Created: 2/24/1954

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to inooin; romhief of Station, GuatemaJ



INFO: Chief, WED ! ;Conversation Concerning Guatemala-TJ.S. Relationa*iAf:

Attached'as 'of possible interest to' Llnooln:"emorandum prdparod byiE.'SMcCORHICK^'i >'Army'Attadhe, Amor lean "Embassy, Guatemala City.Of^e'meraorandtb'*a'.conversation'between McCOHMICEC.^CdlOneir-Eduardo'

WEYMANN;siaehtlal'Mllitary Staff, and Urs.'

Charles SIEMON, sister of President

U. Keagey


Momorandinn of Conversation







Mr. Krleg Colonel Martin Mr. Wardlaw Mr. Hill

FROM: . McCormick

SUBJECT Conversation with Colonel Eduardo BEYMAKN, Chief or Presidential Military Staff, and Mrs. Charles SIEMON, Sister of President ARBEKZ

olonol WEYMANN Invited me to hla house on the evening of"ebruary. Upon hla Initiation, werank and open discussion of the present situation concerning United States-Guatemalan relations. Healked0hen we were Joined by Mrs. SIEMON and Mrs. WEYMANN. The discussion continued. Mrs. WEYMANN took no part In the conversation. It is believed that Mrs. SIEMON haB an open mind on the subject, for she explained that her loyalties are divided between her Guatemalan brother and her American huaband, Mrs. Charles SIEMON. Colonel WEYMANN stated that he deslrod ti tourely off-the-record discussion and that it not go any further. Mrs. SIEMON alao requested, since she never discusses politics with her brother, that her opinions be considered purely personal and not go any further, aa she would be extremely unhappy If this matter came to her brother's attention.

Apprehension Over presentolonel WEYMANN oponed the discussion by stating Uiafc he wasoss to understand why such an Impasse should exist between the two countries and that he certainly hoped something could be done to solve the problem, toeartily agreed. He stated that during hla entire four years In Waahlngton, as

. the Guatemalan Military Attache, he was continually frustrated ln all oi his efforts to deal with the State Department. He oonoluded that the State Department's policy was largely dictated and Influenced by the major American interests here In Guatemala, particularly the United Fruit Company. He maintained that he could prove through his friends ii the United States that John Moors Cabot and Secretary Dulles had intere; in the United Fruitusiness. romptly denied andproof of same. Informing him that not only were all Government officials forbidden to have outside interests that might prejudice tholi positions but that ln addition, all diplomatic representatives were like wise prohibited from having sny financial Interests in the countries to which they were accredited.

- Neither he nor Mrs. SIEMON couldreoccupation with the few Commmlsts ln Ouatenala. that all Conraunlsts were known here and could be readilythat thero were many more Communists in othor countries, in-

-eluding the United States, where the problem had assumed more seriousthat they were Just members of another political party and, since thleemocratic government, it had to permit all elements to voice their political sentiments. Colonel WEYMANN ox-plained the various leading Communists, trips to countries behind fee Iron Curtain and to Moscow as meetings for which they received direct invitations from those countries and said he was quite sure they would similarly honor such invitations from the united Statoa; that theae men were honest, hard-working individuals who had only the Improvement of the standard of living in Guatemala as their objective. In order to bear this out, he was extremely anxious to have me visit the areas in which Agrarian Reform was being administered soould see at first-hand how the standard of living of the Individual campeaino had been Improved through the acquisition of the land, and how false were all the reports of the independent press concerning the mls-admlnistration of the Agraria: Law. In addition, he would also like toarty at hla house soould have the opportunity of meeting and talking with the leading Communists and, thereby, see for for myself Just what type of individuals they were. In reply toxplained that the Communist Party here represented the world-wide, Soviet-dominated and operated Communist organization. Through its press, propaganda and conferences It was dictating the line that the Guatemalan Communist Party should follow; that the Communist Manifesto enunciated the eventual objective of subjugating the entire free world; that the various phases of Communis Party development Id this country were consistent with tho pattern which had been oarried out in the Satellite Countries of Europe and In China, and that If permitted to continue, would result In the eventual control of Guatemala by the Communistsime that waa considered opportune by them. mphasized, therefore, that actually the real foreignln Guatemala at this time was that which was being exercised by the Kremlin through ita Guatemalan Communist Party.

U- Presidentrs. SIEMON pointed out that her brotherard-working, honest soldier; that by taking the present course he was undertaking the more difficult program which he considered necessary for Guatemala; that lt would be very easy for him to cater to the wlshea of the wealthy elements In Guatemala and, thereby, enhance his own financial standing. She emphasized that he wasealthy man and was actually having financial difficulties; that he was obliged to go along with the so-called Communist element because it waa the only faction supporting his program; that this support had been turned down by the wealthyin the country, the anti-Communists and the foreign interests. She expressed the hope that somehow Guatemala and the United States could overcome their present differences and added that she thought this could only be done by direct contact with the President by senior officials of our government.

