Created: 3/26/1954

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Chief, Western Hsai3phara



GROUP's Recoaaeodations

The attached guidance, in answar to reference, was hand-carried to CALLIGERIS by Matthew If. ONTRICH, who departed URCOLH on






U Group agrees that rnncho ahould publish tha fact thatddiUonal febrloatad material to the enemy. GrouptHhTioea ofhotograph of DELGADO making content with the enemy embaesy in BLeexagua.

2. Group haa the following BUggeaUonc to make es to the general etory that Panobo ahould have hia papera print i

Guatemala ia rapidly moving Into the forefront of Soviet attention and rapidly attaining priorityoviet attack targets. It ia reliably reported to ue that.special -oviet Miaaion haa come aecreUy into Guateaala, without Tc knowledge of the Government but with tha full knowledgeafan Conmuniots, and ia

blows for th* final subjugation of Ouatemala to Soviet imperlallBm.

b. The first of theee blowc Is to Induce the proGovernment toew -plot-reaching us frow various sources

Guatemalan Government will very ehorUy announce another alleged -plot." Police circles in Guatemala report that they are presently selecting soreral lnnooant people to be orreftod ae eileged oembera of the -plotting group." Fron the Sational Palace, it is reliably reported that the same kind of panic reigns there tbat preceded the publication late in January of the thoroughly discredited "white paper.-

o. Wo are reliably informed that, ae in the case of thevaper- the Guatemalan Communists are pushing rresldent Arbenz to the decision to anno mce the -plot- and to errert toe innocent victim* of thia new wave ofrbene terror. Likewise, the Comainiat leaders have ;er:-uadec Prudent Arbenas theof Government "Information- for the new -di.-clo^f"o dUra^table fabricator thator the white paper, namely the Panu-*nien Jorge Isaac DhLCADO. Oelwuto,urrently beine <oi.hx. by the Fw^klan boeret Police for hi- activities end his abuse of hie diplomatic^t, ha^ conrented to assist the Guatemalan (toveriuaent in theof new -evidence- and it IfStGuatemalan Government will publish wnci: it announce* tho new plot.

d. Delgado, it wil oe recalled, way responsible for tho fabrication, and forgerie. that formed the onlythat the Guatemalan Government co ad attach to it-white paper. It will be remembered thatvuhed tonnent several -hoots of paper with the forged signature of Lt. Col. Carlo, CaTxLLO Armas- and duo furnished them with oU^erf _aper bearing the signature of onelaimed toonym mi by Lt.lo,LO

Tho only flaw Inorgery wax that Delgado foiled to take the eleasntary precautions of every fabricator to wake thefCA^TIUOndwho vere euppoeed to be tho sene individual, identical. Delgado further furnished several dociaaantt, written on the stationery of the H. F. CORDESersam munitions firm. According to thoee fabrications, the U. F, COKDES Company was supposedly engaged In selling arms end Bstntnltlon to inastasio -OtozA, Jr. bbwevar, after tbe white paper was published, the H. F. CORDLS Company in Hamburg, Germany promptly stated that it had never told any arms to Wesragua, but had iold armr to Guatemala. It therefore beq^as evident that tho Guatemalan Covernment had copied the stationery of the H, F. CORDES. Company and had turned thit fake stationery over to Delgado for use. Delgado then preceded to fabricate an alleged offer by the H. F. CORDIS Company of napalm to Nicaragua in which theuality was described as bo lagto theof the United States j" echnicallytatementicensed arms first end thin prop$gsndisticA crude expression deceived no one.

Inf forgeries which he preparedQua to wilnn white paper, Delgado went so far os to forgeof Anastasio fOMOZA, Jr. The consequences of thisvery interesting. The Rlcaraguan AnbaEtador tothese forgeries to Foreign MinisterLIOat 2tOO ^he Nicaraguanwe arc told, energetically protested against these forgeries.

urious coincidence,n the afternoon, the Guatemalan Oovernment frantically ordered all the newspapermen in Guatemala City who had received copies of the Dolgsdo forgeriec to return tliem.

official Guatemalan confection of forgeryunnoticed, because the rattle at largelreadyconvinced of theof the documents. However,

tW. ^ff-'cislon i. worth rectUinr. nr-or to theby tho Guatemalan Government of new "uelgado evidence."

moreing than the fabrication^ whichto be d'v-lged by the nlf Fropogendareasons behind the iorthcomiiip "plot". iheaireod upon by Arbena and ti-etheof the Guatemalan Amy. Thltot gone unnoticedarmynd, according tor for their _ives. Tr* plan agreed upon by ArbenzConouni-t! is to purge, bj' dieoia.ti or arrest,ay as to weakenrmy irreparably andreplace the army,ixteipsl military forcerained ended guerrilla organizations.

