Created: 2/2/1954

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Briefing Notes

1. Attached are sterile notes froa vhlch/ ^intends to work In the coming meeting with CAL1GABIS. Deviation" to fit the situation will undoubtedly change the complex of control points, however these notes vxli be adhered to Insomuch B3 possible.


SUBJECT: Brieflag Notes

Former planning of Indigenous Commander will be utilized as fully, as possible, the basis of which being to rearrange the plan to comply with unconventional warfare standards.

The major consideration in all alterations in the Indigenous Commander's plans will be torolonged siege situation and to av>id placing many assets at tbe disposal of the tricks of tbe opposition. To accomplish this we oust realize that all key points of resistance should come under our control immediatelyour. Tbe conditions under our control should be accomplished at each key point of resistance by one ofombination of tbe following methods:

Method: Seizure by outside force with missionbeing performed by an inner organization, organized byCommander's personnel from bis personnel plusthrough Psychological Warfare persuasion.

Method: Seizure by an inner organization suchwithout the aid of outside forces.

Method: An inner organization as above to thecapabilities of control and nullifying the positive actionareas of resistance until success at other key areas isconsolidated to the point of capability of supportingon arrival toiege .


Method: Blocking strong resistance points fromaction by organizing strategic surrounding areas forand harassment, and blocking by specially placed Sab teams.

tbe positive assurance of control of Guatemala Cityof the above first three methods is obtained, no overt move will be It is considered there are nine points of resistance at this time:

City: garrison, communications, ana air facilities

Barrios: garrison, communications, airport facilities

garrison, communications, and air facilities

garrison, coraounications, and air facilities

garrison, communications, and air facilities

garrison, communications, and air facilities

garrison, communications, and air facilities

ban: garrison, communications, and air facilities

Jose: garrison, port facilities, and communications.

.;. It is contemplated thot during this first discussion certain portions of the Indigenous Commander's prior estimates of the situation and contemplated needs will arise. The theme to be used on eaeb anticipated subject is to be as follows:

- - feeling bj the Indigenous Corgapder that, pp the capture

certain of sataJl outlying garrisons. Guatemala City and other

an-fit* 6vAT6hala Cjry'


atrone points can be expected to cepitulatex Recentproved that_tfif onaay-my-approach in efficiencyIn other Communist countries. We know thatthe enemy are Soviet trained. Soviet trained activeits knowledge thoroughly and ecploys it at thoonly. We must design our node of attack ande attack soimited bit of knowledge obtained by active opposition cannot be built into possession of tbe of RiAW". details. Ve are attempting to aid in these standards by coapartmentation within tbe new target organization betweentarget organization and the surrounding partisan forces,

the Guat complex and the outside shock troops andKki and bepueen shock troops and speoialists for each target and 1 specialists for another target. The entry of shockfrspecialists will be designed as nearly as possible to anentry rather than that of regular forces placed along cottounlca-

tion routes. Techniques of partisan warfare will be applied to the Indigenous Commander's prior planning and preparations in the best manner to support more conventional military tactics. This technique of combining two types of tactics has proven itself in military history by reducing tbe number of personnel necessary, lessening hog-tying logistical problems, and utilising strike mobility, surprise, and tactics making tbe opposition fight on your terms, at your time and place for which you are better equipped, trained, and mentally adapted to. By the same token infiltration entry by small, light-traveling units avoiding possible military traps by the opposition will negate the enemy's utilization of material they possess concerning us, the extent of which is unknown to us.


reason could be behind the thoughtilitary cajnpalpi not employing combat aircraft: The utility of bombing and strafing tactics to neutralize any strong point is being shlod away fron evensychological factor by the Group in view of the fact that the very concept of our movement, that of release of persons from oppression, and all of our actions must allow this discontented element to participate in the overthrow of oppression or at least aid by sympathy or nonintervention. Our tactics should veer away froa terrorism of this faction and veer tovaros inviting their participation. NOTb: Writer will employ non-rigidity in the above in tne presentation lo allow for the following deviation:

(1) It is admitted that theresychological value to the appearance of aircraft. If strafing and bombingare made available by outsides o the Group,tbat they can bo utilised if tbe Indigenousassurances of complete control of that support will be maintainable by Group and Indigenous Commander during operation to the point of not allowing one round to be fired or one bomb to be dropped unless prior Group-Indigenous Contender concurraoce la pre-dotormlned. Writer will call upon disastrous personal experiences to point out possible hazards of group air support even when air-ground liaison teams aod air force have bean strenously trained and when operating under bestriter will point out Group's yot-unfirm initial planning on preparations for reserve support under Plan Able or emergency support undor Plan Baker and Plan Charlie by Group air facilities.

