Created: 3/1/1954

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C/VR'it, memorandum, what tha (felted States tbat thtfonference or sabso-hroagh the eppol ntmeot enrjse) of fee charges

Xn addition tohoroairly delegation's- position or anyone else, ahoold qtiantly propose an inreet'pecial investigating set forth In the so-called

points cot< die-cussa the at the on (whether ttse or

Whit* Paper, end/er eny sddltionsl ehsrgee which might be made. It win tentetlvely agreed that such sn Investigation by aa International committee sould prosend thet tbe best say of attacking the proposal would be by puttingwbstaatlsl number of iaportant asendaente, some of which designed to be so distestefnl to the Guatemalan regime eo to ssBjssj them to oppeae the emendmentc, whereupon we could oppose rlth mwofa better grace eny lnrestlgstlon not Incorporating the anend-aeote. The kind of emendmest whloh our delegation (or, hopefully, some other delegation whloh could be pereneded to carry tbe mall for ue) might propose would connlet ef eoma Tory brood posltlone, eup-portedumber of pinpoint or rifle ehotj retirements, Wa sight take the broad posit!that all of the kinds of actlcne of ehleh the Ouatemalaos ere complaining end of which thoy ere demendlngsay or may not ba going on for all we (the US) know, but that it would be no eurprlee if there ware toreat deal of thle sort of thing because It Is ths inevitable reeult of political oppraealonountry. Accordingly tha Guatemalan oropoaltlon

le unsatisfactory1 and unaooaptable since It would examine only the aynptoeeisease whereas tha root or causa of the disease la what should be examined)hat are the forna of political oppreeelon and the precise extent and nature of Common laa within Oostemelat Thle la tbe main point andd be tackled first and foremost, and should be thoroughly gone into, otherwise no dice. Specific supplementary points could be demands for the investigation and Interrogation, under conditions guaranteeing freedom frca duress and subsequent retaliation, of the large mwbars of Guatemalans who have base summarily arrested and either tortured or killed, or both. (These persons arrested within Guatemala include soma fairly key individuals, but their knowledge la not believed to extend to any seriously compromising. Information.)

Tha thought hsa occurred to ma, and should be further examined, that some of these points would make such telling propaganda that they should be asedart of our covert propaganda attack In the erect that there la do aeoaalon to use them officially at theart of my thought in thla connection la teat thoef these lines would be Tory aebarraaalng to the position of the Guatemalan Government and would toad te condition the thinking of other Latin American ooustrlea favorably against the day when ths Onstemalana sight eonsemand for an lnveatlgstlon.

frankisner Deputy Director (Plane)


GW/bjmthe postscript "

o DCI anducksllp. (whole paper, including postscript)

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