and the Communi-.ts nave decided to purge theonly becaune Communists oan never reconcile theaanelvei.atriotic military force, but alto becauseGuatemalan army for ellcollusion with theregime. It. unwilling to content to the aggressive plana

that Arbena and the Communists are batching* These aggressive plans oall for infiltration and invasion of other Central American countries.the army will not readily oon-ent to this aggression, Arbens and tbe Cocuuoists are putting thoir truat in the CoBKUnltt guerrilla forces that are boiiy- organltod in Guatomale.

tbe support and the arming of tbeia CcawunictArbens and the Communlets hare been busy impartingbehind the Iron Curtain. For example, in January severalfrom Poland landed at Puerto Barrioc andviet rifles, ansmaiition, and gronsdes. Major Alfredoof theon hi- recent trip to Europe arranged forofms through Caecho -lo vale le. and thoseto be delivered to Guataioaia via Kaxioo. In Italy,lobasiy hu- been negotiating for 2Gmn aaounltiongun eaeainition. The H. F. CORDES Company,ld twenty-two oasei. of rubancV.ne puns to<-ovnmaont, and it ia rn-obLbly for that ronton thatGovernment in its vuhite paper" accused tho CORDISoelling to Nicaragua.

j. Vhilo routine military equipment has been coming into Guatemala or i. planned to come in Liy'.ea ana by lendh Mexico, thoenhitive item- of the equipment have been landed on the Quateaalan Coast by Soviet submarines. Tneto sensitive items, whore exact description we cannotecause to do to woula indicate the sauce of our information, were landed, on atne occasion, near the Salvudoran border of Guateaalainco belonging to President Arbenz.

these arms from Gonasunict ocintries areuerrilla force: be'.ng built up in Guut.malaof tnea are going to tne regular. army.

1. ow boms planned by Arueii un- thefterncoverllegedeustification foi'eclarationtutc-tic; si coergiincy. Freedom of movement and travel and a: .enbly in Ouotemale will bebcd for Uie evident rea on of keeping tieople ignorant of ti. foreignwnt- entering the country and of keeping people igivra-vt. act-ai traioiiij/ of tho Comauniguerrilla forces th.-'t It :ow tpini; on and will go on at an jlbjcelleratod rate. In conjunotion with thi dealarntion ofrbenz and the Comnuni.t: lt the di-tri -utionnd under the Agrarian Luu. kect-roprlctuc ji-nd ttiat nas not been di^trioutedeei;lected rtln' ng ground: for the Comauniet guerrilla forces and no more of this lend, except forvi, will go toino;. After theseDfca-urci have been enacted, the purge of tbe Guatemalan army will be initiated and will be ruthlessly carried out by the Co muniuerrilla forces and tho Comeuniet cocret intelligence rervlce.


a, Thar*ne aspect of thir. forthcoming chancewhich, If lt were not 'o tragic, eightomloal. Vhlle arbenzone alone "itb theUtat ve have reported above, be hai hitherto beenof the further Coanmlet plan- that will be putafter thlrle discovered end th* etate ofdeclared. Once they heve affected the purge of tbeArbens1 oor.nlvance, tbe Cnewonlutti plan to move rapidlyova ooup and tbelr own total oontrol of the country,the aM si nation of Arbens, The coeemnl: tbe demon:trato In Another article ia thli re

-fl OZOTO and Hodelio CTUZ Ver and will take advantage of tbo weakened condltior. cfny and ofisolation In order to brim; Qu> nder osaamlct away. Kkc& WJt* Slt-LS-fLtU- "

In accordance with the last paragraph of.uggented article. Group urge; you to make full ur* of thaart? ccrd of Pofidlo CHL1 Uer vhlob we have on* to you, end of the information ocejrjiny ng It, COLOF has thl^ material.

. A* The cbeve aatcirial ropre cent: cur ruggctt one. For your variou-nd radio facllltior, thoteuld ofe varied in each in:-taneehtt it vilT notook of complete uniformity, Uo leave to youicbn of later nnoyhg your group-. through our independentn thii campaign.

5. Ar deocptlon material to be given toe reoouawnd thatioo^e crso.nabor cf uucteaelarnd military per&ocnei who arc- krovn by ycu to bs oppoiwd by you mt ore not so

completely coirruni: tio ar to nake it unbelievable that they Mould bo on your -Ido, name;veral of thcr* enomie. tond tell bin at .awe timeoucorred JVr th" safetyf yoerc. Pleaeetail, of thl uan Jo c.

Original document.

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