Indigenous Compander may query the Croup'claim to communications efficiency. The writer's positionbe that of pointing out difficulties experienced invaried radio trained tactal situations even of the cooparitively

enormity If encountered in In tor-company raider situations encountered in seal-conventional tactics. The proven reliability of tbe technical equipment being proposed and tbe security efficiency that can be maintained should aid in sotting tbe basis of comaunicatioDS plan.

Support: The Indigenous Commander will qut-rygetting material in the bands of recipients. Here the writerbat)ic conceptspf the logistical support plan as prepared infrom whichcomposed. Without going into theof getting material to the staging site and without beingtho Cboggl system as being tho only method. Flame throwers willby pointing out lack of portability, wrong psychologicalavailability. German bazookas will be mentioned as beingequipment such as silenced rifles, survival kits. Napalm,and canned grenades will be played up.

entire basis of the writer's approach to thisbe tbe realization that the Group must follow, both froaand our groups standpoint and tbat side from the knownand precautionary measures, that we are coming up against and

are faced with the third factor of opposition's trained Communistthe field of security, stay behind, subversion, and intrigue whichour employment of straight milltury tactics, alone, an issue ofof us involved must over plan and over, prepare and be preparedthe tackledge hammer" in tho event the sledge hammertoailroad

8. In the event accord, or mutual compromise is apparent at this poiot the Indigenous Commander will be queried in order to initiate tbe formation of such organizations we should start preparing specifications on the following:

Indigenous Commander considers to be the key man or men to be nucleus of the organization withinrison. We shouldtrong executive officer (probably to be chosen by the'key-man himself if tbe Indigenous Commander considers feasible). Ve should choose personalities for Partisan Leaders around which organizations of the surrounding areas can be built. We should determine the personalities most suited for residence radio operators for each specific target. We should choose personalities for leaders of sabotage teams and move them tbe latter part of March to the staging area which has been selected for the particular area of interest so that graduates of the present training program can be assigned to instruct them. We should pin down the air fields near by.tfca staging areas to which material can be sent to the staging area. Tbe Indigenous Commander should ascertain at this time bis ability to operate secure landing at these airfields from the head of the countries concerned, similar to the arrangements for the last similar flight made by tbe Group. Tbe Indigenous Commander should inform the Croup soonest on obtaining the answer to this query if such answer is not available at this conference.

9. The Indigenous Commander will be acquainted with at thisdeemed feasible by writer, the proposed methods of initiatingsteps and at this time can comment on feasibility at Contact of the selected key personality in each areaby one of the graduates of present training, whichbe instructional in nature, the secu ity of which contact weby the techniques of clandestine trade, which contactlimited to one man in whom the Indigenous ^mraander hasreasoning here to be stressed is that the building of theshould be coaparitively cautions to prevent theto the enemy from contaminating the newkey figure will be instructed to work even within his garrisonone strong assistant to provide the implimentation of histhereby preventing exposure of himself through too muchkey figure will be instructed to organize within the garrisonto form the necessary organization to negate air facilitiesopposition aircraft from entering tbene man tonecessary organization responsible for cutting communications;responsible for instructing and organizing special missiondestruction or Seizure of materials and stocksubmission of garrison troops,ne man as awith liaison with incoming resident radio operators: onepossible courier contact (emergency with Indigenousaddition, personalities chosen to head area organizations inarea will be contacted by graduate trainees forto acquaint the area raiders with harassment andand organizational

Discussion on reason for coarpartaentaliration of staging training sites and specific locations will be bandied.

Once Indigenous Commander's assignment February is determined, be vill be asked to present financial estimate for discussion.

It is the purpose of this conference to reach an understanding with the Indigenous Commander and find personnel and geographical

requirements which willositive forward novo in the military field during bis forthcoming trip to his home area.


Original document.

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