Created: 3/28/1954

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CUlNDESTIBEocfcup >'srcb 4

coaciftatary sheets.

onald 0.

Attached hereto are rough drafts far and comments on the projected clandestine paper to be disseminated In target country Just prior to action

Follovs an "Index" of items included herewlth:-

ough mockup of paperomment on

on the layouts;

F.RTAD; rough drafts for the feature

and coanontary thereon;

hDO LA REFORKA AGRARIA; rough ou"line for Jhis and similaroomentary thereon;

FC.ONDE VAKOSough outline and coiaaent;


OILLER ITEMS/HUKCRi ditto above; sow* sample material.


rue pgeight

orners of printing area,

ndicetss whera fold will bo if paper folded; Icr-orttat to location of area "f" heidllne.

C..Indicates vertlaal colunn Una?1 locations

mhtjbii to bo pera colucx this location for "editorial".!

ariable areajn two-column width; aaytilized for phote whanired, for "headlines each of ', which will bear notation as to pg carrying story as in tha El Esoectador foraat .

A LIBERTAD to ba per* feature; title nust be shove "fold line" (B) for auor effectiveness! so placed It acts as sub-headline if photo in areas the "action" feature lt must be prominently placed; this Is tothe progreaslvely aere "radical" steps ofaction prograa for the generaleeoirr-entsry and "eockup" of tha; column, herewith,

itle ofUST- L" should be flanked by the eyabols, as shown) theshould indicate that the paper is "the voice of thahough not in souggeated are these sub-titlesi-EL ORGAKQ DE LA NUEVA GUATEMALA El ORGAN0 DE LA LTBERACIOK

y quetzal

pas 05 a ^ >


uggested that thiaermanent feature (for the ten ot twelve

editions of this paper) under thia title. It la designed te give thaPECIFIC PROGRAM of resistance te tha Ccmmualsts and the regies) previoua vague things like "resistteach your children to hate thecooperate in the etruggle against Cosmunism" being considered by the writer as worse than useless. If the public is to "cooperate" they must be told HOW TO DOnd tha plan should begin with so-called passive resistaace steps that will not get the "cooperator" arrested and, later some confidence has been instilled in the public, lead thea up te more active steps culminating in outright civil revolt.

The following drafts are not planned as "finished' items at thia time; sone flexibility must be allowed for changing conditions, etc. However, the flrat few of the attached Items may be used "as Is" for the stage of panelto resistance; the more "active" steps are given here slsply as suggestions of possibilities.

ANDt la strongly urged that the item ba alwavj carried eo

the front page; that the title box always appear above the half-page fold-line (as indicated "B" on foregoingn view of the "last minute" publication of the paper this instruction in specific actlop should be one of the chief objects or the publication, and as such ahould be featured prominently. Where the upper-right third of the front page mayhoto, this box-title then servesheadline" of sorts.

b)The Item should alwayj be complete in the space alloted in the mockup. The eteps should be brief and specific: three to four is considered optimumiven column. Steps should be "selfo Ion? commentary atteched to them. Where some comment is desired, it may be Included insideepeaaten thiasall parenthetical addition Is rude to the "step" concernedpgto carry the reader to the article concerned.

c)It la believed that the article, in each case, should deal so'.elyingleHE PRESS (Hat Red papers and urge not to buy, not to adrt therein,HE RADIO 'list Red controlled stations/progr-ms and urra not to llayeen thereto,IDDEN COMMUNISTS (Hat Red-front groups and urpe withdrawal of membeer and boycott of meetings,RIENDS OF THE TRAITORS (Hat the tawmfew

advertlaers in Red papers, etc and urge boycott of theirtc, etc. Greater effectiveness Is thusoncluding item mightort of "blacklist" of chief Reds with urge to public "Oo not aid these traitors to escape; if you know where they are hiding, report them to the leaders of the National

