Created: 2/16/1954

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Dear General and Friend:

A couple of years ago, based onad acquired in your country and fromad prepared the attached list classifying politicians, labor leaders and others in ninegroups..

ft fow of these pooplo now have, perhaps, diaaopeared from the scene and many more have come up to positions of influence.

In connection with tba Sonata hearings and otherwise, it would bo helpfulould have thi3 list brought up-to-date, with any changes and corrections, additions and subtractions, which you mlRht doom necessary. For instance, you will noticeid not include Cuillormo Torriello in any of the ssume that he would fit into Similarly, it would beesa that Osegueda should be removed from Groupore dangerous classification? It is, perhaps, pertinent to add that in making the differentiation between Groups A' and nclude undor "A" those who can be shock troops and whom the Communist hierarchy la perfectly willing to saerlflce. In other words, they are tbe ones Ravines describes as the card-carrying mombers who promote strikes. Insurrection;riota, etc. In contrast, those InB are probably more danirerous than those inince many of them work behind the seenoa.

Tt Is my-fearreplacement by, pro-

bably,Texas, will ^Ivo some basis for

foollns at the Caracas Conference that his stand in respect of the Guatemalan Communists has,ertain extent, been repudiated or Bt leastray that this does not happen.

I listened on Sunday to tho broadcast over 3BC-Televialon on which Bonnoll appeared. Unfortunately, to my mind, it was very badly dono.. Amongst other things, thore was emphasized "lack pfesire forhat*Arbenz was not athat the United Fruit Company had offered too little and too late*. This was repeated several times, together with emphasis placed on the fact that the Company was"hatedand that, in faot, the Communist vote was largest in the United Fruit Company areas. nothing waa said of the real agricultural situatlon*and of other important factors. To16too much like the article in LIFE magazine rfVM*MT ew weeks ago, whloh had good things to say but also "WW.


- a


cxaltod lellocer and some of the other Commie leaders. In this connection,ecent artlclo by Daniel Janes In theh IssueDER aureateossible solution that Arbonz be Invited officially to visit the White -lourc. God

ffhile iome of those poople ore helpful In spreadingconcerning the gravity of conditions In Guatemala they ainultanoously do much harm by attempting to water dow their accounts and by such silly suggestlona as the one concerning Arbenz.

Kith all bost wishes.

Faithfully arid cordially youra,

fcinuel Ydiroraa PusnteaSalvador, SI "ilvador

QROUP A: Tha "nolexT ComarunlatB who separated from the PAR to

.,form tfte ^mguplst party or the QnatsBMan fforkera PartTy:

Guerra Borgee,Viotor Manuel

Manuel Fortuny, Jose

B Joanna,Usage, Manuel

(Syndloal Federation)

GROUP B: The silent Communists and fallow traTelers:

Arias, Carlos

ragon, Ldis

Cuenaa, Abel

Fernandez, Franoteco

Oranodos, Col. Ulguel 0.

Buhner, Manuel

Uerroquin wyes, Ernesto

Munoz Menny, Enrique

Parra, German

Pellaoer, Carloa Manuel


amirez, Enrique Solerzaoo, Alfonsonbardo Vallederes

gTorfr_C: lenagoguos who should be oonaldared fellow travelers:

Alvsrado Fuentas,uerAlfonsoo'sooais.Xfi&il, 'leotor Tejada, Jusn .Toco

a :cill?rsltioelut who follow th* lineced rorrbenz:

r'rocQito'nt^,igleslts, Haul


Vomzan, Franoisoofcejor Cctavio jsntiestebao, Rafeel ^osa, Msrlo Vit'-rl, Enrlijie

Siuiaptli'l. Coioofl Oerlds

alor Carlo* Rnrlaue

OlTon, Colonel

Monroe, ColonelE.

O'lHftBj, Colonel

?aaajor Cerloa

Suflbi, Lt. Colonel

Serra, Coloasl Jutn Joee

3aaar ?ooi, Lt. Colonel rulio


who follow leftist current to maintain politiofll influence and to keep high publlo poaltl ona;

Querra Morales, Preaolaeoa toon, Oaoar Ordonez raniogua, fleniro joien, Cesar 0.

