Created: 4/9/1954

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Four (Tactical Phase) Tiaie Table


A* etIon of Phase Four tactical air support plan draft. E, Approval of draft by.


Phase Four tactical air support plan with all annexes.

of plan by key staff personnel.


A. ill obtain concurrence of planHDMD.


eterile version of plan to FJROPEFUL for preparationadhesion folders on proposed general tar got areas.


4, LINCOLN representative proceed to Managua for meeting with


necessary ground work with PIVALL for procuring safonesting, etc. (NOTE: PIVALL scheduled to leaveApril, advise he wait untilpril.)

et necesaary contracts forrehabilitation toay.

^ approval overall air ops plan (through

availability t

1) Field night lighting.

Air-ground cow oorrlco (in English) 2J> boura par day

Foal and oil reaervieingours per day

A) Area

paaaes for all hands. (Wa aake upera /la

Spanish/ 9mm will serve aa personal

identification in

up no air-around coano procedureslights fron alroraft).

F. fcbrk on oover story for Managua operations with C


A. Start cone traction of additional rooa on end ofat * ^ a^ approriBately

AO0q xx. e used for storage, base cobbd station, PM office.

^_ B. Start rehabilitation of office in pro


to field ooaplete re supply reception coaadtteeDZ aarkinga, Identification signals, etc.

coano signal plans to field BROs aid tactical BOe.

training cargo kickers at

-1 June)

of oonatruction atabove.

safe honses. Three bouses for air support unit,for PM and Coaao personnel. (Bant for thirty days.)

C Ooaplete training cargo kickers et

5 June)

^ A. Movement of advance eadre by black flight frcaCL. o

b. Bent four local sedans for throe weeks for transportation (three for Air Support, one for nt^cato unit).


of Docessary office equipoent on this blacktmy field desks, chairs, cote, eto.

of telephone in Air Opa Set op base station coded unit.

y. ^Sat up LINC monitoring radio station at LINCOLN.

7 June)

of Cat HI aupplleaatorageblack fllghta).

energency aircraft spare partsspark plugs, eto.

8 June)

A. Moveaent of balance Cat III auppUes toetoraga

point. Two black flights. Include balance personnel required.

- 3 une)

one aircraft for anticipated Cat III re supply.

Ope and PH-Coxaa peraonnel aove into eafe houses.


A* Set up offices for Air Opa, PM, and Comas.

como teat see sagos to deterailne time factors involved.

all para bundles witheady for loading.

up aray cote to sleep eight people.


A* Establish Air Ope and Comno stand byour rotating shifta.

B. Final chock all aircraft, equipment, etc.


A. Alert atatus ell hands.

Original document.

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