Created: 3/22/1954

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of PM

1. The following teaa designations, nuaber personnel, andstaging have been fcelected. In addition, CALLIGERIS isthe recruitingor fulfilling teen quotas. FIT ALLinformed pieces^al when possible. Both will Joinknowledge to agree on tssa leaders with CALLIGERIS


Sab Team* 9

IOTD RE3UTST TO EMj Air Facilities Puerto assignment taaks tan Man sab teen to prevent eneasy getting planes in the airfieldi Request! Sketchianoele- ino ontry to base froa let Junction outsideand patrolntrances to baas, fencing, lights,

powerueling point and foalocationocation ooaso-radloocation amen. Alsof radio facilities, show power and reserveincer peraonnel andarawr fuelinguaber end types planes.

Sub TeaaI

IRFO BLUEST TO EWi Rail Lineof Bananerai locate logical spotnever rail lines froa Puerto Barrios in event inner forces fall >Cshook troops cannot contain opposition. It la hoped

Info oan be gathered to assign tasks to five nan sab,Jteaas. Request! ocate point where reported Intarmittent stretchei-of pilings fora nly rolletermine two points where stretch of piling support is overeet long and waterah conditions prevent illing for support, and also isolated in naturethe nearest such area to Banansra would be theerUl pbotoe of rail line ia teds area would be desirable-<a) show water conditions, type piling, end rail support between piles.

Teaa+ *

INFOO EWi Road Conditionsoint Threeualan and Town of los Aaa tee: Determine the aost appropriate point on the road to effectively block aotor transport and cover by snail arms fire efforts to bypass. Thle point should be as nearby the aost sontherriaost point as can be located.



(cont'd) Sab.

Requesti Jl. Road bridges at approxonstruction details (material, dimensions,tream depth, bottom conditions, bankiartoa where poaaihlei B. Road outs

probably ocouring between Oulan and flrat creak north and between first and.secondidth road andonditions bar ditch

ank conditions (A) slope and length inclines withinrocure

aerial photos.

Sab team+ U

INFOO EW: Conditions North Road Between Point On River Across

from Gualan and Teeulutant locate best point to effectively block rotor

transport thia road to Gualan from tbo direction of Zacapa in the event

Zacapa ir prematurely alerted and inner forces fail to take over or

retard the opposition sufficiently to allow organisation at

Requestt Bridges at approxiofltelyr other located In epeellb

subject (Constructionimensions, sketch, materials -

streameptb,bottoa, and bankots probably

located between Teculutan and first str. am forth and between first

and second streams (width end material road, conditions btr ditch and

bank, and slope and length Inclines withinrouuie eeiial

photoa-wbore possiblo.

Sab Team+ i>

INFO BLUEST TO EWi Rail Line Gualan to ZacapaParticularly the

Area fromM North to Turn in Rail* .Deny use of rail cr.

rail bed to the use of mobile transportation by Zacapa forces In the

event they arc prematurely allorted and Inner forces fail to retard

sufficiently to allow Dual an organization. Request: Study In above <- *

area to locate proper place for spotting sab team and allowing fire

coverage on demolition job. 'aereb for bridges which, if denelinhed,

would make vehicular (or heavy logistical moves) traffic impossible.

Erldges or steep cuts would be most logical point:. Rone apparent

from present map facilities. Bequaat aerial photography vhare possible.

Sab Team4 4

IKFO RLQUET TO EVt Rgll^Sftc Onalon to Zacapa on South Road andPoint Occurring atM fromMConsidered Satisfactory Due to Proximity touse of natitlij'f sJBM to the use of sobile transportationforces In the event they are prematurely allerted andfall to retard sufficiently to allow

Requesti Study in above area to locate proper place for spotting sab team and allouing fire coverage on desolitlon job. Search for bridges idiioh, if denoliohed, would make vehicular (or heavy logistical moves) traffic Impossible. Bridges or steep outs would be nost logical points. Rone apparent froa present map facilities. Request aerial photography where possible.

tl) Teae4 4

afilntttT TC fcall Rail Conditions itotwecc fiwstnsaia City aod Turn

election proper location forat*go tvsx on the rail for the purpose of denying the rails* use

to forro: from Quet City. Particularly of ute wouldpotand SOk towardsity from ianarate.

Brldre dei'-cri. tiers thi? exes (construction de tulle Includingketoh, nttQiialjj ptrt-'acr. dialing depth, bottom, and bankuti nil Dearnes.'. of bnnl: to the bedclirx- in cute; Irccure saria! photon where pott isle.

Sab Team+ 4 .

1 JO awtiaO Conditions on Road Between Junction at BFand Iocaft boi't point to prevent movement by Ooat City to intercept our Zocapa-Coban forces before union* Request! Bridges 2 un* (conttructicr detail* includingketch, tat condition, ipclodlng depth, hot tot, iy tz-rjtwirith uvi mctcrial road, conditions bar ditch and lop* and length Inclines withinrocure aerial photos where possible.


O Sail Rail .ituatior. Within the Ousteaalc City Area: To determine proper spotting and mission* foran sab teams to in ure tbat outgoing rail traffic fromitytandstillay. The closer eonfloemect to GC area thef t One toam (J) will be assigned rail junction at station but thlearget not ooneidared completely suitable to provide full fifteenetardation. Requeiti Pull bridge0 KM both directions from oonntruction, dimensions, materialo used, river end bank characteristic a. Aerial photos requested where po*aible to obtain.

