Created: 3/31/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

chief, 4



1* There is attached translationeport on the interview of Florencio AVILALU ORRIS and the plan presented by AVILA.

2. LINCOLN files havevious record of AVILA.



Enclosure: age translation

Distribution: Aash


SUBJECT* Florencio AVILA, Mexican resident of New Tork, delegate of the Anti-conswnist Front of Mexico in tha United States, who arrived today and proposed unification of snU-conaunist groups of Ouatemala

Thla individual cane today end telephonedEMS, requesting an interview. In their conversation, he reported that, after having been in Mexico ten days end conversed with Col. Arturo RAMIREZ end the newspapermanSalatar, be traveled to Ouateaala, where he renalooth, protected by Journalist credentials. With these credentials he was able to Interview several high functionaries of the Arbens Government snd certain Individuals of the opposition, sounding out public opinion. Later ho went to EL Salvador, where he talked with IDIGORAS Fuentee and afterward drew up the enclosed plan, which he delivered to CALLIOKRIS.

QBRIS thinks this plsn was drawn up by IDIGORAS since it contains the ease basic points thet IDIGORAS has tried to inpose upon CALLIGERIS on other occasions, which therefore Bust be discarded. But CALLIGERIS ls very much interested in the Council's opinion of tbe worth of Florencio AVILA, who is almost unknown to hln.

Enclosures Plan PresentedLA

Several peverful private international anU-oonaunlst Institutions are desirous of assisting efficaciously in rooting out conaunia. in the Americas, eapoolally in Guatemala.

These Institutions, in order to give effective aid In arms and money, need to examine tho efforts of the Guatemalan anti-communlatrant8 who ar* in Kaxioo, El Salvador, and Honduras.

For thia, it ia necessary that, under tho coordinating aotlon of the ^pcretary of Public Relatione of the Popular Antl-consroniat Front of Kaxio invnated with the fullest powera of his organisation aa United States Jtapresentatlve. Hr. Florenolo AVILA, an agreement or protoool be signedtha three above-mentioned groupa of political emigrants whereby tbey will ba unifiedommon denominator (their antagonism to canonistow ruling In Guatemala, under tbe following baaaai

threo groupa revolving around theol. Carlos

CASTILLO Areas in Honduras, GeneralIG0AAS Fuentee In El Salvador, and Col. Artoro RAMIREZ Inepresent tive to approve the protocol to ba sent to tbam froa the United States throughA.

the aaaa aaana they will notify tha Internationaltheir appointment of their repreaentatlvea and their acoeptanct

of the protocol.

delegatea of the three groups will meet in sew York attime (not later than nextnd at tolaprotocole will ba signed for tha deeignationecond Chief,hird Chief, and forof this conmard group,

li. This command group will direct all the military and political

aotlvitias, and all the emigranta must respect tho declelone and orders Issued by said command.

5. Tha command group willombined plan of military and political oparaUons and will solicit from tha Institutions all naoeBsary/tHrmonoy to put into laaedlate practice tba plan of action for the overthrow of the Arbens regime. Before the plan Is put Into practice and the attack made, additional protocols nust ba signed to guarantee tha structure and

approval of an electoral law for holding elections guaranteeing respect for the rote,which could be held under the vigilance of soee international organisation.

The command group willrovisional Junta of Oovernment. whose activltiea will not extendays, whan elections for the presidency of the reput ust be held.

Reforms in the constitution and the oppressive laws drawn up and promulgated by tho present communist regime will be the first function of the new constitutional government in accordance with the protocols signed today.

Original document.

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