Created: 3/18/1954

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Subject: Activities ofort No: SiUL-OOl

Place Acquired:of Info: anuary to

Evaluation: Received: ebruary to


Source: oraber of thi POT.

1. Immediately prior to the opening of the COTO Congress inroup of prominent communists net onb to discuss party matters. Those present included Manuel FORTUNY, Carlos Manuel PELLECER, Leonardoaime DIAZ Roszotto, flanueTTTNTO Usaga, Virgillo GUERRA, Antonio CAMERA, Guillermo Kax GONZALEZ, Max SALAZAR, Samuel SIEKAVIZZA, Rolando CALDERON, Tonas YAXCOS Mejia, Alfredo GUERRA Borges, Dagoberto VASvUEZ, Numberto AYKSTAS and Ricardo HARRERA.

?. FORTUNY opened the discussion by saying.that the political situation faced by the fovernnunt was of great urgency for the PGT. PINTO replied that too nueh liberty had been allowed the press and radio, and that the party must be more firm if it does not want to fall into the hands of Its enemies, lie added that all those showing weakness should be expelled fro* the party. POKTUNT thon said that many unmoors had been leaving the organization of late, particularly during the last three months The decline in membership has been alarming, according to FORTUNY, and some neans, such as incre^cr In salariea,be studied for stopping thia trend. He praised the Juventud Fencnil and 6aid that this group had collaborated better than any other in the Pro-Peaca campaign. Many of these girlsstated to work for the government, and FORTUNY said that theMinister of Education must allow groups of then to leave at least once each weak for tripo into tha provinces. There thoy wculd discuss social and economic natters with the campeslnoa. PINTO agreed with the latter suggestion and arguedraining school should be set up for the purpose.

3. on took the floor and stated that them must be an immediatet of all elements who are not completely dependable. Inasmuch aa of late there had been -iany cases of treason in the Army and other branches ofvernment. greed with this suggestion, and said that he would present it for consideration during his next interview with AKPKNZ.

li. PINTO said that there had recontlyeeting of communist leadersHineon de Goya in Mexico City. arty member knowntTJoienoccasion to say goodby to the local group, inasmuch as he hadorders from the Soviet Union to go to Panamaebruary andof vigilance of the canal area. Bowen said that he wiuldwith Guatemalaontact knownwho

lives d lhat tha

person living at this avidress should oe vatcnea careiully inasmuch as he is SLapected in Mexico of being an American spy, notwithstanding the fact that he belongs to the Conmunist Party.*

Comment: Local files contain no reference r HOWEN.

page 2)

It ring the last civs ofU th-. Central Committee of the PGT agreedote should be sent to asking for tho immediate replaccent of all diplomatic representatives of Guatemala in other countries uf Central Amsrica and i'oxico, including those in subordinate positions. It was decided to increase the salaries of heads of party rroups in foreign countries inount ofuetzalcs and the pay of the balance of the personnel in the exterior byetaales.

A note from Justine ArtolEL,ent in San Salvador, to party headquarters in Guate-iala City, covering the week endinganuary, stalesessengerjust returned from Nicaragua. The latter had only been able to determine that boxed merchandise was being unloaded in Puerto Gabesas. Tne boxes, which bore markings that they contained machinery, were reoorted to be large. The messenger said that he had been able to establish that tho crates contained arms, which have not left Nicaragua, lie nlso said that there are United States troops in Nicaragua, but tSat there appeared to be no morell stationed at the airport. Communications between GUDIBL and the POT seem to be good. One letter dispatched from San Salvador on i, February arrived in party headquarters the same day.

Onli, immediately prior to the departure of the Guatemalan delegation for Caracas, thereeeting of the delegates and prominent communists in Guatemala City. Amonr those present vaa the Foreign Minister, and it was stated that this was the first tine he had been seen at PGT headquarters. TORIELLO said that the delegation should not take any moves which wuld indicate that Guatemala is communist, but that the issue of non-intervention should be stressed. Later in the evening the group discussed those radio and press eleaents which are attacking the government, and it wae agreed that this matter must be taken up again with ARBENZ. Some means must be found totop to this type of propaganda, or at least to restrict it as much as possible. It was pointed out that such news might cause the people to resent tho P'JT, even though the reports are obviously lies. The group is apparently aware of the activities of the opposition in the exterior, and they areurprise from one moment to another.

Original document.

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