GROOT C: Hoa-Coairnunlats

Gonzalez Areralo, Isaael Oeaguoda, Real Podllls

Prem, Gregsrlo Soblesslnger brothers

G-&ODI* H: (national Integrity Party)

Brol, Mcolas Castro. Conde brothera

OROlf 1: Opportunists oepltellstn who pretend to believe Arbeaz will break with the Coauminlste:

Aaturles Reltrenena, Knrlque pleguez, Uanuol Kellhauer, Wlaor Vazquez, Kduardo


D27ENSA FACTCWAX: Tie. Crl Roberto Barrios Pen*.

Bx mieabro dol Consejo de Defersalgrado en New OrleansSA.

USTICIA: Licenclado do'e Luz Castillo de Viiiagran, Leader del departamonto de Quvtzultan;.ngo.

RABAJO: Licenclado JeoQs Undaubacretarlo deeader de laresidente del ^Artiflc RecoDCilacion DeaocrAtlca Naclonal (Redenclon).

RELACIOKU5 EXTERIORES: Licenclado Axturo Pernita, ex decano de la Pacultad de Derecho, mlombro de varlas deiegacioneeermono del Crl. iinrique Poralta, ogrogado nij.it/ir en.

Licenclado Luis 3eitr;.nena hljo, actuiuraente eaigrado en.

rgDITO "UHLICO. Coronel urturo Ranlrcz, jefe de la eoigrocifii en Mexico City.

don Mnnuoi Rftlda, hombre self-nade-roan, que tiene once

flncaa doyudn mucho pecuniori.'naente dentro de

EDUCACION PUBLICA: Dr. Marianorrarte, clrujanoon conecclones en.

A3ITTiSVCAMDAD. Licenclado Jorge Arenalea, ex consulxporo en cuoatlones socialeo.

f;tir- omunicaciones: Ingeniero Arturo Malz, leader

onticorounlsta entre los lnttenieros, oficlal proveniente de dscuela Mliitar

Secretario rrivado do la Tesidencta: LicenciadoDavila Cordova; uli-do deorturudo.

Secretario de la PToaidencia,: Lloenclado Luisycinenn, exjiulsado do Guatemalae serhora vtvenduras.

Jefe de Ins Tuetv.ua Ariiadas: til Militar guatomi'iteco que nas soen la lucha armada contra los coaunistas.



Prograrao^ondonsado de los partldooj-pifticoe de Oposicidn que res^ldan alngenlorMiguel Tdfgoras- Puentei en.

olitics. Kantener la concordlo entre las diversas cclaseantre lne dlferentes creonclnaeiigiosas

Reforea social:Beconocer laslcnnces de la iusticia aocial para me^orsr la vice material de la gontersbajadora. Pero no crear nl acicateax Is eiucha de clasea. Dea n balanceerfocto posibla enure ell trabajo.

Inmlgr>icl6n; Pronover la inrnlgmcidn de otras razes, pure aumentar el ndmero de losa "calidod" de las genorociones futuxas.

Scucacion pfibllca. Gambler totaimente losdaptar los

americnnos de estudlar teoricaraonteracticar,rostlgor mas.

La Mujer: aa vlda politics, etc sela poblacion nacional.

Cr^dltoa: Pecilitsr lse prestamos, tie ocuerdo con las tendencies modernas de In economla.

.^alud 'follco.r aria por medio de procedimientos cientificos. PromoTer la construcciOD de vivlendasuralea an la mayor cantldad poslbla.

Nuevo sistema de olecciooes. Estudiar nuevo sistema logal de elec-ciones, para que Io deaocracie ruede major en Guatemala.

iiticoounista El comunlsao no sa combate conersecuclonea. Debs do darse al proletario lo que merece de acuoxlo con lo quearle seguridades para cuando eaten enfermosnlStilee.

ora. Ko convenionteabo, pero nonos para darlotros. Debo ser estudlada uint. ley queos noos propieterlos.

Union da Centro America. Heme promoveree una accion cientifica

Relhcionot. com las Las mejores tenlondo en cuento la reaiidnd de eaxar en el contLnenteo en el continente norte-osiatico.

_ r

Original document.

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