Created: 4/6/1954

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ProgreseBSUCCESS for tba rorlodaroh

5 April

T, Operational

Tho following events of operational significance occurred coring the reporting periodl

1o Soadqnartereto assist In tbe debriefing of MaJ. Manual J. Chaves,Air Attsohe in Central Araerioa vbere be was aeoredltadrepobllce. MsJ.nformatics oa personalities lawin he nsafcl toMa defection mission

resign from1fter which time ba will proceed towhere it is nlnrtnod that he vlll enrolltudoniAirtonoirons University of EL Salvador.

0. The fourth black flight waa oomplotad Into Woaregna tbaT-nlgfat of

This flight ecaroletod tbe arvecect of tba Shar-vood geer. At preaent the Air Unit Is awaiting an all clear for tba lar^emontation of ^lan Three.

waa reported4 tbat President Soaosatate of eelge In Nicaragua bscaaea of roaorsassassination attempt wlU be made on hla life, oooplad withthat arme era being snuggled into Biosregua froa Coatathe fall knowledge of Costa Rican officials.

p to Central Americaexoeptlon of El Salvador where he was unable to contactOnorio. There la evldenoe of strained relations betweenla El Salvador and tbe Selvadoran CoTeramant]Is being given high level attention here la Uaahlagton.

P. All Scraaton sad Sherwood personnel are now on

the remainder having arrived there oa tha black fllgr

requires tbat all Sherwood Prc-

f be rare he dlvalgee the site loontlnc



Approval froaQ

ijfor black fllgbte

henaurae iaAI/L emes tbat C Afield ahoold ba utilised far thin Tfarpoee.

II. Adainl rtrt, tiro/Support Aotlvitlaa

n Operations Cffioar, reported for TDT duty at Lincoln

Throe clerlcel poraonuel reported for duty to Station Lincoln daring tho mat weak.

Thora arc fan- outstanding personnel requlrcsonts for the field aa follouai

cut-cot for Omtamle to replacetruMfarred to C he latter part of oao officer froBC 3cade available to fill thia rcculrrawrt.

additional iocretary-etenogrephar far QuateeeLaolearanoe fro* the Dapsj^nent of State to Liaison Control Branch ban been repeatedlyexpedite thia aatter.

a. Two additional clerical personnel will ooaplete their

processing and will proeeed to Station Lincoln on or aboutpril.

The aattar of oontaalnated aausagea ehlpped aa part of tbe rations to FJTTOrzm has been reported to tho iMpocter Control, Logistics, and the Security Office for aprropriste action. advised Beedcuarters that thirty days required for replaneaant of tha aan-

ongthat they woulduitable aubetltuta


Tho Ccsvptrollor has Inforaed tbo Adadnlstratlve Offloer. PBSDCCP thnt0 allotted to tbo TYoJoct are available Tor use in the nov fiscal yearrovided that the funds are withdrawn froa Finance end advanced to the field prior toA,

Budpot roquIrene nte for the now flaonl year ore being developed In tho event that the project io continued beyond the pre sent planned termination

Jacob D. Eaterllne

Original document.

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