5. Expulsion of Correspondents Marshall BA SWELL and Sydney GRUSOH -Both Colonei wkymann and Mrs. SlawM were vehement on this sublet and stated that Guatemala could no longer tolerate the lies and falto reports

those correspondents had dispatfched to. press. At this point. Colonel WEYMANN presented meopy of the last cablo that Mr. BAN NELL had sent concerning the purchaseacht by the President, ln which WEYMANN had been the Intermediary. lie cited thispecific example of falae reporting and said it was completely unfounded.

The Caracasolonel WEYMANN stated definitely that Guatemala would attend the Conference. sked why Guatemala was the only Latin American country which had opposed placing the Communist Issue on the Caracas agenda and, also. If there was no Communist problem here, why did Guatemala fear the officialof this topic earlier by the ODECA. He replied thatreasons were that the United Pruit Company waa taking this means to eliminate all Latin American opposition to their Interests; that it was very easy for the United Pruit Company to label all"Communists- and, thereby, squelch further opposition to their exploitation of these countries.

. Position with Regard toxplained to them what the official Onited States' attitude was concerning Communism and cited tho speech which Senator Alexander WILEY delivered in the Senate, enumerating theoints proving the existence of Communism In Guataala. They appeared to be only vaguely acquainted with the apeech and dismissed It as more United Pruit Company-instigate) propaganda.

EYMANN pointed out that as specific evidence of Guatemala's esteem, respect and friendship for the United States, lt was celling practically all of Ite ooffee to.ime whan It could easily dispose of this ooffee in the European market. old himound this extremely difficult to understand lnas sure Guatemalan businessmen were astute enough to sell their coffee ln whatever market yielded the greatest profit and was most convenient to them.

of ForeignEYMANN explained thatwas replacedLLO because the President felt thathad.elations to steadily deteriorate andappointment was designed to Improve relations betweencountries.

Guatemalan ArmedEYMANN stated that of all the Central American countries, only Guatemala's Armed Forces were modeled after those of. To his way of thinking, thia was additional evidence of Guatemala's trust ln and admiration for.

. Representation InEYMANN stated that theepresentation in Guatemala, including the Army and Air Missions, ia larger than that in any other Central American country and, therefore,. should be well-informed on the sctual

existing ln Guatemala. Ho found it difficult for ua to bo misled by tho false propaganda that was being published In. press. eplied that. was well-informed and wall-aware of the oxiatlng situation and, for that reason, had come to its presant conclusions concerning the threat of the Communist menace here.

12. Recent Plot to Overthrow the JuntoimlonEYMANN could not understand why. State Depnrtmont had boon so prompt to deny "acquiescence of the government of the north". He said that this could have referred to Mexico and notut the State Department's assumption that this information referred to. was further evidence that possibly. had been involved. This, ofenied.


I feel quite certain that this discussion was pre-medltated on the part of WEYKANH since this is the first oocasion on which he has ever "opened up". His prompt production of the copy of Marshall BAHNELL's cable concerning the purchase of the yacht would further tend to confirm this.

It was obvious from tholr eager and open discussion of the present Situation that they aro extremely apprehensive about lt. They both stated that they felt that one of the greatest difficulties waa that there was not sufficient frank and open discussion betweenIndividuals from both countries and that the greatest danger at the present was that the preaa and misinformed intermediaries were clouding the real Issues. The shallowness of their arguments end their apparent naivete concerning the world-wide Implications of Communism would Indicate that they are completely taken ln by tho Guatemalan Communist Party line. elieve that the diacusslon was worthwhile andlanted In their minds some serious food for thought over the vital issue between. and Guatemala, and that my explanation of the. attitude will certainly be conveyed to other ^uate-malan officials.

3. WEYT.IANIJ Is involvedeal with Charles SIEMOH to act as agents in Guatrniala for Argentine films. It is reliably reported that he has ambitions for the Presidency; that ho would like to return to Washington as Attacheor Ambassador, as his wife is fed uo with thehere. The fact that he la verylayboy and self-considered ladles' man may account for her dissatisfaction.. ome in Washington and has. investments. The home is the one he occupied prior to his departure from Washington In September of last year. He wants to rent it furnished0 tier month and hasmy assistance in this matter.

4. WEYMANN repeated several times that because of his previous experience as an attache, he was well-aware of the duties of an Attache and offered his services to assist me in anyight have. Upon explaining to himad been requested by Colonel PARRINELLO to conduct all of my business throughf the Ouate raalen General Staff, he replied that that was simply the formal way to conduct business but that he was available at my convenience.

Original document.

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