following are the suggested articles, chronologically srranged, for

use in this column. Noter^ef commentary or "lead" ia used In each one aa an introduction to the actualhe first article may eitherit of reassumace to the public, or this nay be done In thetateaent to the effect that, "Ve wish our countrymen to escape reprisals of the despotism now growing In our country. To thia end we urpe each of you to follow this program very cloeely. It Is designed to allow you to combat tbe Soviet Imperialism and fight for democracy without etdanperlng youraelvea ani your family until that day when we will strike the final blow to the Red Octspus and restore democracy in ourHIS CAN PROBABLY BEST PE DONE IN THE "MARGINAL" OF THE FIRST EDITION IN ORDER NOT TO CLUTTER THE ACTUAL "STEPS" ARTICLE.

(cont overpape)




The newspapers and other publications are the chief methods used by the Communist to spread their poisonous doctrines among the people aod the Intellectuals.

REMEMBER, the Holy Father has declared that Catholics say not read Cooaounlst publications without permission of their Bishop or they are in dsnger of excoaaunlcatlop from the Church'.




Doa't read these papera; do not buy than.

Do not advertlae invery centave

gained by these papers aide

one Is given to you, throw It away at

t Is an occasion of sin for all Catholics not to do so. BOYCOTT THE COMMUNIST PRESS IN GUATEMALA


A favorite trick of the Red TraLtora is to organizegroups behind which they spread their hate and treason. In thia way they hope to fool sincere and honest liberals and nationalists and use the good nane of the honest Ban to hide their true alms.

GOOD CATHOLICS MOST LEAVE SUCH GROUPS AS SOON AS THET DISCOVER THEIR TRUEueh group era outside the Church an! oay be aa occasion for Bin to those who remain in theal



(etc, etc)

withdraw from, these groupa if yOJ belong.

Do not JoiB than or attend their meetings.

Do not read publications of these proups.

o not contribute money to these groups.o not sign "petitions" of these groups.


blank page



I have no intention of trying to write thle piece or any of the similar onesouldhisatter for prior agreement among the groups members of the exile groups, and should be written by someone competent in tb- field concerned. (No outright "propaganda" will get bye in this type thing; that is, some semblance of technical knowledge and knowledge peculiar to thecountry must pervade thelbeit simplicity is urged ln theince opposition economists and legal authorities are competent to punch holes in anything amateurish.) This ls simply toeneral formet-plan for the articles and suggest titles for the series:-

SIMPLICITY Is urged; the magnificent "metaphysical" approach of the average Latin writer should be avoided If the sheet ls aimed at the publici it needs reiteration that educational standards art very low here even among the so-called "educated" clat<se&.

BRIEFoth for the limited sj*ee In this paper, and to avoid the alirctt Inevitable boredom to the public ir. quasi-legal and quasi-ecortotde"program" printed in previous exile papers- has suffered from this excecf of wordage (see tba coepent tl>ereon of KARROQl'IN-Rojas)

ARTICLES MAXIMUM PERhe firs* to point out thedeficiencies of the government/Cocu'iunlet program; the second tof ic correctiony the -xil- groups..the need for sore

generalisation is recognised, but itpossible to make more specific statements than have heretofore appeared.

Reforming the AgrarianThe FunctionSupremeoth Business andSocial ProgramsIncome of theNew Industry and NewThe Role of theinShooting the Cow tc Get the Milk"eference to wagesys. the needusiness to keepLabor Unions and Politics"labor unices in labor matters vs. beingoololiticaletc as deemed adsieable.,

a donde vakos cakaradas?

It is suggested thet such en article should appear early; that tbe theme be reiterated from time to tioe:-

Any desire "not tc frighten the people" Is one thing, but planting fear and confusion and conflict of interests in the PGT/govt circles ia another. The general theme should be that after Caracas the Communist is going to be persona nop er*ta In other latinhus the right of political exile extended to ordinary politicals may not be open to them; who will accept potential internal traitors, where will they go, etc.

