Created: 3/23/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


KT.:gvn KAIL


(Specify Air or Sea Pouch)

Chief, Western' Ho mi sphere


ide nee of

Arms Delivered for Other than Army

REP: DIBar %)

This information was picked upery sensitive source. Headquarters. Therefore, the attachment should bo veryhandled. Ithotograph of the original document on the distribution and caching of arms by. in Guatemala City.

The abbreviations under the column" "Hercaderla" aro as followst

rmetralladora de fusllos

artuchos deartuchos do fusiles.

source remembersimilar breakdown for armsthe Departaents. He was unable toopy but is tryingthe document.

U. The attached memorandum from KRIEG nay be of interest to the ODACID representative.


Aut03tat copy ofc)

Memorandum from KRIKGtl cc)


asbXya am ait liijlMasjdy


A flnquer:sevioucUl-ied jc certs formation recon1ly toil thatad learned irw fa-cn? whoext-doorof Ocr-pneltiat thi scorns to be- prepared psychologically ?orpposition

fcatod thatfficers on his tide, but my informant did not Jcnorthis neani. ferny were merely well Ji^jJ'-tonaon or actually hadoortratand-lnC with hi*. rison is quoted as havinc staWri that it would St^^aeV*** ?ccur at tela tins when things were

a fewolonel konson was slacked to learn that the Uuardla Civil .had recentlyub-machine 6uns fron iielgium^nd he was particularly annoyed that despite his position in the Guatemalan Army this delivery had been effected without his havin. ccen informed. He arranged to inspect one of those guns and reported it toery fine


said that the delivery of those guns to the police wa8 an affront to the

ow better city than is the Army. Supporting his view

* VW7 poor sUte' he rorrarked that an IncuT

hi^s nows slightly, told him that

?Sn vi^ter^oarracksuard-ia de Honor whero he observedtidges mth files. Ho aeked^ ZfJ? ^ ^soldiers mare doing and was inferred that thoy were filinr down Csech cartridges which did not quite fitm. rifled -osed t- th? Guatemalan Arry. hy informant took this as evidence that the GuatemalaT Army isesperate shortage of ammunition.

Xt is said by .many people inoat the oppositionarge store of arms in AhnachaUn, yj Sa'^ado-which is not far from the Guatemalan border. r Smaller

I am convinced of the reliability of my inferwntave ric onin-

on this.

ion about the reliability of Kubes or Oaitan

Original document.

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