Created: 3/20/1954

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cf Project




d. umri


Important operational phase of SHXBWOOD la thaof fifty battery, long- and abort- vara receivers la tha Target City. It la requestedape oeoeeeary to eoapk to thia operation be prepared at once.

Fron tha first ninutee ofey panlo progran the llatonar will be reminded that ba will be able to bear tha latoat developmentsart-ware if regular ooanerolal power fellsif he Is fortunate enough to hare acc.seattery powered ahort ware eet. The purpose of thia operation Is to provide the public of Tarret Cltv with tbat good fortune.

Radios la rural areas are, la aoet eases, powered by localor are batteryone the setting of dty power will net Interfere with reception. It Is entirely poaelbly. however, that la the city power will be out off, either by design or by chance. In thia case fifty eete placed In pool halls, all-night restaurants, eountei In train etatione, eantlnas, hotel lobbies, etc. would proride efficient reception for the entire city* Thle la baaed on the aaauaptloa that the opening mlnutea of SHEWXTj panto broadcast will gat everyone out

of bed and ruwor-prone.

te placeaent Hat for location ef te aato will be mm bv LAMBra during trip through target area.

oat. te aeta will broadaa the

facilitiee for normal reception of 8HJRW0CO broadeaat, aepaoiellrpacea. Moat Inportant, however, it lneurea fibmocopower la off or

li. Mesne of plaolnji eete In the locations to be provided by

an agent, Dctob, Bents an or Cuban, will approach

appropriate target consulate,atlen or aabaaaa. and anteoaajorelal atteobe about lntreduotlea


of new line of redios In Target Country. Be will alsoroutine enquiries, by mail, of Target 0owntry Chaaber of Coaneroe or Foreign Trade Association.

will enter country at sane ties fifty radioarrive by sea. (These sets will be long- sndpowered by bstteries snd regular aleetrioalself-contained antennae. They will be pure haaBow Tork by Support and will be tagged withaerka. They will also be sterillye task will be urvey of area to aeafor QCBTpeny businesseo tact ofand distributors.

Agent will stall each action. Re will obtainthrough classified newspaper edvsrtleeaent,

of six young bodies who went to aske an estra bock for two weeks work, tefh of thaaa aides (to be completely unwitting) will be given eight sets and asked to place thom in oortaln locations (chosen froa list to bside will approach spot with this yerm "Thleew line of radios which wa are thinking of opening op in thie area. Bat first, for publicity and survey purposes, wa would like yoa to keep one of the sets hero on your counter for tao weeks, where lt can be seen and heard. Me will drop by every couple of days to check end eea how tba act ie operating. (Thia le to obviate tba possibility thet all seta will dleappsar froa public los ationAT). At the end of tan weeks ve will ooaa beak sod take tha set awayunless you vent to keep itvery reasonable price). During thia pitch, aide will also point out that aet oan be need with batteries, so that tha toaporary ownera will recall thia if and when power fallsey.

will ssrvioe sots during two week period. fifty sets lt is not unreasonable to ezpsctasks personal check oa each set just beforeAgent Oan leers country shortlyAT,that all eats are correctly placed and infor reception.

'fad D, LAUoWI


Original document.

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