Sab Team4 9

IET TO EUi Aurora Airport and Supporting FaciUtiesi and assignment tasas tosab team (black from aod eab organisation froa Inner gerriaon to lr.oure nofroa Aurora airport through sab of planes, aab of fuelfacilities, defection or assassination of pllota,.

oamo faoilltiea (entry phone lines andof ruiio aparetus including maker's name, number;

on power source and alternates, security aweighting y. toe (source of ;ower, location lights, sketch of linearreakr area (Location,encing,i and bomb storage (loe tion, type,ircraft storageersonnel (number and) POL storage (amount, type, security measures).



IHFO REQUESTHl Stations Tffit-TGW-A,, and Placement ofan teams working Independentlygroups ln silencing these outlets of present governments news potential commo stations. Degree of destruction will be after the fate ofis oaterairjed. has*

a yv geographic location major standard broadcast station or stations Buildinedaertlfy manufacture and serial numberIdentify and locate main and emergency sourceine sketch

fecurityssignedersonnel list, technician staff.

Sab, Team4 9

UUSt TO EWi Air Facilitiea San Joeei Assignment taskssab team to prevent enemy getting planes in the air from this' Request t Sketchlane

line entry to base froa 1st junction outsideecurity posts and patrol routes (A) entrances to base, fencing, lights, and powerueling point and fuelocation ocationocution ammo. Alio Requesti

if radio facilities, show power and reserveumber personnel andanner fuelingnumber and types planes.

Sab Team4 4

INFOO EUi Road Conditions Between Villa Nuova (BCcc131 Locate best point to effectively block motori.ot team capable supporting with snail arms fire ouch a Expected most likely spots two streams at six to ten. ,nth of Villa Rneva. Requesti Bridge descriptions this area details jwclTuUng dimensions, sketch,conditions including depth, bottom, and bank(width end material road, conditions bar ditch and bank,and length inclines within cut; Procure aerial photos '

Sab Teaa4 U

IKFC REQUEST TO EWt Ball Line Between pallnnd Laguna de Anatitlant Deny use of rail or rail bed to the use of mobile transportation. Request: Study in abow) area to locate proper place for spotting sab teaa and allowing fire coverage on demolition job. Expected likely spots at vicinity San Violent* at whet looks like inclined country along rail. Also at oreek at west end of lake. Search for bridges which. If demolished, would make vehicular (or heavy logistical moves) traffic impossible. Bequest aerial photograph,-where possible.


Sab Team+ A

1KP0 RLQuLST TO EVj Conditione Road Between Patxielaj i Locate beet point to effectively block

transport this road. The nost likely spots are atM^unpango and high ground due west of Santlagos. eamT are for the purpose of supplementing tho separate

group covering Fan American Highway out of Toquigalte. Request: Bridge descriptions this area (construction details including dimensions, sketch, and materials, and stream conditions including depth, bottom and bankuts (width and material road, conditions bar ditch and bank, and -lope and length inclines withinrocure aerial photos where possible.

Sab Team+ 4

INFO Ri.Qltf.ST TO EUi Conditions Road Between Totonicapan (AFQuesaltonango i Locate best point to effectively blockthis road. Tbe scat likely spot lc at vicinity Rio , -Sen Chrietobel. This team andre for tbe propose of the separate partisan group covering Pan

Highway out of Toquigalte. Request I Bridgehis area (construction details Includingketch, materials, and stream conditions including depth, bottom, and bankute (width and material road, conditions bar ditch and bank, slope end length inclines withinrocure aerial photos where possible.

Team+ 4

IKFO RciiUtST TO KUt Conditions Road Between Ascuncion Hitsnd Jutlapa: Locate best point to effectively block motor transport this road. Tbe most likely spots are two streams between Progresso iend Jutlapa opproxiautely atnd Request: Bridge descriptions this area (conatruotion details including dloaniionG, sketch, and materials) (stream oor-ditiono including depth, bottom, and banknits (width and material road, conditions bar ditch and bank, slope and length inclines withinrocure aerial photos where possible.

Team+ 4

IKFO BLUEST TO LUt Power Sources Guatonala City i Black-out"t* .

fiity and destroy power loads into Guat City from eourcee.n all load lines from oources into Guatemala City;

or pole descriptions including materials and dlsarosions.

2. Equipment of each five man increment has been determined as follows and the info passed to CALLIGaRlS and PIVALL t

5-Han Demo Team




lectriet.ets pliers


roU: tape

(7 vatorproof matches (8 rag grenades (9 haped charges

5 pint can napalm mix


2 SMQ ds


emergency kitsay food andanteens

2 compasueo 16 atches

b. Men Demo Team

Double thetems listed above.

3* pecial unit placed for the purpose of conducting guerrilla actions along tbe San Jose to OC oomaunicatione lines in support of other sab teamc. San Jose organization la likely to be impossible althoughS is attempting same and this team (nipplistenta other blocking uttroaptr. to keep San Joae ineffectual. It ia tentatively to be sent to the Palin6 district due to ruggedness and isolation of the oountry there which lends itself to such interdiction. Equipment list ofs as followsj

rifles 0 rds







U. e to create diversions in tho bills of the7 area for the expressed purpose of perplexing the opposition. It is contemplated to cause reports to circulate concerning the "force" In this area and then have them wreak as auoh havoc end noise as possible.

Original document.

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