passengers in vicinity UiS, Embassy Ii February visecrackod: "Make your application for political Asylum here and now, ladies and gentlemen." Some laughs, no growlav)

I i

I. Areas: II. Arenas:




MilitaryfOfficers, NCO's, Soldiers, Police)

PoliticalCPro -Government, Anti-Government)

Professional, Business, Landowners

Labor(urban( pro and anti-Communist; Rural, pro and

anti-Communist, white collar, including government employees, pro and anti-Communist)

SociologicaKReligious groups; tribal groups,. ro and anti-Communist, groups, woman, pro and anti-Corounist)


araphrase very

ore paraphrase required

o paraphrase required

o be prepared by LINCOLN,


{Detachable for daily guidance)



Original document.

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