If such articles can serve to "force the hand" of the POT members and their supporters, considerable advantage can accrue to our plans from any auch overt icves, etc.

It must be recognized the peculiar and very important role that this concept of political asylum plays it. Latin Americanhe nearly impossible nature of having such asylum denied any individual, etc. Yet, if carefully done, these articles mav serve to prepare an atmosphere of refusal toward local Reds on the part of the Latin embassies and consulates innot ae an "official" attitude of the governments concerned, at least as an "unofficial" act of the individual diplomatic officer, etc. Even if this cannot be actually obtained, the thought that it might be applldd against local politieos designated "Cofenmist" by the new repine can cause considerablein the ranVs of the regime now incumbent.


Ve, on the Station, heve long reported the alleged pressure on govt workers to buy Goreuiniet plblicatlons, tc "contribute" to Red-front groups, etc.

Thisatter that is greatly resented, albeit ln comparative silence, by many of these workers. Itource of excellent propaganda designed to promote unrest and discontent against theondemnation of such "forced sales levied on the small government salary" can win support for the new regime.

Any similar articles, dealing with such practices in the unions, schools, etc can be used to the samehe prompt discarding of such material,reading lt, can also become one of the subject ofere).


need for "filler" for odd columns is, of course, obvious. But it is nor oecessery thst such stuff be of the generally ineffective nature of that used in the pest by the exile publications.

There are available considerable quantities of Joxes, certoons, and "squibs" of an anti-Red nature that cen be culled from other publications for this matter. Brief humorous items are to be highlyhese exile paperc have been deadly ^ull in the pest and small tits of "relief" would be of great help; this stuff sticks more in the simpler mind, too.

Such short items need not be apropos the local situation; the so-called "general" anti-Red material is very good for this pirpose. Norestrict their use solely to the "filler"ooe relief from the drier political matter is advantageous in itself.

Materialtandard KKFORGET material often contains jokes and anecdotes from other publication (it would te perfectly possible to twist some of these, with no r',al pretense of facttongue in cheek" attitude, to embody the naves of local Reds instead of whatever name appears in the oripinsl,any of the LITCfiY cartoons, culled from US papers, are readily adaptable and in most cases can do wellimple straighthe humor is almost universal; other publications carry non-humorous "thought" pieces against the Sovietor eooi recent example, see REAiSR's DIGEST,,

Two recent samples of this type fcaterial are cited hereafter forpurposes:-


ROULETTE IIIfdgest,, pgtitle, in Spanish, QUIERE OD SER COMUNISTA?)

oviet official isealthy occupation.7 (date of the Communist Revolt inot including Beria, the following slave been shot as spies or traitors:

Kine of cleveq Cabinet ministers holding office

Five out of seven presidents of the last Central Executive Committee

Forty-three of tbeecretaries of the Communist Party Central


Fifteen ofop Coaanuniets who drafted6 constitution.

Sevanty of EQ members of the Soviet War Council.

Three out of evry five, marshals of the Soviet Aray.

All members of Lenin's first postrevolution Politburo, hia inner cabinet ofJosef Stalin.

Michael PADEV, What Happens to Communists (Batchworth Press)

EN EL jNF1ERN0 (suggested title)

When Stalin (use any_Red leadere appeared at the gates of Paradise. St. Peter answered the door, and seeing who was there said, "You cannot enter here, Tou have committed terrible sins and must go down intond Stalin descends Into the Pit.

Two days later there ls another knock at the doors of Paradise. Wh en St. Peter answers the door, he sees Satan standing there, looking very haggard.xclaims St Peter,"what are YOU doing here?"

Peter, let meaya SAtaa. "I'm the first political refugee from Helll"

(Adapted from telling of Bishop Fulton J, SHEEN, TV broadcast oforigin, Poland (sic).

bove, might be feat<red on the frontof the publication. It would appearlack-bordered boxeath announcement (see format ln any dally paper of targetitle raignt read GANADORtS DE LA PAZSOVIETICA with

Original document.

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