Created: 2/6/1991

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rglUlcal/EgonoMlo Deyalopaanta Datalle en Iranian paaoe

According to Japanaaa praaa quoting Kuwaiti aourcea, Saddaa Husayn la unlikely to accapt tha aaven point paaca plan Iranian President Rafaanjanl sant hla raoantly because) it would givaaading position in tha Gulf ragion. Tha source aaya tha plan calls for:

o An Iraqi withdrawal froa Kuwait, ln response to tha callSupreae Laadar Ibaaanal. If Baghdadcall for paaca" to countries supplyingtha

o Rafaanjanl or Khaaenal to vlalt Baghdad to pava tha way for high laval talks aaong lalaaic countries.


o Iran to persuade tha US and other wastarn countriaa to

withdraw froa tha Persian Gulf whan Iraq pulls out of Kuwait. An Islamic fore* would than be deployed.

onference on the Iraq-Kuwait diaputa, involving effected nations, th* Gulf atataa, and othar Ialanlc nations.

o Eatabliehaant of an lalaaic fund to pay for reatoring war-daaaged araaa.

o onaggresaion pact to ba signed by Iran, Iraq, th* ccc atataa, Pakistan, and Turk*y.

o All regionalo ba involvedrotocol covering political and econoalc cooperation and aecurltyodalod on th* European aystaa,


Original document.

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